April 17, 2020
April Newsletter
COVID-19 Update

The safety and well-being of the Air Force Marathon participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, and sponsors is always our #1 priority even in the midst of these unprecedented and unpredictable times. Based upon the information available today, we are continuing our preparations for the September event. We are committed to keeping you informed and will provide updates on our News & Announcements webpage where you may also find an extended event update regarding COVID-19 today.

As we all seek out new safe and responsible ways to stay active, we encourage you to continue your Air Force Marathon training with perseverance & pride while practicing social distancing.
Volunteer Registration
Opens May 1st, 2020

Volunteer registration for the 2020 Air Force Marathon opens Friday, May 1st! It takes over 2,600 volunteers to make up the Air Force Marathon Flight Crew each year and ensure a successful race weekend for everyone.

We have opportunities for individuals and groups at the two-day Health & Fitness Expo , Breakfast of Champions , Gourmet Pasta Dinner , pre-race, race day, and even post-race! We are also looking for bands, solo acts, cheer teams, high school marching bands, DJ’s, and more to serve as course entertainment volunteers on race day. These volunteers provide fun, entertainment, and motivation for our runners along the course.

You can learn more about volunteering with the Air Force Marathon here .
The Air Force Marathon team is currently made up of six team members with two more joining us soon. Many are surprised when they learn it takes an entire team to ensure a top-notch experience for each and every person who touches this event but it truly takes a year and sometimes multiple years to coordinate and execute each Air Force Marathon. Learn more about our amazing team here !

Beginning this year, our team will be expanding with a cycling event, Blue Streak Time Trial, which we are honored to continue it's legacy here at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. In 2021, we will also be introducing a one mile event held in May at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force called the Museum Mile which we are very excited about! Stay tuned for more details.
Price Increase Update

Due to the dynamic situation of COVID-19, the Air Force Marathon has chosen to postpone the scheduled May 4th price increase until Monday, June 8th to better serve you and your family. Please see our updated pricing schedule for the remainder of 2020.
Tell Us Your Story!

Have you told us your story yet? Everybody has a story and we want to know why you are participating in the Air Force Marathon this year. Submit your story by clicking the button below for your chance to be featured on our blog!

Whether you are running or walking the marathon , half marathon , Fly! Fight! Win! Challenge Series, 10K, 5K, Tailwind Trot 1K Kids' Run , or participating virtually we want to hear from you.

We look forward to reading your stories!

Not registered for a race but want to tell us your story? Register for your race here first and then submit your story.
The Air Force Marathon, presented by Northrop Grumman, USAA and Boeing, is scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, 2020. The Health & Fitness Expo is held at Wright State University Nutter Center and is scheduled for Thursday, September 17th, and Friday, September 18th. The event will also feature a Breakfast of Champions and Gourmet Pasta Dinner on Friday, September 18th. Don't miss the Air Force Marathon After Party on Saturday, September 19th to celebrate your race weekend!
 Air Force Marathon | 1(800) 467-1823 | (937) 656-1000 | usaf.marathon@us.af.mil | usafmarathon.com