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April Newsletter

Dear MMAMTA members,

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring!

I wanted to send a reminder of the upcoming deadline for MMAMTA Pre-Collegiate / Collegiate Camp & Scholarship VIDEO auditions, which is THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 15th. https://www.mmamta.org/auditions.html


I would like to invite you to come to the Columbia Chorale/MU Concert Chorale’s Alzheimer’s Stories and Hailstork Benefit Concert, which will be conducted by Emily Andrews and Dr. Brandon Boyd and will feature the Leme Ensemble Chamber Orchestra. It will happen on April 23rd at the Christian Fellowship Church at 7:00 P.M.


I also would like to invite you to the Odyssey’s "Spring Festival" featuring Lindsey Lang, Christine Seitz, Kyle Stegall, Marques Ruff, Peter Miyamoto and Ayako Tsuruta in Brahms' Libeslieder Waltzer song sets, on April 29th at the First Baptist Church of Columbia at 7:00 P.M. Admission is free, donations are accepted.

For more upcoming music events, visit:





I’m wishing you all a wonderful month of April!

Best regards,

Renan Leme

MMAMTA President

MYO Director

Adjunct Prof. at Central Methodist University

Owner and Violinist at Leme Ensemble

Invitation to Perform at the 2022 Odyssey’s “Kids@Heart” Concert

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Odyssey Chamber Music Series (Odyssey) sponsors a concert to provide an opportunity for the children and music teachers of all levels to participate in a formal event, with emphasis on having fun onstage while maintaining the quality of art performance.

Themes change, but every 2-3 years, we present concerts to include Saint-Saëns’ popular “Carnival of the Animals,” as we believe it captures the sprit of all of us ‘kids at heart’ of all ages perfectly.


2022 Theme:  Carnival of the Animals and Friends (2 pianos with chamber ensemble)



When:           May 27 (Fri) 6pm Required Dress Rehearsal (exceptions will be considered)

                      May 28 (Sat) 3pm Concert


Where:          First Baptist Church, 1112 E Broadway in downtown Columbia


Who:              All teachers and/or their students are invited to participate.



Friday, April 29

Submit your request to Ayako Tsuruta at atsuruta@aol.com, with your name(s) and composition(s) you are interested in performing. Length of the piece ideally should not exceed 4-5 minutes, but exceptions may be considered.


Thursday, May 5:

Your headshot (color recommended, in small - no more than 300 pxl, or 2 inches) and SHORT biography of 100-120 words. Let’s have fun – and create a ‘funny’ bio: consider including some fun facts about yourself.


Dress Code:

No jeans, T-shirt, shorts or short skirts (knee-length OK but not any shorter – please wear long black pants if you cannot find any), sneakers and flip-flops. Colors are encouraged.



Really, anything goes! If you are not sure, run the idea by the director Ayako Tsuruta.

Programmed works are tentatively (as of 4/8):

·      Henry Mancini: Pink Panther (Emery/TBA)

·      Scott Joplin: The Entertainer (Emery/TBA)

·      Saint-Saëns Carnival of the Animals (ca. 20 min): Lions (Jihyo/Sing); Hermione, Pianists, Finale (Anthony, Peter and Ryan); Elephant, Turtle (Ethan)

·      Ravel: “Enchanted Garden” from the Mother Goose Suite (Jihyo, Sing)

·      Tchaikovsky: “Russian Dance” (Jihyo, Sing)

·      “Bohemian Rhapsody” arr. for four hands (Andrew, Ayako)

·      Moszkowski “Spanish Dance No. 1” (Bram, Brandon)

·      Jack Fina, “Bumble Boogie” for 2 pianos, 8 hands (Jihyo, Sing, Lauren, Songhee)

·      Journey, arr. Bober “Don’t Stop Believing” for 2 pianos (Bram, Emery, Liam, Andrew)

·      Mozart “Eine Kleine” (Bram, Liam)

·      Tchaikovsky, “Swan” arr. (Aryan, Arya)

·      Noona “Stomp On It” (Aryan, Arya)

·      Noona: Schaboogie (Chesa, Tina)

·      Vandall “So Suite - Prelude” (Chesa, Tina)

·      Miyazaki “ Song arr. (Songhee, Lauren)

·      Mendelssohn Piano Trio No. 1, III, Scherzo (Alexandre, James, Ayako)

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