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In This Issue:
Rhonda S. Musak, Acting Coach

As an acting coach, I work with passionate and committed actors who are stuck and I get them unstuck.
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Pansies are blooming in my kitchen window and a dove is nesting on my fire escape. Spring is here! But before I delve fully into what's ahead at Art & Soul Acting in April, there's much to say about March.

A huge shout out to the fabulous attendees of my recent 1-day acting intensive: Mastering the Art of the Cold Reading, the Audition & the Interview. Thank you for making it such a wonderful and inspiring experience; I loved watching everyone stretch, learn and grow throughout the day.

If you weren't able to be a part of the intensive recently, I plan to offer it again in the summer, date TBA. The actors who attended in March walked away... 
  • with a concrete structure through which to approach cold readings, 
  • they worked with Bobby Holder to refine their interviewing skills (Bobby's knowledge of best agent interviewing skills and techniques is truly extraordinary!), 
  • and finally they practiced what they learned with Generation TV's legit agent, Mallory Levy. 
It was a powerful day!

On March 25 I took part in the chalk memorial honoring the (mostly) women who died in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. 

And, acting-wise, I just returned from Maine where I was thrilled to take part in a reading of a new and absolutely wonderful translation of The Three Sisters at Bowdoin College.

This month join me for my weekly & ongoing  Drop-In Acting Class each Wednesday night. (Please note, no class 4/13 as I will be performing my solo show in Lincoln, NE.)

And don't miss the next  Book Club for Actors. Meetings focusing on the plays of Amy Herzog will be held at the end of April. There's still reading time -- details below.

Finally, an article recommendation: Why Theater Majors Are Vital in the Digital Age. I couldn't agree more!

May your April showers bring May flowers,


Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach

Art & Soul Acting
Acting class is the actor's laboratory and the Drop-In Acting Class at Art & Soul Acting is the place to play, explore, express and nail down your technique so that your next audition rocks it out of the park.

Class Structure
Each class begins with a brief warm-up so students can approach their work centered and focused. Actors then work on their material of choice in an individual work slot.

Work Slot Options
Actors may choose to work on any of the following: 
  • Monologues
  • Cold Readings for Film or Stage
  • Audition Process & Technique
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Audition
  • Exercises to Stretch the Actors Instrument
  • Scene Study
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Role
  • Acting Technique Breakdown for an Acting Issue
  • Get Unstuck Coaching  
DAY: Wednesdays
TIME: 6-10 PM
DATES: weekly
LOCATION: NYC Studio/Union Square Area
FEE: $55/class

For complete details & registration please visit:

If you've ever cringed because you've been asked about a play that you think you should have read, then the Book Club for Actors is your remedy.

The 32nd Book Club for Actors will focus on the plays of: 
Amy Herzog

Remaining Reading Weeks

The Book Club for Actors is offered twice. Please choose one of two meetings:

Monday, April 25, 7-9 
Saturday, April 30, 3-5

East Village location will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation.

Read plays from the following selection of Amy Herzog's work:
  • 4000 Miles*
  • After the Revolution 
  • The Great God Pan
  • Belleville
So all participants are on the same page with at least one play, please be sure to read the play marked with an asterisk (*). And t
o ensure a robust conversation, participants are asked to read at least 3-4 plays.

Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together!

For complete details & RSVP please visit:

Super charge the New Year with vsion and focus. In this life-aligning, 5-hour workshop, participations create a plan for the year ahead...a plan that will stick.

Leap with Passion into 2016!!!
2016 Leap attendees will receive Leaps & Bounds -- a bite-sized monthly reminder to inspire deep integration of all the discoveries made during the Leap workshop. 

Please look for it in your e-mail inbox near the middle of each month.

Leap with Passion into 2017!!!
Dates TBA

Rhonda's Leap with Passion workshop is fabulous!
~ H. Alan Scott ~
Delve deeper into the craft and business of acting with articles that break it all down and build you up.

Want a litmus test for choosing which acting projects to say yes to? Here's a powerful structure that will help you organize your thinking so you can put your energy toward the roles that will mean the most to you artistically and career-wise.

The 3 E's: An Actor's Guideline to Knowing Which Projects to Say Yes To

by Rhonda S. Musak
While I was in school, I had the great fortune to study with the wonderful Pilar Garcia for a brief time. Ms. Garcia is a phenomenal movement teacher, kind of heart and an inspiration. Not only did she inspire our bodies to move with precision, she also imparted to us something she called "The 3 E's" -- essentially, a guideline to use when determining if an offered project/role is worth the time and effort...
You've studied with me, you've booked the job -- now share the FAB news!

Julie Voshell
Congratulations on recent readings:  Guilty Until Proven Innocent and The Great Forgotten

I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars
if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince ~

Headshot Low Res Green
Rhonda S. Musak

Hone your Art. Feed your Soul.