Sunday Worship 9:00AM & 11:15AM In-Person
9:00AM Facebook
Sunday School 10:15AM

Pastor Jeff Smith
Leo United Methodist Church
He is not here; he has risen!
Matthew 28:6

“Transformers, more than meets the eye... Transformers, robots in disguise.”
What is for me a precious memory also speaks to a powerful truth: we Jesus followers understand transformation. We know that once we meet Jesus and decide to follow Him, we can never be the same. We also know this transformation makes us different from our surrounding culture. For Transformer robots, blending in with their surroundings is part of their mission – a part that adds to their mystique. That’s all well and good for toys, but Jesus followers who are living out their transformed lives, well, we have trouble blending in. In fact, we have no desire to. It’s not that we want to stand out or show off. In fact, Jesus gave some pretty specific instructions about not doing that. It’s just that in being faithful to the Gospel, we can’t help but stand out. Transformed believers understand that there is no such thing as an undercover Christian. In a postmodern culture, we will stand out whether we want to or not. We will stand out because while our non-transformed neighbors may not completely understand why we are different, they will know that there is more to us than meets the eye. 
On February 19, our church made an historic decision about our past and about our future. In case you missed it, we voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. Why did we do it? Well, there are lots of reasons, but if we were to distill them to their essence, it would be that this decision is our best effort to live out our transformed lives as Jesus followers. By making a choice to live under the authority of scripture, we will stand out. With that in mind, we move forward. 
Your leadership team is working toward a new future. One team is working on the legal requirements that go with separating from the denomination, of which there are many. I invite you to pray for them as they do this tedious, but highly necessary work. A second team is working on issues that are equally important. Space will not permit full discussion of details here but here are a few of the essentials that we are working on. What shall we be called going forward? We can’t be Leo United Methodist Church anymore, so what name should we go by? While we’ve bandied several possibilities, the decision is not exclusively the leadership team's. Be watching for details on how you can offer up your suggestions.

Other considerations are these: Should we move into the future as an independent church or should we align with a Wesleyan denomination? To that end, we will be inviting representatives of the Global Methodist Church to come and meet with us about what that denomination is all about and what it has to offer. Again, be watching for the details as to when. While this isn’t the only option for us moving forward, our leadership team feels that this is the most likely and best fit for us, and it’s where we would like to start in our discernment process. 
Let me leave you with this thought: we have much to consider as we move forward. Please keep praying for the Lord’s leading. In fact, it may be even more important now than ever. 
Pastor Jeff
Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday Services - 9:00 & 11:15AM
Good Friday - 7:00PM
Easter Sunday - One Service 10AM
(coffee & muffins served afterward)
GriefShare Sessions

GriefShare begins again on Saturday morning, April 22, from 10:00 until noon with a special topic that concerns the loss of a spouse. This is a life-changing event which needs emphasis apart from the regular GriefShare topics. 
The following Saturday, April 29, GriefShare sessions will begin at 10:00 and conclude at noon. Meetings are held in the church library and are open not only to our church members but to all who have need of help and understanding at this critical point in their lives. Contact Ginny Jones for registration and further information.

If you go outside, take a peek at what is coming up in your landscaping. Look around and see if you have any need to downsize some of your perennials. If so, I know a place you can downsize them to: the Spring Bazaar on Saturday, May 13. The plant sale will help continue to beautify our Courtyard so we are hoping to sell lots of plants with your help.

Also, if you interested in helping in the Courtyard, we meet once a month for no longer than 2 hours at a time, please let me know. 

We also have another group known as the BushWackers who help those in our church family who need some landscaping clean-up during the summer. We are in need of extra helpers as we have lost a few in the church transition.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, please contact me or call the church office.

Looking forward to WARM SPRING WEATHER and a beautiful Courtyard with your help!

--- Pam
Come!!! Shop!!!
at the
Spring Bazaar
and Flea Market

Saturday, May 13th, 2023   9 am to 2 pm
Rain or Shine
Inside gym and outside in parking lot
Leo United Methodist Church,
3527 Leo Road, Leo, Indiana
Crafts - Clothing - Homemade Items - Baked Goods - Art - Plants - Antiques
Jewelry - Wood Items - Books

All kinds of Treasures!
 Have lunch at our Food Trucks!

Information call: 260-627-5117 or 260-627-2987 
Rental proceeds go to Leo Women in Faith.

Taste of Thursday!

Thursday, April 6, 10AM-12PM
in the Youth Room

Becky has another fantastic recipe to share this month!
Come visit, taste, and enjoy!

Taste of Thursday! The first Thursday of each month!
We hope you'll join us!
Last Wednesday Night Dinner: April 5
Serving 5:30 to 6:15 PM
A free-will donation is cheerfully appreciated!

How blessed are we to have had Nancy and the Kitchen Krew these past many weeks, cooking, baking and serving us delicious, nutritious meals?!?! If you see Cheryl Arnold, Nancy Divelbiss, Kathy Fruchey, Maryann Neuhouser, Pam Roy, Shelby Sweet, or Virginia Ruby, please give her a big smile and an enthusiastic "Thank you!!!" You all - and anyone else who helped with this amazing outreach - are GREATLY APPRECIATED! ♥
Men’s ministry

The next Men's Breakfast will be Thursday, April 13, 7AM in the gym. Always an enjoyable time of fellowship and prayer, we hope you will join us! 
Missions Sewing

The Mission Sewing Group is continuing our Lenten sewing project of making pillowcase dresses. Our first batch of 69 was blessed in church on March 19, and will be going to El Salvador. If you can help make more, please meet in the Fellowship Hall on Fridays from 9-12 through Easter.

Midwest Mission Distribution Center put out a plea for shampoo and JoAnne McPherson had a chance to drive down to Noblesville to meet one of the board members. There were only two days notice, but when texts and emails went out, the church responded, donating over 120 bottles! The shampoo and 12 boxes of sewn items, plus school bags filled with donated school supplies, were delivered and will be sent out to those in need. The Distribution Center can use more shampoo as two of their three suppliers can no longer provide it. If you would like to donate shampoo to be sent to Ukraine and other locations where is it desperately needed, the bottles must be 12 to19 ounces in size.

Thank you to everyone who helped with these mission projects!
Pray As You Are

Pray As You Are meets in the sanctuary from 12:00-12:30AM on Tuesdays. We hope you will come join others in this reflective time of worship together, or just take time to pray wherever you are.
Become a part of United Women in Faith
2023 UMF Activities

Thursday, April 6 - Executive Board Meeting
Noon in Youth Room

Thursday, April 13 - Circle Meeting – Noon in Youth Room
Prayer & Self Denial

Saturday, April 22 - Coffee, Cookie and Chatter
Ladies’ Morning Out  (open fellowship)
              9:30 am in Fellowship Hall       Babysitting provided

Reminder! Start shopping for our Mother's Day
collection for Associated Church's "A Baby's Closet!"

Thursday, May 11 - Circle Meeting - Noon in Youth Room
Salad Carry-In

Saturday, May 13 - Spring Bazaar (formerly Junk in Your Trunk)
Be a vendor, helper and/or customer!
Questions? Call Becky Rhodes

Thursday, June 8 - LUNCHEON - Noon in Youth Room
All women of the church are invited!

Thursday, August 3 - Executive Board Meeting
Noon in Youth Room

Thursday, September 14 - Circle Meeting - Noon in Youth Room
Program: Marilynn Toops

Reminder! Our Cinnamon Roll fundraiser is coming in October!
Preschool News - Busy Times!

Spring has sprung! It’s so nice to hear the birds chirping and see the spring flowers begin to bloom. We soon will be raising butterflies from caterpillars in our classrooms. The children will have the opportunity to observe the caterpillars grow, following their life cycle and watching them turn into beautiful painted lady butterflies.

We welcomed our amazing mothers for the annual Mom’s Night. Everyone had a wonderful time playing games and engaging in fun activities. This is such a special event for our families.

Thank you to everyone who donated book to our Kate’s Kart service project. It was so exciting to see a cart full of new books!

A big thank you to all those who helped greet our guests for our open house/registration night. We had 35 families here to explore our program! Also, thank you to those who volunteered for childcare during parent/teacher conferences. The giving of your time and resource is such a blessing to us!

Lisa Wietlisbach
Leo UM Preschool Director
Same moves, same great workout, new name!


Sundays: April 9 & 30
Wednesdays: April 12, 19 & 26

8:00-9:00PM in the Gym
Come join the fun!
April Birthdays

04/02 Soutsada Denman
04/02 Liam Leer
04/05 Manfred Karallus
04/06 Jeanine Carpenter
04/06 J. Cameron Newby
04/10 Patricia Cook
04/10 Pat Henderson
04/10 David Wilson
04/12 Tyler Martin
04/15 Maureen Strauss
04/16 Kristen Beaubien

04/17 Izabelle Nelson
04/17 Karen Westerhausen
04/19 Sandi Brothers
04/21 Cal Kuebler
04/23 April Wright
04/25 Richard Osterhout
04/26 Kara Carpenter
04/26 Mariah Christlieb
04/28 Eric Beaubien
04/28 Sydney Heidenreich

April Anniversaries
04/07 Christina & Red Nelson
04/16 April & E.J. Wright
04/17 Nancy & Kent Roth
04/22 Mary & Rob Hartley
04/16 Cheryl & Ariail Smith
Prayer Requests
Jeanene Alleger
Belinda Bencin
Shirley Bunch
Lois Cook
Ron Divelbiss
Bish Hathaway
Mike Losey
Phil Lulfs
Julie Schiffli
Tracy Shafer
Joyce Sills
RD Snider
Vivian Standiford
Gerry Weesner
Janet Yager

(Names remain on Prayer Requests for two months unless otherwise notified.)
Merton Deventer
Pat Henderson
Helen Hobson (Michigan)
Sue Roberts
Maureen Strauss

Pray for the Family of
Norma Denbo
Mark Kechel
Our Military

Jesse Adams, U.S. Air Force
Benjamin Eager, U.S. Army
Julie Gorney, U.S. Navy
Gene Harding, U.S. Army National Guard
Greg Myers, Jr., U.S. Marines
Stephen Wierzbowski, U.S. Navy
Jacob Wolfe, U.S. Army National Guard
David Wright, U.S. Air Force
The Church Office is Open...

...but it would be extremely helpful if you called the office (627-2161) prior to coming to the front door. Church office hours are Monday through Wednesday, 9:30am until 3:00pm; Thursday, 9:30am until 1:30pm. Please come to Entrance 1.

And you can always reach us via email:
Pastor Jeff Smith - [email protected]
Bonnie Adams - [email protected] - tithing, contributions, monetary donations, everything financial
Diana Kuebler - [email protected] - scheduling meetings/events, reserving/renting church space, newsletter articles, prayer concerns, general questions
To see the church calendar updated with the most current
information as it is obtained, please go to
and click on "Calendar" in the pull-down menu on the right side!

Leo United Methodist Church
13527 Leo Road, Leo, IN, 46765