Happy National Volunteer Month!
April is National Volunteer Month, a month dedicated to recognizing the importance of volunteering and honoring the significant contributions volunteers make by generously donating their time and talents to worthy causes. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of Special Olympics Oregon and their passion and engagement continue to build confidence and hope.
THANK YOU to our phenomenal volunteers whose incredible support for our athletes is unsurpassed. Our volunteers continue to coach athletes in sports training and competition, coordinate and assist at fundraising and friend-raising events, provide administration support, serve on management teams in 30 local programs across the state and so much more! Without our volunteers, our mission could not continue to thrive and positively impact the lives of thousands of people living with intellectual disabilities. Our volunteers’ work is so powerful in helping our athletes succeed both on and off the sports field, so THANK YOU for your dedication and for making a difference!
For National Volunteer Month, we are showcasing several areas where volunteers are making an incredible impact in the lives of children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. Make sure to follow us on social throughout the month for many fun stories.
We are beyond excited to see our volunteers again this summer season as we return to in-person sports training and competitions! If you have not signed up to be a volunteer yet for the upcoming season, you still have time to join the fun and support athletes across Oregon and in your local community. Visit our website to learn more!
LouAnne Tabada
Sr. Director – Program and Volunteer Services
We have missed the opportunity to gather and cannot wait to see our athletes, Unified partners, coaches, and volunteers back on the field of play!
If you are interested in volunteering this season -
Special Olympics Oregon (SOOR) is excited to announce that we are expanding our in-person activities! SOOR is moving into Phase 3 of its Return to Activities Plan allowing for in-person sports training and regional competitions across the state.
With this news, local programs have started planning for a 2022 SOOR Summer Season full of athletics (track & field), bocce, golf, and softball.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the growth and success of the SOOR Active community which celebrated its 2nd anniversary on April 2nd.
Athlete Community
SOOR Active
It warms my heart to know that this special co-created space has brought so much purpose, connection, friendship, and structure for so many athletes, volunteers and families. It’s been an honor to work on this program and such a fun journey to be a part of. I appreciate everyone who’s contributed to the success of this vital community and all that it continues to provide!
Stay active,
Alix Wasteney
Fitness + Wellness Specialist
Kyle Martz
This summer, Volunteer Kyle Martz will be thru-hiking the entirety of the 2650-mile Pacific Crest Trail. Kyle plans to hike from the US-Mexico border to the US-Canada border with the goal of raising $15,000 for Special Olympics Oregon athletes.
This generally takes the entire snow-free season to walk, which means Kyle will be hiking for roughly 5 months.
Kyle started his journey on Sunday, March 17th with just one 14 lbs. base-weight backpack and a small pop-up tent that he will carry for the entire journey. Kyle's meals will consist mainly of Ramen Noodles and Instant Potatoes.
Aaron Goff
On behalf of everyone at SOOR, we are sending a huge THANK YOU to our friends at Clackamas Federal Credit Union. In addition to joining as a statewide sponsor for the 2022 Polar Plunge, this heroic team raised over $45,000 - a new team record for Polar Plunge Oregon!!
Over the last five years, Aaron has worked to build a culture of inclusion within Clackamas Federal. He has helped many others on his team become SOOR champions and Super Plungers. As part of their fundraising, Team CU in the Water completed a Tour de Plunge, participating in each Plunge event across the state. Aaron, along with leaders amongst the team, set personal fundraising records for this year's Polar Plunge. Aaron was the top individual fundraiser for Plunge with $16,697 raised and his daughter, SOOR athlete Olivia, took home the top fundraising spot for Rose City Polar Plunge with $2,547 raised.
Thank you Aaron and the entire Clackamas Federal Credit Union team for your strong support of SOOR athletes and for making this year's Plunge one for the record books. We love you all!
It's National Volunteer Month!
Volunteer today and become a coach like Dena.
Dena Lund
Dena Lund began her volunteer journey with Special Olympics Oregon 22 years ago as an assistant bowling coach. Less than five minutes into her first day and she was hooked.
“I have received so much more than I could ever give. [The athletes] have taught me so much about what life is really about- friendships, laughter, hard work, rewards, sportsmanship, support, love, and so much more! I count it as a privilege to be able to be their coach and friend.
Coaching Special Olympics athletes has enriched my life and has made me a better person.”
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Our Mission
Special Olympics Oregon provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children, youth and adults living with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.