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Celebrate Spring with our
April Promotions!!
Introducing PRP
You've seen it on television, you've seen it on social media and read about in every magazine.

Ageless Image is proud to offer the hottest treatment in skin rejuvenation and hair loss PRP !

Platelet-Rich Plasma also known as (PRP) Is combined with microneedling or injections to stimulate collagen production. Platelets are the tiny cells in your blood that trigger healing when you have an injury. They are packed with growth factors, and they can be isolated by a simple procedure. They can also be used to effectively treat hair loss and thinning!

Call now to schedule your free consultation for this AMAZING treatment!
(248) 212-0799

Laser Hair Removal BOGO!
Get a head start on summer!

1 area of Laser Hair Removal
Receive 1 Area
of equal or lesser value

Call or Text Now to schedule your free consultation!
(248) 212-0799
25% off All Waxing Services
Not Ready for Laser Hair Removal?

You can still be hair free with our full body waxing services!

Call or Text Now to Schedule your appointment!
(248) 212-0799
Image Skincare
Products of the Month
Save 15% during April!
Brighten, Lighten and Illuminate your skin!
Intense formulas to safely and effectively diminish dark spots and correct pigmentation.

New Treatment Coming Soon!!!


Microblading , also known by a variety of names such as  embroidery microstroking feather touch and hair like strokes , is a form of semi-Permanent Makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments.
More to Follow.... Stay tuned!
To our loyal clients,

Ageless Image strives to provide the highest level of service for a great value. Last year there was a manufacturers price increase on injectable products but we held our prices steady. We are facing another injectable product price increase and will raising our prices slightly to reflect this.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Staff of Ageless Image