Join Us
May 2nd 2014, 11 - 4

767 Cathedral Dr 
1 mile from the Aptos PO

Looking forward to seeing you there!

I've started posting some of my residential installations on my website. If you've been thinking about collecting a new piece for your home, but you're not sure where to put it, check out this portfolio of beautiful installations for inspiration. More will be added soon, so check back often!  Click for more images...

The schedule is up!  Click for details...

Adult Clay Class
Ongoing weekly clay classes for adults are available. Join at anytime and no experience necessary!
weekly updates about life in the studio







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Subscribe to The Dirt and you'll never miss out on all the good stuff going on here in the studio! I share works-in-progress, events, musings on being an artist and what keeps me inspired!

Last chance to see  Everybody's Ocean: Wave II
Santa Cruz MAH
 Dec 19, 2014 - April 19, 2015