Recording Available for Webinar: Utilizing the SC Data Book to Your Advantage
About the SC Data Book
Published earlier this month, the Data Report is a catalog of public domain data for use by anyone (parents, service providers, systems-level leaders, public officials, policy researchers, foundations, and advocates) with an interest in early childhood indicators of family environment, physical health, emotional well-being and cognitive development. It provides information about individual and systems-level indicators as well as environmental factors impacting children, from prenatal to age 8, in South Carolina. We compare the data related to South Carolina’s children to similar data in neighboring states, North Carolina and Georgia, and to children nationwide.
Legislative Education Dinner
On Tuesday, April 23 in Columbia, SC, ICS brought together state representatives and senators (and their staff) from across the aisle. The legislators serve on the House Education and Public Works Committee and Senate Education Committee respectively.
The purpose of the annual dinner is to foster relationships with the legislative members who represent the five million citizens of South Carolina. The dinner was engaging and filled with lively conversations about taking quantum leaps in education and moving children (especially 0-8) forward in early childhood education (ECE).
ICS VP Bryan Boroughs, Immediate Past Board Chair Linda Brees,
and Research Associate Amanda McDougald Scott
Pictured: Kevin Bacon, Director, 3 to PhD Collaborative; Jamie Moon; Linda Brees, Director, Bradshaw Institute for Community Child Health & Advocacy; Kimberly Dixon Leadership Council Chair, 3 to PhD Collaborative, Faubion School Parent; and Tracy Dannen Director, Community Partnerships & Philanthropy, Kaiser Permanente
ICS President Jamie Moon and Immediate Past Board Chair Linda Brees presented on “Improving Community Health through Educational Collaboration, Investment & Public Policy” at the Association for Community Health Improvement conference in Chicago on March 20. Seven hundred population and community health professionals attended to advance well-being and health equity for individuals and communities.
ICS Senior Fellows Dr. Dee Stegelin
(second from right) and Mary MacKenzie (second from left) presented a session, "Play and Education from a Global Perspective" at
U.S. Play Coalition
's annual Value of Play Conference at
Clemson University
on March 31. Dr. Tracey Hunter-Doniger (right) and Dr. Heather Von Bank (left) contributed with an emphasis on international approaches to play.
ICS Research Associate Amanda McDougald
Scott (left) served as a child care panelist at the Women's Rights and Empowerment Network (WREN) Empowerment Summit on April 1.
2019 Social Equity Leadership Conference:
Achieving Social Equity in Turbulent Times
National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA)
June 5-7, 2019
Rutgers University–Newark
ICS Director of Innovation and Inclusion, Mary C. Garvey will present on Fostering Equity in Early Childhood & Beyond.
U.S. Census 2020: Make it Count
Next April, the federal government will launch the U.S. Census 2020 campaign to gather data about our nation's people, places and economy. Help ensure the people you serve are counted. The information they provide determines political representation, creation of local jobs, and federal funding for public education and health care centers for the next 10 years. Bring awareness to the importance of being counted.
SCIMHA Annual Meeting May 9
May Needs Assessment Regional Meetings for Preschool Development Grant
Press Release: Natural Playground Brings European Flair to Nicholtown Community
Head Start Recess Space Prepares Children to Explore Outdoor Treasures Abound in Urban Neighborhood
Natural playgrounds have been popular in Europe for decades and in recent years, they have been emerging in cities all over the U.S. Originally designed so that inner city children could have access to unstructured play, these ecological parks combine landscape elements, movement corridors, plants, and other site amenities constructed of natural materials and features that entice children to build, dig, climb and explore in an age-appropriate manner.
The idea to bring a natural playground to Nicholtown came about during a Nicholtown Child and Family Collaborative (NCFC) board meeting two years ago when members discussed installing a playground at the Rubye H. Jones Head Start Center...
Blog: Maternal Mortality – the Missing Indicator
By Megan Carolan, Director of Policy Research
As we wrapped up our
South Carolina Early Childhood Databook
for publication, our team began to reflect on the process. We believe it’s important to reflect on what’s not in the report that
have been included, and that we intend to include in follow-up materials as well as in a future edition. Of course, we have to balance the desire to be comprehensive with the logistics of data collection and the risk of overwhelming the audience.
Perhaps the biggest gap in our data indicators is maternal mortality. This wasn’t included in the 2014 edition of the report, and as a result, was not on the original list for updates in the 2019 version. However...
Blog: South Carolina Poised to Become National Leader in Breastfeeding and Lactation
By Amanda M. McDougald Scott, MS, Institute for Child Success; Ashley Crary Lidow, MPH, WREN; Terri Negron, RN, MN, FNP, Prisma Health and BZ (Melanie) Giese, BSN, RN, SC DHHS South Carolina Birth Outcomes Initiative
Director of Policy Research, Megan Carolan, recently wrote a blog
on how the
poverty rate
tells only half the story when it comes to families. Research shows a connection between family economic well-being and a number of other factors in family life, including health, educational outcomes, housing stability, mental health and stress, and more.
Blog: For Parents Concerned about South Carolina’s Outcomes: Now What?
By Megan Carolan, Director of Policy Research
In our recent South Carolina Early Childhood Databook, we highlighted over 80 indicators of early childhood well-being impacting children, ages 8 and under, in South Carolina, compared to North Carolina, Georgia, and the United States as a whole. Our hope is that this report enables policymakers, schools, and service providers to make smart investments in the future of children and families.
But what about the parents who see these statistics and say “Yes, that’s us! What do we do about it, right now?”
ritzker Funds ICS's Positive Parenting Program ® Planning Efforts
ICS has been awarded a $100,000 planning grant from the Pritzker Children’s Initiative of the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation. ICS and partner, South Carolina’s Infant & Toddler Specialist Network, will explore ways to aggressively expand access to high-quality Birth-to-Three supports in the state of South Carolina.
Children’s Trust
Research and Community Impact Manager
Speaks to Prisma Children’s Advisory Council
ICS was instrumental in bringing Aditi Srivastav Bussells, PhD, MPH to speak at Prisma Health Children’s Advisory Council on April 10.
ICS works in South Carolina and beyond on behalf of children from prenatal to age 8.
Help support our research and advocacy with a contribution.
The Institute for Child Success is
Founded and Fueled by:
The Institute for Child Success is fueled by the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation, the Mary Black Foundation, and BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, an independent licensee of the BlueCross and BlueShield Association.
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