Financial Capability Month: April 2023 | |
April is National Financial Capability Month! Financial capability and financial skills are a critical component of financial wellness - particularly when paired with equitable policies and systems that provide financial opportunities for all.
To celebrate, our Financial Empowerment Collaborative is highlighting many of the free and low-cost opportunities available in our local community. Read on for...
- Featured Events from Financial Wellness Partners
- Ongoing Programs and Classes in Southern Arizona
- Self-Paced (Online) Tools for Financial Capability
Have an event or resource to add to our list? Email Lisa Floran, Senior Director of Financial Wellness:
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United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona's Financial Empowerment Collaborative is a group of 15+ organizations focused on elevating the quality and reach of financial education, coaching, and literacy programs in Southern Arizona. By identifying barriers and disparities, learning together, and sharing tools and resources, the group commits to centering equity and improving financial wellness outcomes for those in programs and across the community. | | |
Financial Literacy Quiz
How would you fare on FINRA Foundation's national financial literacy quiz? Answer the questions used in their survey work here (and help us with a few questions about financial empowerment resources while you're at it) and check your results. Note: the national average for correct answers is 3.2!
Financial Capability Month Quiz
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Featured Classes and Events | |
Empoderamiento Empresarial Conference for Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed People (Spanish)
Wednesday April 5th, 5-8pm
In-Person: 2264 E Benson Hwy
Inversion $40.00. Informes 520-889-2373
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Ven a definir tu futuro empresarial
o de emprendimiento y haz un plan
de como llegar a el - estrategias para convertir tu historia de vida en una Marca Personal y 3 habilidades empresariales.
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Cafecito: Tools to Build Generational Wealth
Friday, April 7th, 9-11am
In-Person: University of Arizona, César Chávez Building, 1110 James E. Rogers Way, Adalberto and Ana Guerrero Student Center, Room 205
Register for the Cafecito
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The Sunnyside Foundation invites the community to join us for Cafecito #2 at the University of Arizona Cesar Chavez Building for a casual (bilingual) conversations about wealth building, myths and topics of interest. Coffee and pan dulce will be provided.
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Workshop: Pros and Cons of FinTech
Wednesday April 12th, 10-11am
Online: Register Here
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Curious about FinTech? Join Thomas Korankye, PhD, CFP, and Assistant Professor, Personal and Family Financial Planning at the University of Arizona for an overview and conversation! This class is held on Zoom and free of charge.
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Event: Arizona Financial Face-Off
Saturday, April 15th
Time and Location TBD
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The Arizona Financial Face-off (AFF) is a personal finance-focused competition where students can apply the knowledge acquired in the Take Charge Cats workshops and win big for their school or organization. This free competition is open to all schools/groups in Southern Arizona who have hosted Take Charge Cats workshops in personal finance. Each team will be presented with a family scenario for making real life financial decisions. | |
Quick Workshop: Family Budgeting
Monday, April 17th, 11-11:20am
Online: Register Here
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Budgeting is not just making a spending plan and cutting expenses. It’s important to set goals for where you want your money to take you. Motivation is important for adjusting behavior to see real results. Learn how to approach the unique needs of your family with the right budget and vision for the future.
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VITA Filing Finale
Tuesday, April 18th, 10am-8pm
Truly Nolen Center - 432 S Williams Blvd
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Get your taxes done for free by the filing deadline! Walk-ins only and you must be checked in by 8pm that day to be helped. Please see the flyer below for more information.
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Quick Workshop: Instituciones Financieras
Tuesday, April 18th, 11-11:20am
Online: Register Here
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Las razones clave por las que debo saber más sobre las instituciones financieras (Top reasons why I need to learn more about financial institutions) ¿Por qué es importante aprender más sobre las instituciones financieras? Vanessa Arita Reyes comparte por qué es importante buscar información y conversar sobre las finanzas personales y los sistemas financieros. | |
Workshop: The Ins and Outs of Side Hustles
Wednesday, April 19th, 10-11am
Online: Register Here
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Side hustles are becoming the #1 way that people in Pima County pick up extra cash. Join Robyn Austin, Community Impact Manager at Tucson Federal Credit Union to learn more about whether a side hustle is a good financial step for you, and if so, how to avoid common missteps. This class is held on Zoom and free of charge. | |
Quick Workshop: Debt Relief
Wednesday, April 19th, 11-11:20am
Online: Register Here
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Financial products can be complex and confusing. This can overwhelm individuals struggling with debt management. Fueled by stress and an increasing sense of urgency, hastily made decisions can lead to disaster when people are desperate for relief. Making an informed decision means taking the time to build a clear understanding of the products and services available. Attend this presentation for a closer look at popular options to affordably repay debt. | |
Quick Workshop: Employer Retirement Plans
Thursday, April 20th, 11-11:20am
Online: Register Here
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The savings fitness presentation is designed to educate participants about employer retirement plans and the various paths available for planning a secure financial future. This presentation will provide information to assist with savings questions and will help take the uncertainty out of planning for a successful retirement.
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Forum: Plan Tucson Input Session
Thursday, April 20th, 1-3pm
Online: Email Lisa Floran ( for the calendar invite.
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Financial wellness requires equitable policies that allow everyone the opportunity to meet their basic needs and pursue wealth-building. Join the Financial Wellness Partnership for a virtual, interactive session where we will provide input to inform the City of Tucson's next General Plan!
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Workshop: Cyber Safety for Good
Wednesday, April 26th, 10-11am
Online: Register Here
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We increasingly go online to check and manage our finances - what should you keep in mind to ensure you do that safely? Fernando Campa, Community Manager at Chase, joins to share tips and tricks for cyber safety. This class is held on Zoom and free of charge.
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Cafecito: Mujeres Building Wealth. How Do you see yourself in the financial world?
Friday, April 28th, 9-11am
In-Person: YWCA of Southern Arizona - 525 N Bonita
Register for the Cafecito
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The Sunnyside Foundation invites the community to join us for Cafecito #2 at the University of Arizona Cesar Chavez Building for a casual (bilingual) conversations about wealth building, myths and topics of interest. Coffee and pan dulce will be provided.
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Ongoing Classes and Events | |
3rd Decade
Adults 18-35 can learn a variety of financial wellness skills, including financial management, budgeting, savings, debt management, investing, and credit while also receiving mentoring. The 3rd Decade program provides 4 educational classes over the course of 3 months to all participants. Each class is 2.5 hours, totaling 10 hours of training around various financial topics. The program also provides a two-year relationship with a volunteer financial mentor to establish and manage a personal financial plan (spending, saving, and investing plan), and they provide a $250 Roth IRA match for qualified graduates of the program. For more information, see their website.
Catholic Community Services - Pio Decimo Center
Catholic Community Services Pio Decimo Center offers a variety of programs and assistance for individuals and families who look to make lasting changes in their lives. They have a variety of programs, including basic services (food, clothing and housewares), housing assistance, tax services and financial education and asset building (like credit builder accounts to help participants increase their credit score). Please see their website for more information.
Family Housing Resources – Financial Foundations
The Financial Foundations Program is a “FREE TO YOU” program that was developed for Family Housing Resources Inc., to help you build a strong foundation of financial education, grow your wealth, and achieve financial freedom. It includes an 8-10 week session course that will cover topics such as budgeting, taxes, loans, and more. After the course, you will be paired with an expert mentor who will help you make a plan to achieve your financial goals. An orientation session is required. This course will be held at no cost to you AND all participants that complete the program successfully may be eligible to receive up to $200.00! Spanish language classes also available.
Interfaith Community Services - Single Mom Scholars
This program takes a two-generation approach in order to help break the cycle of poverty. Single moms are supported through scholarships, AAA membership, mentoring and much more. Children in this program are provided with back-to-school supplies, educational enrichment, tutoring and more. For more information, please see the ICS Tucson website.
Interfaith Community Services - Bridges Financial Management Course The Bridges Financial Management Course is a workshop series designed designed for individuals to work with mentors and financial experts to improve their future financial wellbeing. Experienced financial experts will share tips and strategies for improving your credit score, how to save for financial emergencies, how to save money for a house, how to set achievable financial goals, making good financial and life choices, and much more. See the website for more information.
Interfaith Community Services - Getting Ahead Workshops
Getting Ahead Workshops are free workshops available to help individuals explore solutions, build resources, and become more financially stable. Participants examine their own experience of poverty and issues that contribute to poverty in the community. See the website for more information.
Interfaith Community Services - Workforce Development Centers
From job readiness to soft skill development to self-efficacy programs, the WFDC supports clients on their path to develop the skills and confidence needed to secure a job and stay employed. These services are appointment only and free. See the website for more information.
Interfaith Community Services - RESET Program
The RESET Program is a long-term support program with the goal of providing individuals and their families with guidance, crucial life skills, and support over a 12-24-month period. This program is designed for individuals and families that are ready to navigate out of poverty and establish a life of self-sufficiency. By the end of their time in this program, participants will have pressed a figurative “reset” button, equipped with tools, connections and resources to keep them on the path to long-term stability. See the website for more information.
Jewish Family & Children's Services
The JFCS Financial Wellness Program is now taking referrals. JFCS is a non-profit agency that provides quality social and behavioral health services to the Jewish and greater Tucson community. We help people of any religion or ethnic origin meet their full potential by restoring their well-being, cultivating self-sufficiency and strengthening family life. See the flyer below.
Primavera - Financial Wellness (general)
Financial education is about life-long, smart money decisions. You can find out how to set money goals, understand credit scores and credit reports, manage your money, avoid identity theft, avoid predatory lending, learn about banking relationships, and understand employment opportunities. To get started, you must first attend an orientation session by calling (520) 882-5383 x162 or email to register. Please see their website for more info on required documents for the orientation sessions and info on days and times available.
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Primavera, Her Family - Free Financial Empowerment Classes for Mothers and Children
Her Family program is a special program single mothers and their children to learn all about building a healthy financial future. Mothers will work with a financial counselor one-on-one to create an action plan that will get your credit in shape, prepare a family budget, open a savings account and begin saving for the future. Incentives available for adult and child participants. Children will participate in family budgeting, attend classes provided by the Girl Scouts and/or The University of Arizona Credit Wise Cats, open a savings account and begin saving for the future. The classes are geared towards single women and their children. You are eligible for the program if you are a single woman with a child(ren) between the ages of 6 and 17. To get started, you must first attend an orientation session. Please see their website for more info on required documents for the orientation sessions and info on days and times available.
Primavera - Mis Abuelitos Free Financial Empowerment Classes for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The Mis Abuelitos program is similar to the Her Family mother and children program, yet for grandparents raising their grandchildren. You are eligible for the program if you are a grandparent raising your grandchild(ren) between the ages of 6 and 17.
Primavera - Homebuyer Education & Homeownership
Primavera’s Homeownership program will help you find lenders, secure safe loans, and avoid predatory lending. Financial education includes information on how to repair debt and build credit and information on the homebuying process. Information is provided by a certified instructor and other experts in the field and includes lending and realtors options. There are individual and subsequent meetings until homebuyer is ready to purchase the home and support post-purchase as well. There's also potential financial assistance to cover down payment and or closing costs for those that are eligible for funds. Individuals are required to attend an orientation and complete a credit check first, please see their website for more information.
Sahuarita Food Bank
The Sahuarita Food Bank and Community Resource Center is so much more than a food bank. They offer courses and resources on computer basics, digital literacy courses, financial wellness and other resources like notary services or veterans services. The Sahuarita Food Bank and CRC serve Sahuarita and Green Valley, but also help residents in Pima County. Check out their website for food resources and their class schedule.
Tucson Federal Credit Union - Multicultural Empowerment Center
The Multicultural Empowerment Center at Tucson Federal Credit Union provides education, financial coaching and education across a number of financial wellness topics, including budgeting and savings strategies, improving credit, general financial education and employment resources. The MEC keeps in mind a culturally informed context when working with individuals. These programs are open to any adult in Pima county, you do not need to be a member at Tucson FCU to join. Additional information: children are welcome at sessions, English/Spanish available, and there are options for both in person or online. See their website for more info on how to get started.
UA TCAI & Cooperative Extension: Financial Literacy (Classes and Workshops)
The UA Cooperative Extension works in part with Take Charge America Institute to provide financial literacy courses to individuals and offers workshops for groups and organizations. Class topics and workshops include things like budgeting and creating a healthy and balanced life. Register to attend on their website. The classes are free and offered in person or online with details listed with each course or workshop. See their website for more information on dates and times available.
UA Take Charge Cats
Take Charge Cats offer curriculum to middle school, high school and college students on a variety of financial education topics. They partner with businesses and community organizations for other workshops as well. These programs are free, view their website to apply today or to request workshops for your youth-serving organization.
UA TCAI & Cooperative Extension: Early Childhood Financial Education TCAI, in partnership with and Arizona Cooperative Extension, is creating portable financial literacy lending libraries for Early Childhood Education Centers to help parents of young children (ages 3 to 5) instill an understanding of money, the difference between needs and wants, and making choices, using children’s storybooks and supporting materials. The project will make the portable libraries available to the Pre-K education centers through a lending system through County Extension offices. The kits will include a variety of children’s storybooks and helpful hints for parents as well as teaching materials. All books and materials will be in English and Spanish.
YWCA / Women's Foundation - Pathways for Single Moms
The Pathways Program for Single Moms program is housed out of the YWCA of Southern Arizona. The Pathways Program enables single mothers to earn a credit-bearing Career & Technical Education (CTE) certificate, preparing them for careers in growing fields that pay a thriving wage. Moms who are also eligible for childcare will receive support through the First Things First-Quality First Initiative.
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AZ Treasury Financial Education Portal
AZ Treasury has a financial education portal with a variety of free resources. Categories of learning materials include savings & budgeting, for students, managing debt, military and veteran benefits, senior citizen benefits, taxes, asset protection, retirement, and housing.
GreenPath Financial Wellness – Learning Lab
GreenPath is a national nonprofit with a variety of resources available, including their online learning lab. You can select topics of interest from improving your credit score to preparing to buy a house to create a suggested curriculum for yourself. Categories of learning modules include checking accounts, credit, current homeowner, debt, family finances, homebuyer and spending plans.
Million Stories
Million Stories has lessons, resources, and videos to help you manage your money and plan for a stress-free financial future. These topics cover everything from budgeting to saving, dealing with debt, starting a new career and assistance and information for entrepreneurs. A highlight series to check out is “Adulting with Richard Sherman.”
Pima Federal Credit Union – Banzai Financial Wellness
Banzai Financial Wellness has over 40 collections of financial wellness learning materials. Their categories include navigating inflation, managing yourself in a crisis, handling life changes, moving and setting up a savings plan. Each of these collections has a variety of resources and tools to learn more.
Singleton Foundation for Financial Literacy
The Singleton Foundation team is joining forces with key community leaders and organizations to commit to the financial health of the Tucson community. Create an online account to have access to 20 self-paced learning modules. These modules include tax basics, your money mindset, emergency fund basics, and more.
United Way Tucson – VITA Self Service Options
If you want to skip an in-person site visit or utilizing Valet VITA, you can connect with local tax preparers online via GetYourRefund or do your taxes for free, yourself, through the DIY Self Prep Software. Visit the UW VITA site for more information on all these options.
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Class Flyers & Additional Information | |
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona's Financial Wellness Partnership seeks to improve the financial wellness of individuals and families by increasing accessibility to effective services, resources, and opportunities, and by influencing policy to develop equitable, people-centered systems that support financial wellness.
View past newsletters and learn more about our programs here: United Way Financial Wellness
If you have questions or suggestions for future newsletters, please contact Lisa Floran, Senior Director of Financial Wellness Initiatives at United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona:
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