The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
Newsletter | April 2021
In this issue…
  • COVID-19 and Vaccine Updates
  • Revised Professional Development Plan Requirements
  • DEI Survey Update
  • Practice Q&A: Vaccination Information
  • Reminder: Annual Renewal
  • Driver Medical Review Online Service
  • College Performance Measurement Framework
  • Board Meeting Highlights and Election of Officers
  • COVID Care Learning Resources
  • Poll Results
COVID-19 and Vaccine Updates
Directive #2, Updates and Information
In order to preserve system capacity to deal effectively with COVID-19, Directive #2 has been updated and requires all non-emergent and non-urgent surgeries and procedures to cease, with the exception of surgeries and procedures performed in pediatric specialty hospitals. Emergent and urgent surgeries will not be impacted. The revised Directive is effective April 20, 2021.

All patients should continue to have access to other health services, including services that are peripheral to surgical services. We encourage occupational therapists to speak to their organization about how this change may impact their practice. As a reminder all health care providers must continue to consider which health services can be provided remotely and which health services can safely be provided in-person with appropriate hazard controls and sufficient PPE. Virtual care continues to be the preferred option whenever possible. View Directive #2 for Health Care Providers.

On Friday, April 9, 2021, the Ontario Government introduced new emergency orders that permit the re-deployment of health professionals working for Ontario Health and Home and Community Care Support Services to hospitals. Learn more about these orders on the government website.

Earlier in the pandemic, the College developed a series of Q & As to guide occupational therapists who may have been re-deployed to other settings. That guidance has been updated to address questions we have received regarding scope of practiceView the Q & A section on our COVID-19 page.

The College has been encouraged to share COVID-19 education resources on to support occupational therapists if they are redeployed. Please scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for instructions on how to access
Wellness Resources

We truly appreciate the dedication of our registrants for the work they continue to do to ensure patients and clients receive safe, effective care. This continues to be a time of incredible challenge. The pandemic has now gone on for more than a year and has taken a great toll. If you are in need of support, we encourage you to reach out. We have added links to some resources below.

You can also contact the College at and we will do our best to help connect you to support services.
The College continues to work with Ontario’s Public Health Units to share information regarding vaccination for COVID-19. Please check your local Public Health Unit's website for information about vaccine distribution plans. Find your local public health unit.

You may be asked to provide identification or evidence of your registration as a health professional. Showing your current profile on the public register or printing your renewal receipt are both options.

Changing your email? Avoid missing important updates from the College by logging in to your member profile to update your information.
We encourage registrants to check the College and government websites for updates. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Revised PD Plan Requirements
Reminder: Professional Development Plans due May 31, 2021
Professional Development is about growth, which can take place in many ways, sometimes through planned activities such as enrolling in a course, and sometimes through unplanned events such as the sudden onset of a global pandemic. Each of us continues to be impacted by COVID-19 which has resulted in the need to make difficult decisions, develop new ways of coping, or to learn new skills.

This year, we are adjusting the approach to the PD Plan and encouraging reflection on the past year. For your 2020 PD Plan, please document two learnings - how you’ve grown, what you’ve changed about your practice, or what you would like to change in the future. Learning might relate to implementing new infection, prevention and control measures, changing how you prioritize your day-to-day activities, how you’ve navigated difficult decisions, or how you have evolved your practice, or plan to, to support safe and competent occupational therapy services.
Please share two ways you’ve grown this past year and mark your 2020 PD Plan complete by the deadline of May 31, 2021.
To update and complete your PD plan, log in and select MyQA.
With any questions, please contact us at:
DEI Survey Update
The College's next steps on diversity, equity, and inclusion
The College would like to thank all registrants who responded to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) survey that was circulated from January 20th to February 26th, 2021. A total of 408 registrants responded which provided the College with valuable insight and learning about diversity, equity and inclusion in occupational therapy practice.

We appreciate your openness and thank you for sharing your stories and diversity experiences with us. Your feedback has helped to inform several next steps. 
Practice Q&A
Sharing vaccination information with clients
Question: In my work as an occupational therapist, I often get asked by clients if I have been vaccinated. Should I tell clients if I have received the COVID-19 vaccination or not?
Reminder: Annual Renewal
Renew or resign online before May 31, 2021
All registrants are required to renew or resign online on or before May 31, 2021. Log in to renew now or learn more by visiting the College’s website.

If you will not be working or using the title occupational therapist/OT in Ontario after May 31, 2021, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Renew to maintain your registration and return to practice in Ontario at any time throughout the year.
  •  Option 2: Resign your registration

To learn more about these two options, including the considerations for each, please review the Taking a Leave or Resigning section of our website.

If you have any questions about renewal, please contact
Driver Medical Review Online
Ministry of Transportation launches new online service
Driver Medical Review Online Service Now Available
The Ministry of Transportation has launched their new Driver Medical Review Online Service. Clients who have been contacted by the Ministry of Transportation Driver Medical Review are able to access their information and details about what is required by the Ministry to review their case.
To learn more about this service, including how to register, drivers can visit the following website: or can contact the
Occupational therapists can share this information with their clients following a discretionary report of fitness to drive.
Now Available: CPMF
See our College Performance Measurement Framework report
To help the public understand how well health regulatory colleges are protecting the public interest and doing their job, and to help continually improve accountability, transparency and oversight, all colleges are reporting on their work in the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) Reporting Tool.

The College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario's CPMF submission is now available on our website.
Board Updates
March 25, 2021 Board Meeting Highlights
The College's Board of Directors (formerly known as Council) held a virtual meeting on March 25, 2021. View the key decisions in the highlights from the meeting.

The election of Board officers was also conducted. Congratulations to our new Board Executive: Jennifer Henderson (Chair), Vincent Samuel (Vice-Chair), Allan Freedman, and Heather McFarlane.

Want to learn more about decisions that affect the profession and the public we serve? Meetings are open to the public and meeting dates and materials are posted online.
COVID Care Learning
Free education resources to support you in the COVID-19 pandemic
The rapid rise and severity of COVID-19 cases may result in large redeployments of health professionals across the system, including occupational therapists.

The College has been encouraged to share these COVID-19 education resources on to support occupational therapists if you are redeployed.

These materials cover a range of topics for those working in adult and pediatric hospital settings and long-term care. It also features resources about vaccination, infection control, team-based models of care, and more.

If you have not already, you can create an account at  and engage in the learning modules that will assist you if or when you are redeployed for COVID-19 care. More information is available on our website See details on access below.
How to Access COVID Care Learning
  1. Go to
  2. Click "Create new account." 
  3. Enter registration information. 
  4. Enter the access code. OTs, check your inbox for the April newsletter email from the College (sent on April 21, 2021) and do not share the access code. outside of Ontario or on any public-facing materials, websites or social media.
  5.  Wait for an email confirmation from with subject line “Critical Care Learning: account confirmation.” If you do not receive it within 2 minutes, check your spam or junk mail folder.
  6. Login to the platform.

Login Technical Requirements: 
  • Browser: Use latest versions of the Chrome, Safari or Edge (Desktop and Mobile compatible) If you experience issues with Internet Explorer, use any one of the other browsers listed. 
  • Stable Internet and audio access 

The site is continually updated and is available to every person in health and long-term care in Ontario who wishes to use it. Should you or your team have a unique educational need that does not currently exist on the platform, or you would like to make a content recommendation, contact
Poll Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in our poll last month
Last month we asked you: Do you know who defines the role of the College and its mandate?

65% of respondents selected the correct answer: "Government. They wrote the laws and established the College."

Learn more on our page Legislation, Regulations and Bylaws.

Future polls will be coming included in upcoming additions. We appreciate your input and thoughts and welcome comments at any time.
Any changes to your profile information in the last 30 days? Make sure you update your profile.

If registrants unsubscribe, they will be contacted to re-subscribe. The College communicates to occupational therapists by email regarding changes to standards, mandatory registration requirements, public consultations and more. We strive to keep communication relevant and to a minimum.

20 Bay Street, Suite 900, Toronto, ON · 416.214.1177 1.800.890.6570 · ·