Volume 01 | FEBRUARY 22 2022
ADEMS Physicians:
Do you have old computers that need secure data destruction & recycling?
Save the date for our upcoming e-Recycling event!
ADEMS wants to help make purging your old computer gear safe and secure with this easy stop and drop event!
So dig through those storage closets and mark your calendar to drop by during lunch on
Wednesday, March 30th at ADEMS office in Littleton.
This drop and go event is free to our member physicians and their staff. Please RSVP to drop off your old electronics and pick up a box lunch on us!

When: National Doctors Day!
Wednesday, March 30th
11:30am - 2:00PM

Where: ADEMS Office parking lot

What: Any electronic that plugs into a wall or runs off a battery.
(We cannot accept any tube style CRT, DLP or projection TVs)

RSVPs highly suggested for storage and planning purposes.
A free box lunch will be provided with your RSVP.
Secure data destruction will be provided upon request.

Do you have several items needing certified data destruction?
A small donation of $10/item will be collected (for items 2-10) at drop off.

Virtual Grand Rounds: CMS decodes the Colorado Option for Physicians
Health insurers are beginning to build networks for their Colorado Option plans. Be prepared for these contract negotiations; find out all you need to know at a members-only

Virtual Grand Rounds webinar
hosted by Colorado Medical Society
Monday, Feb. 28, 6-7 p.m.

Physicians can earn up to 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
Non-physicians with at least one CMS-member physician in their practice are welcome to attend.
Medicines Great Resignation?
AMA says: 1 in 5 doctors plan to exit in 2 years
One in five physicians say it is likely they will leave their current practice within two years. Meanwhile, about one in three doctors and other health professionals say they intend to reduce work hours in the next 12 months, according to recently published survey research.
Researchers based their findings on more than 20,000 respondents at 124 institutions across the country. They found that burnout, workload, fear of infection, anxiety or depression due to COVID-19 and the number of years in practice were associated with intent to reduce work hours or leave, says the article published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovation, Quality & Outcomes, “COVID-Related Stress and Work Intentions in a Sample of U.S. Health Care Workers.” Read more of this AMA article.
CMS Physician wellness pilot program:
"Living room conversations" launching March 9th
The Colorado Medical Society Committee on Physician Wellbeing is launching a pilot program titled, Living Room Conversations. This program is a small group, in-person, facilitated discussion of a topic of relevance to member physicians.
The first Living Room Conversation, "Taking our pandemic pulse," will be held in central Denver on March 9, 7-9 p.m. and is limited to 12 participants.  Register here!
2022 Legislative Session
Do you know want to know what is happening?
The 2022 Colorado legislative session is in full swing, and there are several health care bills that the Council on Legislation will take positions on. The positions taken on bills will be available through the link below following each Council on Legislation meeting. See the position definitions below and make sure to follow the bill tracker tool on CMS's site.

  • Support/oppose – Play a lead role and commit significant political resources, including testimony, active lobbying and grassroots engagement; actively work on amendments
  • Monitor – Watch for adverse or favorable amendments that could affect physicians.

Membership lapse for 2022? We can help!
Dear physician member - If you have already renewed your 2022 membership dues, we would like to again share our thanks for your continued participation. We look forward to hosting events later in 2022 and providing you more in person experiences.

If however you have not been able to pay dues for 2022, the membership lapse date was February 1, 2022 - with a grace period ending this month. If you have experienced difficulty with dues as a result of hardships from COVID-19, we are here for you and would love to be able to advise you of some options. We understand times are difficult and we will work to assist however we can. Please email Andrea Chase at for further assistance.
2's Day -Did you know?