Today, your negotiations team met with Genesis Healthcare to negotiate a successor agreement. After a couple of sessions, we came to a Tentative Agreement. We will schedule a ratification vote for the week of March 7th. Please keep an eye out for the date and times and plan on coming to vote.

JNESO thanks the negotiations committee for their time and attention during negotiations representing the members at Arbor Glen!
JNESO reminds you that you must submit, in writing, your vacation time request for June 1st through September 1st by March 1st. Contact Labor Rep. Meredith Larson if you have any questions or concerns.
(Page 25 of your Union Contract)
Requests for vacation time will be submitted to the Director of Nursing Services in writing by March 1st of each year for vacations between June 1st and September 15th. Requests submitted in writing by March 1st will be granted on the basis of seniority and operational needs of the Center. It being understood that, should a conflict arise between the requests of an RN and LPN, date of hire seniority shall prevail and, thereafter, if a conflict still exists seniority shall be determined by alphabetical order. Requests submitted after March 1st will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Vacations shall not be denied based on anticipated, known staffing needs.

The Director of Nursing or Scheduling Manager will respond to all employee requests submitted on or before March 1st by posting a vacation schedule which includes the names of those employees and the dates for which their vacation was granted and any weeks available for vacation. Such schedule shall be posted by April 15th.

Employee requests for vacation submitted after March 1st will be answered within two (2) weeks of their submission to the Director of Nursing Services.

Vacation requests for other than the June 1st through September 15th period shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the requested time off, and the Employer shall respond to the request within two (2) weeks of its submission. Should the employee submit greater than a thirty (30) day notice request, then an earlier response will not be unreasonably withheld.
For Union questions or concerns, please contact
Labor Representative Meredith Larson:
mlarson@jneso.org or (732) 745-2776 x115