High Gear
A Publication from the Rotary Club of Arcadia
September 17, 2021 Volume 98, Issue 12
Your weekly source for Arcadia Rotary
news & updates

We will be in person and on ZOOM September 17th - Below is the Zoom Link. Members must register to attend live there is no registration required to attend via ZOOM. Check your e-mail.

Our program will feature speaker Dr. Ilene Bezjian. Dr. Bezjian will talk about The Citadel - investing in future leaders. I think this will be a special program, thank you to Kathleen Ellison for arranging this. This is an opportunity to showcase Arcadia Rotary programs, with the meeting also available on ZOOM it is easy to invite friends and family.

Arcadia Rotary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Arcadia Rotary Weekly Meeting
Time: September 17, 2021 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 5603 2624
Passcode: 736700
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Meeting ID: 830 5603 2624
Passcode: 736700
Program Recap - Dirk Hudson
John Wilson in Boys and Girls Club Confronts The Covid Pandemic.

Our program addresses the impact on children during the Pandemic. We could have no better speaker on this subject than one who was not only Arcadia Rotary’s 2019-2020 President, but who also serves as the Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills, headquartered in our neighboring city of Monrovia, John Wilson. The mission of the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills is “to enable all young people, especially those most in need, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.”    
The Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills  was the only youth-serving organization in the area to stay open during the pandemic, its motto being “Whatever it Takes.”  Nevertheless, effects of COVID hit the kids and families of Boys and Girls Club hard, making it especially difficult. 
Phase One - The Club was able to provide its families with food, hygiene kits, care packages, school supplies, program supplies, note cards, virtual programs, and virtual tutoring. In the 5 months following the start of the shutdown, they provided 
900+ Virtual Program Sessions, 400 Wellness Checks, 275 Care Packages, and 300+ Hours of Online Tutoring. In addition, the Club was able to maintain relationships with kids and families by hosting a staff car parade, by celebrating graduates, and by going to homes and playing fun/safe games. 
In June, 2020, for nine weeks the club returned to in-person programs for children of responders and essential workers, providing 10 “pods” for 120 “Pod Squad” members running all day programs while continuing to provide virtual programs for kids unable to attend in person.
Phase Two  During the school year the Club provided a location and support to kids/teens who needed a safe and structured environment to do in-person remote learning at three locations (including a school site). They provided 10 remote learning “pods” for 160 “Pod Squad” members for the full 2020-2021 school year from 8am-6pm, 5 days a week. 
Summer, 2021 started with a “summer brain gain” program at “Camp Read-a-Lot”, using a curriculum developed by a teacher of the Monrovia Unified School District.  The program had a strong reading and writing focus to bring struggling students up to grade level.
Here is a Video from a woman who is a foster parent and a teacher in Duarte about her experience with the Club during that time.
Phase 3 Under the club’s value of doing “Whatever it Takes’, for the nine weeks of Summer,2021, the club opened 16 “pods” serving 225 members full day during the summer months. Additionally, they partnered with Monrovia Unified School District and helped the district expand their summer learning program by running an intensive reading program on two school campuses, tripling the number of students who were able to be served. 
John Wilson concluded his remarks by “Looking Ahead” towards the future of the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills, including the following:
1.      They’ve been able to return to the more traditional after-school program in which the average daily attendance is currently around 250 children;
2.      They are looking to partnering with “Monrovia Reads” and Monrovia Library to develop a  tutoring and reading program;
3.      Working with 13 other Boys and Girls Clubs in LA County on a pilot program for teen social and emotional health;
4.      Meanwhile, continuing to keep  eyes open and alert so as to adapt to any new challenges, should any come along.
Announcement:  December 4, 2021 will be the date of the Boys & Girls Club’s fund-raising event called “Festival of Trees” located at the Annandale Country Club in Pasadena.
Overall, this talk served as a stirring example of a Rotarian whose life is “putting service above self’ – the focus being on the next generation, with particular emphasis on youth with educational difficulties.

Here is an update and contribution we received from past member Albert D'Antonio. Albert continues to follow Arcadia Rotary via the High Gear and he was seen at a recent meeting! Thank you Albert, for the contribution and your continued involvement, we look forward to seeing you when you are able.
Rotary Minute - Dick Martinez

We are really in need to learn the basic history of Rotary. We'll start from the beginning;

*** In what year was Rotary founded?

*** Who was the founder of Rotary?

*** In what city was it started? 

How many members were in the first meeting?

Read your Rotary Basics handbook or go online: rotary.org/history  

The Q and A will be either notable or a serious fund raiser for the club. Fines, fines, fines.
From the Desk of Jim Helms...
Rotary Age Test:

If you remember in the early days of football on TV at half-time the TV showed the band entertainment, you will also remember that players played both offense and defense, and if a player was substituted out, he could not come back in.     

If you remember when the Quarterback called all of the plays, you will also remember that there were no "Hash Marks", that if a ball went out of bounds, it was placed one yard in for the next play.
And in Professional football, it was not enough to tackle a runner, you had to hold him down, or he could get up and run again.
Legal Nonsense:
Attorney: Is your appearance here today pursuant to a deposition subpoena?
Witness: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
Attorney: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
Doctor: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
Here is a tribute to 9/11 and our own Mike Danielson playing taps to close our Field of Honor 2021.
We will continue to celebrate this event with additional videos and Facebook posts.
People in the News -
ROTARY Anniversaries:
Yvonne Flint September 18 1992 29 Years
WEDDING Anniversaries:
Upcoming Meeting Programs and Events
9/17 Teacher of the Year - Melissa Hada, 2nd grade Holly Avenue
9/17 Dr. Ilene Bezjian
9/24 Mayra Serrano - COVID Vaccines Truth vs Myth: The science of vaccine development
Arcadia Rotary Club | P.O. Box 660638 | Arcadia CA 91066