Dear Archway Families,
Thank you so much for all your lovely emails welcoming me to ANP. I also appreciated the feedback and concern for the upcoming year.
After your feedback and through a discerning process with my team, we have decided to use the hybrid model when we return to campus. In this model, some students will be learning remote, while others in the same class are on campus. I feel that I have a moral obligation to reduce on-campus class sizes. I am committed to make the campus environment as safe as we possibly can.
It is hard to keep up with the changes. It seems that everything is changing. The delivery process on how our scholars are receiving information is changing, dates are changing, schedules are changing, and plans are changing, but we are not changing. The core of ANP is still the same.
We are a school that delights in seeing scholars grow in virtue. We strive to inspire wonder. We celebrate what is good and beautiful, and we have not stopped loving your scholar. COVID can cause changes in our life and our school, but the ANP core will remain the same.
I am looking forward to working together in pursuit of excellence for all our scholars.
In partnership,