No Arctic science event is scheduled for today.
President Donald J. Trump Formally Appoints General Kee to USARC. On Tuesday, November 10th, following up on the initial White House announcement on October 7th, President Trump appointed Major General Randy "Church" Kee, United States Air Force (ret) to the U.S. Arctic Research Commission to a term that concludes on February 26, 2023. Kee will hold the slot previously assigned to outgoing Commissioner Fran Ulmer. Since January 2016, General Kee has served as the Executive Director of the Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC) at the University of Alaska, a DHS Center of Excellence. He will continue to lead ADAC, a distributed team of Science and Technology, Research & Development. He has contributed to development of U.S. Arctic Strategy, supported domain awareness technology development, and Defense Support to Arctic crisis response. He concluded his military service as Director of Strategy, Policy, Planning and Capabilities for U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. General Kee is a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center Polar Institute and serves an important role for the International Cooperative Exchange for Polar Research. His USAF Biography is available here.
Remote Canadian Town Programs Radar to Spot Approaching Polar Bears. Along the frosty coast of Hudson Bay, hundreds of polar bears have been wandering for weeks, waiting for the wintertime sea ice to form so they can return to hunting ringed seals. Until then, they represent a danger to the 900 people living in nearby Churchill - a remote, sub-Arctic town in Canada famous for the visiting carnivores. The town is working on a plan to prevent conflicts between hungry bears and humans, using a new radar system that can watch and warn when a bear approaches and do so in a snowstorm and during the dead of night. Reuters
COVID-Delayed Arctic Research Cruise Yields Late-Season Data. Researchers studying the Bering and Chukchi seas for three weeks in October found no ice and a surprisingly active ecosystem as they added another year's data to a key climate change record. The research vessel Norseman II carried scientists from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Clark University. Science Codex
Real-Time Maps Show Arctic Ocean Currents. Researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences are creating real-time images of ocean current speed and direction in the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi seas using high-frequency radar systems along the coast. This resource is available to the public and can help with marine navigation, search and rescue operations, weather and sea ice forecasting, and oil spill response. Graphical animations are updated hourly at websites managed by staff at the Department of Oceanography. The Arctic Sounder
Marlink Will Supply Connectivity to the "Hearts in the Ice" Project, Which Will Gather Scientific Data on the Remote Svalbard Archipelago Inside the Arctic Circle. Hearts in The Ice is designed to facilitate conversation and action around conservation and the future of tourism at the poles. The project was founded in 2016 by Hilde Fålun Strøm, former product manager for Hurtigruten in Svalbard and Sunniva Sorby, former director, global sales for Polar Latitudes. The two set a record in 2019/2020 when they became the first women to over-winter alone on Svalbard. The new project sees them spending seven months - including three of complete darkness - in a tiny trapper's hut 78'N at Bamsebu, from where they will collect environmental data, weather and wildlife observations for stakeholders including the Norwegian Polar Institute, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UNIS and NASA. The Digital Ship
Future Events
** New this week ** Polar Research Board Fall Meeting, 2:00 pm EDT on November 13, 2020 (virtual). The Polar Research Board will meet for their fall meeting to receive polar program updates from various federal agencies, the White House, the Arctic Funders Collaborative, and a report from the workshop Understanding and Responding to Global Health Security Risks from Microbial Threats in the Arctic.
The Arctic Resilience Forum: Gender, November 18, 2020 (virtual). The Arctic Resilience Forum will be convened every Wednesday from 11:30am - 1:00pm (EST) over a series of ten weeks, beginning October 7, 2020. The online series, organized by the Arctic Council and the Harvard Kennedy School, will engage the broadest audience possible in conversations about how to build the resilience of Arctic communities and ecosystems across a variety of focus areas.
** New this week ** How Ice and Ice Breakup Shape Subarctic Streams, November 20, 2020 (virtual). Lina Polvi Sjöberg is an associate professor in physical geography with focus on rivers and streams at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science. She examines which processes steer how Swedish streams look- past glaciation, current floods or winter ice? Her research also examines which physical factors, including local geomorphology, geomorphic complexity, and larger landscape-scale factors, affect how the ecology of streams recover after restoration. Arcum will hold an online seminar in November where she will talk about the importance of ice and ice break-up in Arctic streams. This event is organized by the Arctic Research Center at Umeå University.
The Arctic Resilience Forum: Socio-Ecological Resilience, November 25, 2020 (virtual). The Arctic Resilience Forum will be convened every Wednesday from 11:30am - 1:00pm (EST) over a series of ten weeks, beginning October 7, 2020. The online series, organized by the Arctic Council and the Harvard Kennedy School, will engage the broadest audience possible in conversations about how to build the resilience of Arctic communities and ecosystems across a variety of focus areas.
** New this week ** Arctic Futures Symposium 2020, November 30- December 2, 2020 (virtual). Arctic Futures aims to create discussions and best practice exchanges between Arctic stakeholders with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This year's symposium will focus on: Arctic challenges; Arctic policies of the EU, Arctic states, and Arctic stakeholders; Arctic community needs and preparedness; pollution, climate change and biodiversity: challenges and solutions; community resilience through empowerment; a uniquely Arctic entrepreneurship and investment culture; and, the EU's engagement in the Arctic and implementing the EU green deal.
The Arctic Resilience Forum: Financing Resilience, December 2, 2020 (virtual). The Arctic Resilience Forum will be convened every Wednesday from 11:30am - 1:00pm (EST) over a series of ten weeks, beginning October 7, 2020. The online series, organized by the Arctic Council and the Harvard Kennedy School will engage the broadest audience possible in conversations about how to build the resilience of Arctic communities and ecosystems across a variety of focus areas.
Arctic Change 2020, December 7-10, 2020 (virtual). ArcticNet's international Arctic science conference takes place every 3 years, bringing together researchers and partners from around the world. This year the conference will be virtual. Building on the success of our previous Annual Scientific Meeting while facing the realities of our times, the organizers are pulling out all the stops to reach a bigger audience than ever before. The ArcticNet Network of Centers of Excellence and their partners warmly invite the global Arctic community to join them-from wherever you are-at the Arctic Change 2020 Virtual Conference.
The Arctic Resilience Forum: Infrastructure, December 9, 2020 (virtual). The Arctic Resilience Forum will be convened every Wednesday from 11:30am - 1:00pm (EST) over a series of ten weeks, beginning October 7, 2020. The online series, organized by the Arctic Council and the Harvard Kennedy School, will engage the broadest audience possible in conversations about how to build the resilience of Arctic communities and ecosystems across a variety of focus areas.
** New this week ** Creeping Security in the Arctic? 12:00 pm CET on December 18, 2020 (virtual). Niklas Eklund is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Deputy Director at the Arctic Research Center at Umeå University. His research is on public administration, security, leadership and crisis management. He has also contributed to the 'Handbook of Arctic Security' in which he introduce Sweden from a state-based security perspective. In December, Arcum is arranging an online seminar within the Umeå Arctic Seminar series, where Niklas will talk about the creeping securitization in the Arctic. This event is organized by the Arctic Research Center at Umeå University.
Alaska Native Perspectives of an Evolving Arctic Environment, 12:00 pm AKST on January 15, 2021. Join AKWorld for this discussion of climate, security, economic opportunity, science, resilience and other implications of a changing Arctic. Whether you are in Florida, California, Alaska, or another state in-between, you have experienced significant weather changes amplified by a rapidly changing Arctic. Come, listen, and join the conversation with two Alaska Native women who have firsthand knowledge and understanding of this important issue for Alaska, the United States, and the World.
2021 Alaska Marine Science Symposium, January 26-28, 2021 (virtual). The Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS) has been bringing together scientists, educators, resource managers, students, and interested public for over twenty years to discuss the latest marine research being conducted in Alaskan waters. Over 700 people attend this 4-day long conference held annually during the month of January. Each day of the conference highlights important Alaskan marine ecosystems: Gulf of Alaska (Tuesday), Bering Sea & Aleutian Islands (Wednesday), and the Arctic (Thursday). Research topics discussed range from ocean physics, fishes and invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, to local traditional knowledge. Since its inception, NPRB has been a proud sponsor and one of the leading organizers of AMSS.
Arctic Frontiers 2021, February 1-4, 2021 (virtual). Arctic Frontiers started out in 2006 assembling the first global scientific conference on economic, societal and environmental sustainable growth in the north. In February 2021, we will arrange the 15th conference with the theme "Building Bridges". The conference has a pan arctic perspective and builds new partnerships across nations, generations and ethnic groups. Arctic Frontiers provides a forum for dialogue and communication between science, government and industry in the Arctic.
ALCOM's Arctic Senior Leader Summit, 2021, March 10-11, 2021 (virtual). In support of U.S. Northern Command's Arctic mission, please consider joining Lt General David Krumm, USAF, Commander Alaska Command, Alaska NORAD Region and 11th Air Force and a host of Defense and Security Leaders for Arctic Senior Leader Summit 2021 (ASLS 21) 10-11 March 2021. This event is oriented to addressing senior leader strategic views on the developing range of security and defense matters affecting the Arctic region. Due to the on-going complications of in-person meetings as a result of COVID 19, Arctic Senior Summit 2021 will be conducted via video conference. Day 1 of ASLS 2021 is focused on plenary presentations and follow-on strategic discussions. Day 2 ASLS 2021 is a planned tabletop exercise. Further details and registration to be provided soon via ASLS 21 planning team at the Arctic Domain Awareness Center. Please see: https://arcticdomainawarenesscenter.org/Events for more details or email ADAC center leadership at https://arcticdomainawarenesscenter.org/Team.
Arctic Science Summit Week, March 20-26, 2021 (Lisbon, Portugal). The Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Local Organizing Committee will host the Arctic Science Summit Week 2021. The Conference is organized by FCT, Ciência Viva, AIR Center, the Portuguese Arctic Community and by IASC and partners. Framed by the overarching theme for the Science Conference "The Arctic: Regional Changes, Global Impacts," Lisbon invites International experts on the Arctic and Indigenous Peoples to discuss the "New Arctic" and also its impacts and interactions to and with the lower latitudes.
2nd Symposium on Polar Microbes and Viruses, May 3-6, 2021 (Hanko, Finland). Organizers announce, that due to the coronavirus outbreak, the 2nd Symposium on Polar Microbes and Viruses has been postponed to 2021. This symposium will bring together molecular microbial ecologists specializing in different organism groups to share our latest results and discuss methodological problems, as well as future prospects in the field, including practical international collaborations. The environmental focus will be on cryospheric environments including sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, and permafrost, but excellent research in other polar environments is also invited. The methods to be discussed will focus on 'omics' techniques, ranging from single cells to metagenomes, but research using additional methods is encouraged as well.
3rd Arctic Science Ministerial, May 8-9, 2021 (Toyko, Japan). The Japanese and Icelandic organizers of this ministerial continue to plan for an in-person ministerial, in Tokyo, but have moved the dates from November 21-22, 2020 to May 8-9, 2021 because of Covid-19. Since the last Arctic Science Ministerial in 2018, changes in the Arctic ecosystem and the resulting impacts locally and globally have been severely felt. Considering the need for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and repair measures, the relevance of an international Arctic Science Ministerial has never been greater. It is necessary to strengthen scientific cooperation and collaboration among both Arctic and non-Arctic States in order to develop our understanding of the rapid changes impacting the Arctic. The First Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM1) was hosted by the United States in 2016, and two years later, the Second Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM2) was co-hosted by Germany, Finland, and the European Commission. ASM3 will be co-hosted by Iceland and Japan.
The 2021 Alaska Marine Science Symposium (AMSS), January 26-28, 2021 (Virtual). Oral and poster presentations will continue to be the main focus of AMSS 2021. Showcasing Alaska's marine science remains the utmost priority despite the challenges we all have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are also exploring some additional events (virtual panels, social hours, etc.) surrounding the virtual launch of AMSS 2021, so stay tuned! We are looking for panel ideas Topic ideas may include but are not limited to: coastal resiliency, ocean noise, marine debris, perspectives on changing ecosystems, co-production of knowledge, economics of climate change, and the future of the Arctic Research Post-COVID in local communities. (submit here: https://alaskamarinescience.org/2021-panels).

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