Arcturian Ships bringing Host of Heaven to Earth!
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Since his early writing of this Race of Aliens, Edgar Cayce has been referred to the father of the Arcturians.

Erich Von Daniken is considered the Father of the modern UFO movement. Today, many people have discovered different ways to communicate with the Arcturian Aliens; Von Daniken will demonstrate some of these.

Because Arcturian Aliens exist in different dimensions (not just the fifth dimension) it is now known that to communicate with the higher planes of existence, one must enter into a higher state.
This sensational two-hour celebration, will honour the past and future of author and researcher Erich von Daniken on the 50 th Anniversary of his groundbreaking work, Chariots of the Gods. The inaugural live-streamed event will be globally broadcasted live from the historic Princess Anne Theatre on October 15th, 2016. Our production team is elated to utilize the latest webcasting technology to share the magic with audiences via their digital devices around the world.
Our thrilling evening will feature keynote presentation by none other Erich von Daniken as he showcases his most monumental and influential speeches, describing his findings and breakthroughs in developing the Ancient Astronaut Theory.
For Gala Night attendees, the evening will conclude with a VIP Cocktail Reception. This capstone to the night will host a book signing with Erich von Daniken, in which he can interact with the audiences and meet partners and sponsors.

Live-Steam tickets & Gala Night VIP Package pre-registration can be obtained directly from WWW.ZOHARSTARGATE.COM

Zohar Entertainment Group, UK
For more information and to take part, please visit

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