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The Disappearing: Future Events That Will Rock the World, presents the wind-up of human history. It’s the conclusion of the greatest story ever told. What we’re witnessing today is about to bring down the curtain of prophecy’s final act.
The world is turned upside down by issues and events that are contrary to life as we’ve known it as we lead up to the disappearing. This is Terry James and Pete Garcia at their best in this non-fiction book.
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Are You Ready for the Rapture?
18 DVD teaching on the imminent Rapture of the church.
Millions of people, specifically Christians, will suddenly disappear from this planet in an immediate flash of events and be Raptured straight into Heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's not enough to just say you believe in the Rapture, you need to make sure you're really saved and will be a part of this imminent, supernatural departure. If you are truly ready for it, then don't be spending what little time we have left living for this world! Rather, be pleading with as many people as you can to escape God's soon-coming wrath!
Order the 9DVD set with 18 teachings here
The Man Code: 12 Essentials Every Man Needs to Know
As society has caused an upset in almost every part of our lives, it has most definitely affected our families. Fatherless homes and social influences have damaged the fabric of men.
Being a "real man" is being a man of God. He hears God's call, embraces Jesus as Lord, lives for God's purpose, stays focused, acts with duty and responsibility, practices godly character, uses his strength to protect others, works with diligence, respects authority, cheers and cultivates his family, and advances the work of God. This is the man God has created and called men to be.
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Are There Enemies Within the Church?
By Jan Markell
March 15, 2022
That may sound like a strange question and be a provocative headline. There is certainly false teaching in the church, but are their enemies within?
The Inconvenient Truth
When I began my radio outreach in 2001, I knew I had to make a choice. I could talk about happy and uplifting issues which are always appropriate for Christian radio—and needed today—or go a step beyond and tell the truth about the world and church. In fact, an inconvenient truth.
I thank God that there are still dynamic churches that are preaching “the whole counsel”, are dealing with current issues, will address politics, and are excited that the King is coming. Sadly, they are in the minority.
Saving the Planet but Not Souls?
But I am grieved that too many have become compromised, are now saving the planet but not souls, and are promoting the social gospel but not the salvation gospel. Many others will not tell their congregations that there are things God hates and so should we. Others are waving the rainbow flag so they can be inclusive.
And those who promote such unbiblical nonsense are enemies within the church.
Some months ago, this ministry began carrying the DVD “Enemies Within the Church”, as it summarized these issues in just over two hours. I found it to be stunningly accurate, although it did name names of leaders and institutions that have declined in credibility in recent years.
Laodicea is Here!
It documents the growing left-leaning sentiment in the evangelical church promoted by such men as Russell Moore and Tim Keller. It reveals the rapidly-growing enthusiasm from leftists to get churches and denominations to embrace the gay agenda and leftist politics. And while the Bible says that all men are created equal, in the last few years, emphasis from many pulpits has been to shame members for their “white privilege.”
Be it via smoke-and-light, deafening-noise rock bands, or watered down seeker messages, or topics that are not spiritually productive and are, rather, compromised, parts of the church have become Laodicea.
The film examines some denominations, including the Southern Baptists, who have strayed from their historical, sound roots. Thankfully, many individual churches are holding to truth and pushing back against the foolishness.
Awakening to Wokeness?
Summing it all up, many churches and denominations are awakening to wokeness, creating a heartbreaking ordeal for church members who cannot accept the new standards, liberalism, or focus on issues that are not gospel-centered. They are shamed for not being sensitive to racial injustice. They long for the emphasis on the old rugged cross and what must I do to be saved?
Some of this new and unsound approach began right after the George Floyd incident just twenty minutes from the Olive Tree Ministries’ office, spring of 2020. A demise of stability and soundness in the church for the last thirty years then accelerated in just two years and left some churches unrecognizable.
The film reveals the subversive ideas, persons, and organizations who are enabling this new mood in the church and who are, thus, undermining the church and its foundation. There is a clarion call to reverse course, to feed the flock properly, and to equip the saints to be salt and light in these final days.
For Such a Time as This
How do I know all of these issues are valid? Because we have not had a response to a product like “Enemies Within the Church” for years! Some couldn’t even define what had happened to their beloved home church until they viewed this production. It is a film for such a time as this.
Jan Markell talks to Michele Bachmann and Pastor Barry Stagner. Russia is attacking Ukraine because of a weak America and because she may be gearing up to strike “the mountains of Israel” in the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39. Such massive global instability tells us the world is longing for a leader. His title is Antichrist.
In this prophecy roundtable, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, and Pastor Barry Stagner, along with Mike Golay, talk about “wars and rumors of wars.” How do today’s conflicts relate to the Bible? What are we to make of the Ukrainian-Russian war? Could there be prophetic implications?
Listen locally, Saturday, 9 a.m. CST
All programming posted and archived in video and audio form here.
You can find all programming on our Rumble channel and on YouTube when we aren't banned. As we write this, all bans are lifted.
Awaiting His Return,
Jan Markell
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Be Ready! The King is Coming!!!
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 4:17