This 7.1-carat Burmese ruby set in a daisy-style ring by Guillemin & Soulaine
set a sales record for Artcurial this week, going for more than $3 million.
(Image courtesy of Artcurial)
Monaco—A 7.1-carat Burmese natural ruby and diamond ring sold at auction in August 2023 for €2.9 million ($3.3 million), eclipsing its pre-sale estimate of €150,000 - 250,000 ($164,000 to $273,000) by nearly 12 times. The sale makes the jewel the second-most expensive ruby sold at auction in 2023, going for approximately $459,000 per carat, according to French auction house Artcurial. It set a sales record for the house’s jewelry department as well. Artcurial offered the ruby ring during its Monaco Auction Week sales, held July 16-19 at the Hotel Hermitage in Monte Carlo.Set in an 18-karat yellow gold daisy-style ring by Guillemin & Soulaine, the stone is surrounded by 10 diamonds weighing between 0.4 and 0.5 carats each. According to its SSEF report, the ruby is unheated and received a "pigeon blood" color grade, consistent with the finest rubies from the legendary Mogok mines in Burma (Myanmar).