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Thursday, May 9, 2019
Are you confident in the District? Do you believe our schools are on track? Take two minutes to TELL US.

Every year, we ask employees, families and the entire community to rate their level of confidence in the District. The input we get about our leadership, schools and services helps drive us to be better. This survey is confidential, so please give us your honest feedback. We appreciate it! The employee survey only takes about two minutes. If you're an SCS parent too, it's about three to five minutes.

Get certified to be a TEM evaluator in the new school year!

TEM evaluator certification for the 2019-20 school year is available  May 6 - July 31. TEM certification is reserved for any employees who conduct formal teacher evaluations. Candidates must have c ompleted a minimum of one formal TEM observation during SY18-19.  Click here for complete eligibility guidelines on each certification route.