I am taking a break from the Covid-19 vaccination topic to ask the question: are you getting enough ERGO in your diet. You are probably wondering, “what the heck is ERGO?“ Well, I have to admit this was a new one to me as well. Let me break this all down for you.

First of all, ERGO stands for ergothioneine. ERGO is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks for all proteins that your body manufactures. They are also the substances that your body uses to make your DNA.

Your body requires 20 amino acids in order to grow and function. Of these 20 there are 9 amino acids that are considered “essential.” They are called this simply because our bodies cannot manufacture these 9 specific amino acids, and therefore they must be consumed in our foods.

While ERGO is not considered an essential amino acid today, there are some who feel that it should be classified as a vitamin, since it appears it is an extremely important nutrient to our overall health and longevity.

ERGO is considered a “strong and stable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.“ In this regard it appears to be helpful in mitigating the effects of many chronic diseases encountered as we age. Interestingly, our bodies produce a very highly specific “transport molecule” designed to move ERGO via our red blood cells throughout our body to areas undergoing significant oxidative stress.

This amazing amino acid is generated by fungi in the soil. Therefore, like an essential amino acid, it must be consumed in our food supply. What foods contain high concentrations of ERGO you may ask? Well, think about what fungal foods that you might consume? What should pop into your minds right away are mushrooms. That’s right, I'm speaking of those delicious, little, off-white colored, nearly tasteless treats with the texture of rubber.

And therein lies the problem. You see here in the good old U.S. we consume about 1.1 mg. of ERGO daily, according to some estimates. In Italy however, the consumption of ERGO is estimated to be about 4.6 mg. per day. This disparity is primarily due to the fact that we simply do not consume mushrooms regularly. Oh, you might occasionally us them as a garnish on a salad, however we do not consume enough to gain the benefits of this longevity-enhancing nutrient.

So, what is the answer? Well, the obvious answer is to consume more mushrooms. There, problem solved! Unfortunately, knowing human nature as I do after 35 years of working with patients, I know that while the intentions are good, that might occur for a few days or at best a few weeks, but it just isn’t going to take root (sorry for the pun) long term.

The researchers at Penn State however may have some answers for us, ones that just might be a little more palatable. That is the reduction of the tillaging of soil by farmers. You see, there is an association between these fungal strains and the roots of plants. By tilling excessively, the fungi are destroyed.

Many farmers are now becoming interested in what is known as “regenerative farming.” This conservative farming method promotes reduced tilling of the soil, as well as reduced use of herbicides and pesticides. It is believed that by employing these techniques it is possible to significantly increase the quantity of ERGO in our food supply.

By employing these farming methods we would not only be enhancing the health of our soils, but also our overall Health, Wellness, and Longevity!