Looking at the Ayurvedic Model of Energy above you see 2 distinct time periods: 10am-2pm and 10pm-2am. The primary dosha (bio-energy) that rules these 2 times is Pitta and "Digestion" is the primary function during those times. This is why the Ayurvedic texts place so much emphasis on eating your larger meal during these hours because our digestive system is best primed to be able to break down food at this time.
Likewise, our ability to "digest" and process the events of the day is best suited for the evening time period of 10pm-2am. Every major organ system wants you to be asleep by 10pm so that its normal cleaning, detoxing, clearing, repairing and restoring processes can be accomplished. If you are awake during this time, those activities are diminished (or not done at all) which can lead to major dis-eases in the body. To maximize the benefits of sleep, being asleep by 10pm and for those important 4 hours is the key!
Is it EASY to be asleep by 10pm? Not so much in today's modern life because we have artificial lights, TVs, ipads, cell phones, etc to feed our brain signals that it is still daytime. Have you ever lost electricity and only have candlelight? I'll bet you were soooo tired a few hours after sunset! Melatonin, our sleepy hormone, starts to peak about 2 hours after sunset. This is nature's way of guaranteeing that we are asleep in time for the body to do its evening work! If you are tricking the brain with light stimuli, then melatonin can't be made and you won't get tired.
But you can limit electronics at least 1-2 hours before bedtime, turn down the artificial lights in the house, take a relaxing warm shower or practice an Abhyanga Self Oil Massage, read a book in bed and then see how sleep naturally creeps in. I know- easier written then done, but it can become a nightly practice and your body and brain can get used to it. Plus your health, resilience, immunity, mood and mental faculties will be improved!
So, if you are reading this newsletter (thank you) at night (stop :), close your phone/ laptop and make my delicious Ojas Milk recipe to help you get ready for sleepy time. It's made with warm milk, dates and spices and is guaranteed to warm you up from the inside out and help you drift off to sleep!
Nighty-nite and Love to all, Ginger