Leadership is one of the most elusive concepts businesspeople attempt to understand.
If used properly, a company can reach unheard-of success for the businesses, its employees, and communities. When misused, the result can be disastrous for all involved.
For example, the Chesterfield Chamber holds its annual Leadership Chesterfield Program to allow Leaders to learn the skills and insights needed to be successful leaders in today’s busy and often
conflicting world.
Today’s session was held at BizWorks. We heard some inspiring and awesome information from Kelly Suazo-Davis of Anchor In, an internationally certified Coach.
She ran us through an interactive exercise that made us think of how we could be better and more effective leaders. The group then heard from a panel of business leaders as they shared their thoughts on exciting issues, commentated by Todd Bradberry of
Parallel Management Company.
Are you looking for opportunities to become a better, more effective leader? Sign up for the next Leadership Chesterfield.
You'll Be Glad You Did!