Money Trapped  
Are you  
Money Trapped ?  
Money Trapped means that your current financial situation and your habits make it almost impossible to get or keep wealth.  
Imagine making new choices, working your way out of the cycle of traps, allowing you to live better, retire comfortably, leave a strong legacy, and make the world b etter.  
What ste ps will you take to improve your financial life for the long run?

Contact us and we can bring the "Are You Money Trapped" Program to your organization, family, or group.
Take the Money Trapped Quiz

Money Trapped question:
Do you have a will?

Click below to take the quiz and see if you are Money Trapped.  

To the Quiz >
Who is Controlling Your Financial Future?

You are reading this news alert so I know that you are smart so you acknowledged that you are responsible for your financial future.    

That is true but I have found that those in your huddle (circle, family, team, organization, etc..) can greatly influence your bottom line. Think about it!

Think about about who you spend your time with.

If you find yourself always helping your huddle, you may need to upgrade your huddle. The bible states that the poor will always be with us. Do you know the difference between poor and broke? If you are broke, you can be fixed with the right tools, habits, and resources. The poor may be predestined. I do not know, I am no bible scholar!

Anyway, as we go into the giving season, let's reach out and really help fix folk. Give them a long term fix. 

Shelia Johnson, EA

Enrolled to Practice Before the IRS.

420 Chinquapin Round Road, Suite 2 - i
Annapolis, MD 21401


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