Are You Prepared to Comply with CMS’ SDOH Requirements?

Get Compliant with our Special SDOHPro Demonstration Event..

Two Sessions Available ⎮ Thursday, December 7 ⎮ 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Beginning in January 2024, your hospital will need to begin complying with The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s mandate to collect Social Determinants of Health data from those receiving inpatient services. 

SDOHPro was created for this specific reason – to provide a turnkey, innovative technology solution you can deploy to meet CMS requirements. In this SDOHPro demonstration, learn how you can use it to protect your organization and comply. 

While meeting the CMS requirements is the impetus for collecting the SDOH information, the primary goal is to enable hospitals to systematically collect patient-level social risk factor data to create meaningful collaboration between healthcare providers and community-based organizations for transportation needs, food insecurity, utility difficulties, housing instability and interpersonal safety.

These sessions will be led by the Center for Healthcare Solutions’ Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Chrobak, and Chief Technical Officer, Lex Czaplicki.

Reserve your spot today.

Jeff Chrobak

Chief Financial Officer

Center for Healthcare Solutions

Lex Czaplicki

Chief Technical Officer

Center for Healthcare Solutions

Learning Objectives:


  • Become more familiar with SDOH requirements through CMS
  • Impact financially for fulfilling these CMS requirements
  • Cost for you for non-compliance
  • How to become more engaged and meet your community’s needs

This event is open to the members and non-members.

Interested in becoming a member or partner of Center for Healthcare Solutions? Contact Chad Hilliard at

Two Sessions Available

Thursday, December 7 ⎮ 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Register for 10 a.m. Session
Register for 1 p.m. Session
For more information, contact
Chad Hilliard, vice president,
corporate development, at