Are You Ready For Our 15% Preholiday Sale?
We Are Ready!

Are You Ready For Our 15% Preholiday Sale? We Are!

Jump for joy!

Get a head start on your holiday longarming.

From October 27, 2022 through November 11, 2022 we will give a discount of 15% on longarming services! The items must be brought in or postmarked between those dates, inclusively.

Whether your services require edge-to-edge or custom longarming, and all stops in between, they are included. Note that DIY is not included in the sale as those rates are already so low.

This discount cannot be combined with any other discount except our Quick Quilter discount.


When: October 27 through November 11, 2022

What: 15% discount on walk-in and mail-in longarming

Exclusions: DIY and combining with other discounts except our Quick Quilter discount.

We are hopping to hear from you soon!
Al Fin

I trust that this was of assistance or interest. If you have any questions that need to be answered, on this or other longarming or quilting topics, then please write to me at [email protected] or call 219.255.8085.

Thank you for your time and interest.
May The Lord Richly Bless You!
Rick & Ruth Grihalva
At Forever In Stitches our goal is to further the art of quilting and longarming.
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Forever In Stitches, LLC
Perfect Corner Ruler
Raggedy Ruth Designs