The Busy Corner
   "Turning The Chaos of Clutter Into Elegant Efficiency"

In This Issue
Home Organization
Downsize & Relocate

Interior Redesign

  Tammy Atchison
Certified Professional Organizer

February15, 2015

Welcome to The Busy Corner's Newsletter

Are You Ready To ... In 2015?
Recently a call came in and the client said,  "You came to my house over a year ago,
I wasn't ready then, but I am now."  My first question was "Why are you ready now?"
It is not uncommon for me to hear phrases like, "I'm not ready to ... tackle that room", "go through this", "get rid of that",  and in some instances I have to be the one to say, "you are not ready".  Thinking about this has inspired the 2015 series of The Busy Corner newsletters,  Are You Ready To.... 
We will work on projects together and encourage you to be ready to organize and work on the projects that will help and keep you organized in 2015.

Are You Ready To ... Get Started!


"The Busy Corner" is here to help.

Share what overwhelms you and we will face your 2015 challenges together.  

You can also post your photos, comments and stories on our Facebook Page.

5 Ways To Get Started!
  1. Schedule the time!  30 minutes a day can actually make a difference, especially for smaller projects such as the junk drawer. Schedule two to four hours once or twice a week for maximum results on larger areas.
  2. Decide what you want to accomplish and make a list in the order you want to organize these spaces.  Writing it down helps with the commitment to see it through.
  3. Declutter before you start the organizing process.  You don't want to spend time on things you never use, don't fit or don't even like!  Take the the time to get those items out of the house before the actual organizing  ever begins.
  4. Start with a small space or break down a larger project into manageable tasks.  If starting with the closet, for example, start by taking out anything that does not belong there. Then work on the accessories, next your shoes and last but not least, your clothes.
  5. Don't give up.  Recognize this is an ongoing process.  It will take time for your space to be everything you imagine it to be, but it also requires regular attention to maintain an organized home. 
Create A Routine That Works For You And Stay With It!
Match Maker, Match Maker, Make Me A Match


PLAY the match game!
The best way to tackle a pile of clutter is to start by grouping like things together.
You can sort by category, by person or by which room in the house it belongs in.
This way, it will be easier to find homes and organize the related items.

OPTIONS provide flexibility.
This is important to the success of your organizing journey.  Matching the choices you make with the options you have isn't always easy.  Keep an open mind when it comes to making the harder decisions.  

Don't be afraid to ask for HELP
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your organizing project, enlist the help of a family member or friend.  If that idea overwhelms you even more, consider hiring a professional organizer.  Do your research and make sure to hire someone that is the perfect match for you and the project you have in mind.
Sometimes all the help you need is some music that puts you in the mood, 
to organize!!! 

Less really is MORE.
Match what you have to what you need!  You will be amazed to find out all of that extra "stuff" is just in the way and doesn't add any value to you or your home. You can play matchmaker again by matching your donations to the facility that can best redistribute these goods to others.


Putting Like Things Together Is So Much Fun! 

Ruby's Corner

But as soon as she wakes up, we are going to work on the 2015 calendar!

Get your calendars ready to...

-Pick a day for monthly preventative medications and mark your calendar and/or set reminders to help with consistency. 

-Ruby is on several medications that we can only pick up once a month, so putting a refill reminder on the calendar is very helpful.
-Schedule annual appointments early if you can.  Otherwise, make a note in the calendar for the month you need to make the appointment.


Preventive care is the most effective approach to pet health.
 Next Issue We Will Be Taking A Trip Down Memory Lane.

Tammy Atchison, CPO �
The Busy Corner
"Turning The Chaos of Clutter Into Elegant Efficiency"

The Busy Corner | | [email protected] | PO BOX 800075, Houston, TX 77280