March 2023 Newsletter
What's Trending?
Each year our team reviews current trends in our sector to inspire our work and to stay abreast of changes in the landscape of non-profit work. This year, we are seeing an evolving theme in the trends that inspire us – all relate to the human connection. One of our favourite quotes and guiding principles in our work is, “you can have communications without fundraising, but you can’t have fundraising without communications.” This has never been more important. 
Trends change, but the key principle of connecting with people and valuing your relationships always remains at the top of the list. After a lack of connection in the past few years, we believe this more than ever before – the one thing we all have in common is a need to be understood, supported and valued. With that thought in mind, our team has taken some time to reflect on what we are seeing and experiencing in the non-profit sector. We want to share with you five trends that are inspiring us and the work that we do. 
Layer Your Message 
There has been a strong push to focus on digital marketing – ensuring websites are donor-friendly and communications plans are adapted to a primarily digital format. Please remember that direct mail is not dead! Many of us are receiving far less ‘snail’ mail, which means your direct mail piece may stand out more than ever. The adage continues to be true to layer your messaging through social, emails, text messages, radio … and mail! Providing your donor with the flexibility to learn and give online, through text or by mail will help you to continue to reach new audiences. You never know which tactic will motivate someone to make a donation! 
Focus on Donor Retention 
It costs a non-profit more to acquire new donors than to retain current donors. Charity Village reports that, “With approximately 70% of donors only giving to an organization once, non-profits are often left with a loss on their initial investment in first-time donors.” Stewardship, including intentional communications, is key. Putting in the extra effort to nurture your relationships with donors ensures they feel appreciated and are more inclined to be a long-term supporter of your organization. Ensure that what you share with donors conveys the impact of their contribution. Demonstrate the value of their gift to your organization’s work and you will encourage them to renew their support again. 
Volunteer Shortages 
The pandemic had a huge impact on volunteerism, and it appears we are experiencing a slow climb back. Many non-profits rely on volunteer support to help deliver their services and to fundraise. According to Imagine Canada, “…last year, 65% of non-profits reported a shortage of new volunteers while 50% reported struggling with volunteer retention.” The shortage impacts paid workers as they struggle to maintain services, meaning they are working more hours and are at risk of burning out. Listen to your volunteers and work to provide what they need to re-engage. 
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
There is a strong movement to advance discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities and workplaces. We all want to be conscientious and ensure everyone always feels respected. However, it can be overwhelming when there is a feeling that if it is not substantive or a large initiative, it’s not worth doing. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Working together to learn and respect everyone – no matter whether the effort is big or small – is critical to making our world better. The first steps are the most challenging but reaching out to our greater community to engage in dialogue and ask for guidance will help us all to continue more confidently. 
Extending Kindness 
It has been a tough few years and, as we all try to ‘get back to normal’, we need kindness more now than ever. Consider it ‘paying it forward’ and you may be surprised how it will benefit you. Remember that we never truly know what someone is going through and so we need to remind ourselves to take time to listen and show kindness to one another. By showing understanding and compassion, you invest in long-term relationships. You may gain the respect and support of a new volunteer or donor. Your kindness may inspire a community member to connect you to new ideas, new supporters or new funders. And ultimately, it will help to inspire you! 

The Dennis Group Inc. is a consultancy providing strategic and philanthropic guidance. We offer a fresh approach and smart solutions to cause-driven organizations and government agencies to achieve success, exceed goals and realize sustainable results that matter. We believe in working collaboratively, creatively and with care so that our clients can increase organizational capacity and community impact. 
To learn more about how The Dennis Group Inc. can help your organization reach its philanthropic and organizational goals, contact us for more information. 

Emerging Trends
In our next TDG newsletter, we will turn the spotlight to donor behaviour, taking a closer look at how donors are giving, who is giving, who is influencing and other emerging trends.

Coming in June...
Established in 2000, The Dennis Group Inc. has served more than 200 charities, raising more than $500 million during the last 20 years. As a full-service fundraising and non-profit management consulting firm, we have extensive experience in planning and conducting fundraising campaigns. At TDG, we pride ourselves in being results-oriented, fostering solid relationships, and working collaboratively to reach the goals and objectives for each of our clients. In fact, we strive to exceed their expectations and goals. 
We believe that through a solid partnership with our client, a properly executed campaign plan, and The Dennis Group’s strong fundraising knowledge, success is achievable. 
The Dennis Group Inc. is a member of the following organizations:
The Dennis Group Inc. | 705-301-1014