(Picture taken in 2019)

Are there 5000 people who

will invest in our future?

Dear Diane,

We, the leaders of the Burman University Student Association, want to thank alumni, friends, and the Church in Canada for your vision of a university in Canada. 

We deeply appreciate that you believe in us and in our future.

Because we want to do our part to see the wonderful new library completed — a place where current and future students can learn, connect, and belong — we have personally pledged our financial support and are planning activities to help raise a total of $525,000 for the library furniture and technology. We invite you to join us.

If 5000 people donate $100, we can reach $500,000.

If 5000 people join our efforts and donate $100 each, the balance of $500,000 is easily achievable. We know that not everyone can give $100; some can do more and others, less. Names of participants will appear on the Student Association donor wall as a testimony of their belief in Burman students.

View Student Testimonies 

Anna Flores,

SA President, 3rd year Business

New library nearing completion

2021/22 Student Association Leaders: left to right - Rohvoy Williams (ON), Selena Ly (ON), Dennalia Fray (ON), Anna Flores (ON), Nadine Irakoze (International - Rwanda), Bryna Figursky (AB), Shelby Edgson (AB) 

Ways you can give...

Please mark your donation: “SA Library Project”






6730 University Drive,

Lacombe, AB, T4L 2E5



6730 University Drive, Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5
