After 3 years, 17,892 miles, and 48 states, we have finished traveling the continental US, and in January, the Lord brought us to serve in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Here, we have the privilege of bringing families and individuals of all ages from all over the US to spend a week serving the underprivileged in Mexico. We serve in orphanages, comedors, churches, schools, and do door-to-door outreach. We provide children and their families with food, clothing, shoes, and other essentials while pointing them to their true provider, Dios! We love them because Christ loves us (1 John 4:19).
The question we have wrestled with was when to return "home" to the panhandle of Florida, where we feel the Lord is calling us to live and serve Him. After prayer and fasting, we are convinced the Lord wants us to stay and continue leading mission trips to Mexico for the next year. We are excited to be here to be a small part of what God is already doing. We are even more excited to serve alongside families longing to help their children begin to grow a servant heart. Please pray for our family, those we serve, and those who will travel here to be a part of the Great Commission.
Thank you for your prayers and support or as they say here “gracias por tus oraciones y apoyo.”