Maria Shaw’s

Starscopes Newsletter 

Weekly Edition

September 26, 2023

To receive this free newsletter sign up at

Join me for

Dinner and

2024 Predictions

Saginaw MI

All you can eat

Pizzeria Uno Buffet,

Pizza, Salad

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

Soda, Coffee, tea

Get tickets here

Choose the Friday Dinner Option

I'm available today!

Phone Readings;

10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.

Book here!

Includes astrology, mediumship, numerology, psychic and your questions answered. It is recorded too.

Have just 1 Burning Question?

Order a 1 question reading here. I'll record your answer and send it back to your email to listen at your leisure. Order two questions here and get a third free!

Astro News

By Maria Shaw

Full Moon In 3 Days

Are you Feeling the Energy Already?

I have heard from many clients last night and today that they are experiencing sadness, anger and grief. Many are having a hard time right now and wondering what is happening and why.

Everyone’s astrological chart is different but I have noticed one thing everyone that wrote me, had in common; the energy of the September 29 full moon is hitting them.

Now, this full moon in Aries doesn’t have to be a bad thing by any means. But some of the energy tied to it, will cause excessive energy that needs to find a healthy release.

The more sensitive and psychic types usually feel the Full Moon energy three days before and three days after its peak. Some even up to a week before!

The Aries Full Moon peaks at 5:57 AM eastern time

on the 29th of September.

The upside to these astrologically energies is that Mercury in Virgo is involved in a Grand Trine with Uranus and Pluto. This brings many manifestations to fruition this week and next! Whatever you have been talking about, wishing for and negotiating, can come to pass under this full moon; especially if it involves your career or work. This energy is also good for friendship and social circles. It bodes well for finding a solution for a complex problem too. If something challenging has happened, you will easily be able to find a resolution!

Now for the downside to the energy of the Full Moon.

It’s in the sign of Aries, ruled by the God of War, Mars. Mars is in the opposite sign of Libra by transit, so the Sun in Libra right now and Mars are both in opposition to the Full Moon in Aries. Buried, old anger may come to the surface. Stuff you’ve been holding onto, comes out. Impulsive actions and arguments can get you in deep trouble these next few days. Be warned.

Also, because Mars in Aries rules knives, swords, blades and scissors, I want you all to be very careful when using anything sharp the next few days. If cutting veggies up in the kitchen, you could cut yourself easily! Be extra cautious with blades and knives of any sort.

So, if you are feeling “off” or in a “dark place”, try to exert and move this energy out of your system in a healthy way. Don’t repress it and keep it lingering in your body and energy field. Get it out! Exercise, dance, move, groove, run, walk, etc. Then alternate between stress reduction techniques that work for you as well.

Manifest your desires at 5:57am eastern time on the 29th. The energy is strong and if used in a beneficial way, can benefit you too. 

We are also in a very karmic time with many planets retrograde.

If you were born when a lot of planets were moving backwards in the sky, it is said you have a lot of lessons from former lifetimes that will repeat. Right now, we have around a half a dozen planets moving backwards, triggering energy to help us make things right. It's a very karmic time.

I’ve talk a lot about karma over the course of my metaphysical career but one thing I haven’t shared is the Karmic Year.

This is based on the theory that your birth date reveals the most Karmic Year in your lifetime as well as your Karmic Debt Numbers.

In numerology, the once in a lifetime karmic year is not the same as your karmic debt numbers. The biggest and most potent karmic debt numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. If any one of these numbers are linked to your own personal numerology, then you can expect profound lessons that your soul must learn in your current incarnation. These numbers can indicate burdens to overcome and lessons to learn. They can also represent the obstacles and challenges that you may have to struggle with. Other debt numbers are not so harsh and do not come with the heaviest karma but rather situations and circumstances that may be a bit easier than other folks’ karma.

There is also something called the Karmic Year Number

It reveals the most karmic and important year in your lifetime to experience, create or pay off karma. In most cases, although not always, it is during this specific year, that you could have multiple experiences, which impact your entire life span. The impact not only affects that current year but how your future unfolds.

Some events can begin six months prior to the beginning of your karmic year and finish up six month after it ends. I can’t say what each karmic year will hold for everyone individually, but I can say, whatever happens can be good or bad, exhilarating or challenging and all. It will leave its mark on you and everything you do...and even the choices you make for the rest of your life. Some of you reading this, have likely already experienced the karmic year. Others may experience it yet, in the future. There is no specific year for everyone. Some people have it at age 13, others at 25, 50, 78 and even 90. There is no set age. It all depends on your own birthday information.

If you would like to know what your karmic debt number is and your karmic year, you can order a 1 question reading here and I will answer both of those questions for a 1 question reading. Just ask Tell me about my Karmic Debt Number and Year. This reading will be popular so it will take me longer than 24 hours to get back with you if I get a lot of orders in at one time but it shouldn’t be too long.

With this information you can look back on your karmic year if its already passes and see how it has affected your life up to this point as well as what went down for better or worse. You can also see how you handled the karma then. If you have not had your karmic year, then you can be ready and prepared for, anticipating you will pay off your karmic debts correctly and in the most spiritual way for your highest good.

A Real Haunted House Experience in Bay City

Looking for some

Spooky Fun this October?

Join Joe Lawson for his annual paranormal ghost hunt in Bay City MI at the Marta Lane House. This Halloween inspired event is always sold out so he's added an extra date Saturday, October 7. Guests come back year after year because they do have an "experience". The house is active with deceased former residents who lived there over the past century. Joe hosts a small group for several hours on this special evening. For information email [email protected]

Mermaid Money Stone Pendants

" Shiva Eye"

This pretty pendant brings good luck and fortune to those who wear it. Mermaid Stone/Shiva Eye, is a white shell with many healing properties. It also assists one in developing awareness of the divine without losing connection to the earth. This pendant protects your wealth and brings good luck. Shiva eye transmutes the physical body into a body of light. Excellent stone to enhance creativity and awaken ones sense of adventure. It banishes fears and insecurities while also protecting against evil. Shiva eye is also a great stone to calm an overactive mind and energize imagination. I have three different styles of 2 each.

So order quickly here before they sell out.


Moon Shine Onyx

is an excellent stone for releasing negative emotions such as sorrow and grief, and therefore brings good fortune and helps in recognizing personal strength.

Rest this Onyx on a nightstand with the intent of protection against nightmares and fears associated with the dark. 

★Metaphysical Properties:

an excellent stone for stimulating intuitive powers and furthers the quality of sentience. It is highly effective for magical work, such as scrying, and because it retains memories of its wearer, is an excellent stone for psychometry, holding an object for a reading.

★ Moonshine Onyx can enhance spiritual vision and dream experiences, and facilitate connection with lunar energies.

This gem can open the chakras and allow the better flow of positive energies. When there’s a healthy flow of energies, you will feel lighter, more vibrant, and more energetic. Order here please

Maria's Messages

Missy - Clarify what you need to do with your lawyers. You do not have the info you need.

Micah - You can purchase the truck if you want to but understand you will put another $3500 into repairs.

Jerome - Don't move. Not now.

Kellie - The job move will be a good one but you will need to ask for better hours.

Stephanie - The flowers you will receive on Sweetest Day will not come with a card. They are from an old flame from 15 years ago. He just got divorced.

Lily - Your hands are in rough shape. I am hoping you won't need surgery but it is possible.

Carrie - The house you are looking to buy is haunted. A murder happened there. Do your research as the realtor is in the dark about this.

Do You have a Birthday Soon?

Within the next 90 days?

Get Your

Cards of Destiny Report Now

Birthday to Birthday

Forecast Report

with Free Solar Return ($35 value)

Just as you were born under a zodiac sign or have a Life Path Number in numerology, you were also born with a Destiny Card! This report represents everything you need to know in a special emailed copy.

Each year of your forecast is broken down into 6 week intervals and tells you what to expect doing those six weeks.

In February and March, my cards of Destiny predicted I would be very sick. I was. But I also knew when I would be feeling better because of the report too.

During this current period in my report, it says a big real estate transaction would take place. When I read that part last year, I thought, NO WAY!

But two days ago, under this now lucky period I am now in, it's happening. I just went back and re-read my report last night for insight into this summer.

The Cards of Destiny will tell you so much about the year ahead; Positive times and challenging periods.

This is one of the best reports. I have ever offered as far as accuracy. Everyone raves about this one and it's fun to read too. Special for this week, order the Cards of destiny and get your Solar Return Birthday report for free! Just send me a note you want it with your Cards of Destiny order.

Order Cards of Destiny here

The Solar Return

Your Magic Moment Happens Once Every Year

Each year there is a magical moment that occurs at a specific time around your birthday. If you know the exact minute it occurs, you can tap into a powerful energy and make magic happen in your life for an entire year. It’s called your Solar Return. It’s when the transiting sun comes back to the exact placement/degree as the moment you were born. This is your REAL birthday astrologically speaking.

Your Solar Return also represents a picture of your entire year ahead. It’s like a map of what’s to come. The exact magic moment is different each year and is based on the location you spend your birthday that specific year. Once it is calculated, you must plan to do something to harness the energy of that magnificent energy.

I can send your solar return report and give you your magic moment time. I will need you birthday, time and city as well as where you will be for your upcoming birthday. The report is about 18 to 22 pages long and tells you what to expect for your year ahead plus your magic moment time so you will know when to do your affirmation work. Order here Order here please or Get it free when you order the Cards of Destiny now and I'll have your report back today!

Our Biggest Events of the Year

Two Halloween Conventions

There are many events planned for the month of October

but our two biggest Halloween Conventions are as follow.

This year the $150 and $89 passes are free

as I celebrate my 30th year doing psychic fairs.

There are some exclusions.

Here’s the schedule!

Minneapolis MN

October 21/22

Marriott Minneapolis

Airport Hotel


Saturday October 21

Halloween Themed Topics!

10am - Astrology,The Afterlife, Reincarnation and Unfinished Business;Messages from Heaven with Maria Shaw. FREE

From the moment you take your first breathe, a map of your life is drawn in the heavens. We call this your astrology chart and it is can tell me so much about your lifelong journey and path. Most people get their chart read so they can see what the future holds. But did you know, your astrology chart can also tell you what you may be up to in the afterlife? 

If you study the chart of a deceased loved one, it can reveal the karma they may need to complete in a future lifetime, who was waiting for them in Heaven when they made their transition, and details about their next lifetime if the soul chooses to come back. Sometimes the chart reveals the “job” your loved ones have taken on and who, left on earth, they are watching over now

Astrology can show the karma they didn’t finish in their most current incarnation and likewise, if they fulfilled their soul purpose. I will explain in layman terms how astrology and death charts can be useful in understanding a soul’s journey.

I will also channel messages from audience member’s loved ones in spirit and even look at some of the astrology charts of the deceased to see what's happening with them on the other side.

You’ll learn how astrology can help you understand the past, present and the afterlife! You may be asked for your loved one’s birthday in class if you are chosen. I will attempt to get to as many messages as possible.

1p.m. Char and Greg - The History Of Halloween!

Is Halloween your favorite holiday? If so, you can't miss this fun filled and informative lecture to get you in the true spirit. They will also talk about some haunted locations in Minnesota that they have explored and investigated.

3:30p.m. to 5p.m. Joe Lawson Extreme Seance’

This is paid event. Not included in your free pass

Purchase a ticket here

Just in time for Halloween, Joe brings his Extreme Seance to Minneapolis. He has been doing this presentation in other cities with astonishing results. Like the lady in Michigan, who’s deceased friend’s voice could be heard on the Ghost Box, chatting up a storm. Or the Polish Grandma speaking in her native tongue to her daughter in law, who thankfully knew enough Polish to speak back to her! Many of you have asked Joe to bring this Extreme Seance to Minneapolis. So here it is! Order your tickets here. Only $28

Sunday October 22

10am Paula Chaney - Empaths and Artwork

A look at how artwork is a form of expression for psychics, healers and intuitives such as yourself. If you are a sensitive type, you must explore this class.

1pm Dr. Mary Newstrom; Feeling Tangled up? Clear your energetic cobwebs with a shamanic group healing! A great way to start your week ahead!

3p.m. Thomas John and Maria Shaw

Channeling Messages from Spirit.

This is a ticketed event and not included in your free pass.

Please purchase here. Come join us as we deliver messages from loved ones in heaven. Thomas John is back in the Twin Cities for this October appearance!

Psychic Fair

Denver Crystal Show

Both days. 9a.m. to 5p.m.

$10 admission. Readings start at $20

Be the first to check out the new gems from this second largest crystal and mineral show. Plus the fair will offer many Halloween items and gift bundles.

Saginaw Michigan

Sheraton 4 Points

October 26 - 29

Psychic Fair

Friday through Sunday

9a.m. to 5p.m.

$5 admission $20 readings

We've expanded to three concurrent classes during the day.

Special paid early bird classes and night owl events

with Joe Lawson

  • Healers and Bodyworkers

  • Huge Gem, Crystal and Metaphysical Shopping Area

  • Fashion Hall with purses, wraps, ladies clothing, hats

Our Fair Managers Lynnette and Jayne

will be here to welcome you!

Get your FREE $150 Pass


(Only a few left )

If you have a premiere pass, you must register too.

All events included in your pass except meals with lectures, Thomas John and Maria’s Crossing Over Gallery and The Joe Passes or Joe's Individual classes. Paid events are highlighted in red.

Speakers and times are subject to change.

Note: please do not take a free pass

if you are not 100% sure you can come.

Thursday October 26

5pm Check in 

Pick up your Halloween bag

while they last!

Some readers will be available for sessions 5pm to 6:30pm


The Psychic Circle 

Join the psychics for free messages and readings

 in this gallery audience setting. Let them show off their talents and skills as they share some amazing insight.

Friday, October 27

9am Psychic Fair & Shopping Area Opens

9a.m. to 9:45a.m.

Joe’s Morning Meditation 

 Go with the Flow

Paid event. (Not included in pass)

Click here to order tickets

10:00am to 11am

Maria Shaw

How to have a productive meltdown when you are a HOT MESS

Maria will share a special invocation when you are in the heat of the moment to use and also how to turn your out of control emotional experience into an uplifting revealing one. If you are easily stressed or going through some stuff now, please make a point to attend this class. It will make a difference in how you handle meltdowns from this point on!

11:30 to 12:30pm

Jody Mohowitsch

Allowing Spirit to Lead

Living An Abundant Life 

Jody is a successful mid Michigan business owner and National Magazine Publisher. She shares her story of rags to riches to inspire everyone to go after their dreams. She not only used common good business sense but also the spiritual knowledge, received from attending Maria Shaw’s classes and readings. Put to good use, Jody was able to build her own empire and live a life many only dream of. Learn about her techniques and tools as well as her story that will inspire you to live the live you desire.

 11:30 to 12:30pm

Tonie Anderson

Thinking Thoughts

The Happy Wise Woman from Minnesota is back this year! Her lecture title is “Are your Thoughts Elevating you or Weighing you Down? The power of words and thoughts are more important than most people realize. One single thought traveling through your brain for a mere second, can change the direction of your life, or at the very least, your attitude. Tonie will help you understand the power behind your thoughts and what you can “think” to enhance your life. She will also share what thought to avoid, watch out for and how to transform negative thinking into positive thinking in mere minutes. Retrain your brain to work for you!

11:30AM to 12:30pm



Know another!

Your personal name energy, numbers, & colors are revealed in this class. Zara will show you to how to use a Core Number Blueprint & will share Color Numerology.

12:30pm to 2pm

Luncheon Lecture

$39 (not included in pass)

Your Angel Number with Maria Shaw

Have you ever looked at your phone, only to discover the time is exactly 11:11? Or perhaps you noticed your favorite song is two minutes and twenty-two seconds long, and moments later ordered a cup of coffee that totaled $2.22? These are referred to as angel numbers and, in the metaphysical realms, there are no coincidences 

In this luncheon lecture, your own unique angel number that you were born with will be revealed to you. We will cover the different angel numbers and their meanings plus days you should look for them to appear, as a sign from the Heavens. When you see your Angel Number, you know the heavenly friends are directly talking to you!

Get tickets here


All You Can Eat Amazing Gourmet Wrap Sandwiches

Grilled chicken wraps

Crispy chicken wraps

Ham wraps

Turkey wraps

Salad with assorted toppings and dressings



Soda, Tea or water

2:15pm. Raffle

Mini Talk

Maria talks about the Divine Timing Manifesting Technique. 

Learn a more potent way to manifest more so than the Law of Abundance checks. Get dates for 2024 that are really lucky!

2:30pm to 3:45 pm

Debby Harden

 The Box

Please don’t miss this lecture! The magical, mystical energy of the Box will lift the vibration in your home and may very well change your life. You have to come to class, to find out what this is all about. It’s a new way to get what you want with mindful effort and a little box.

2:30pm to 3:45pm

Melinda Klauza

Trusting Your Gut Feeling

We all have psychic gifts but many of us, don’t call ourselves psychic. We may use phrases like “Mother’s Intuition” or “Gut Feeling”. Melinda’s talk will help you not only understand what intuitive gifts are, how to harness and use them but perhaps most importantly, how to TRUST them. Your gut feeling will not serve you wrong. It’s always right. You know this to be true by past experiences. So let’s start trusting it! Bring your stories and questions to class!

2:30pm, to 3:45pm

Darcie 'O Konek

Balancing Your Triangle

How logic, intuition, and empathy create strength & balance. Let's welcome our Minneapolis healer to her debut in Michigan!

4p.m. Raffle and Mini Talk TBA

5pm - 7pm Dinner Lecture

($49 not included in pass) 

Maria Shaw’s

2024 Predictions. 

Grab your pen and paper! You won’t want to miss what ’s happening in

the new year! 

Get tickets here


All You Can Eat Uno Pizza buffet

Assorted Uno pizzas

Salad with assorted toppings and dressings

Ice Cream bar with toppings

Soda, tea or water

Free Friday Event 

7:15pm to 8:45pm

Crossing Over Gallery with Maria Shaw 

and her panel of amazing mediums! Come with an open heart and mind to receive heartfelt channeled messages from your loved ones in heaven. 

Make sure to purchase a copy of Maria’s book

The 40 Day Journey; a soul’s passage into the afterlife

Night Owl

Paid Evening Event 

(Not included in your convention pass)

9:00pm - 10pm

Joe Lawson

Manifesting Magic and Miracles

. Set the intention and when you see tonight, you will sleep good and the intention will be held in you subconscious as you sleep. $23. Click here for tickets

Saturday, October 28

Psychic Fair and Shopping Opens 9a.m.

 9am to 9:45am

Joe’s Morning Meditation

Let Nature Move

and Heal You

Paid event.

(Not included in pass)

Click here for tickets

10:00 am - 11:15 am

Allie Theiss, Licensed Sexologist

LOVE Potions

Come to class with your note pad. When love is unrequited, what you can you do? For some people throughout history, a love potion has been the answer – but just what goes into these heady and allegedly head-turning concoctions? Author and Psychic, Allie Theiss shares some notable aphrodisiacs you can make to attract the attention of your unreciprocated affection.

10am to 11:15am

Judy Conkel


What’s in a Name?

Join author, intuitive and metaphysical Judy Conkel of Ohio for this informative and fun class. Every letter in a name has energy and can create a positive or negative response from other people, the environment and more. Judy wants her class to be interactive. If you attend her class, she expects you shout out your name, the name of your kids or grandkids, the name of your business, your first love, your ex or maybe your first book title! She will share within seconds what energy is behind those words and letters! Expect to laugh, learn and love this talented lady!

10am to 11:15am

Alicia Patterson

Your Blood Type Reveals All!

Are you sick of feeling sluggish, depressed or even stressed out everyday?

Did you ever wonder why you can not reduce that unwanted weight? 

Are you a person who gets sick often? 

Your blood type unlocks that secret door of health, physical life, longevity, disease & your emotional well being. By knowing your blood type can help avoid most common infections or viruses. There are certain foods for each blood type that deteriorate our cells, which then will cause us to age quickly and can cause disease.

Alicia is in an naturopathic school where she receives all her information to share with the public. She will go over the blood types and provide the foods that are highly beneficial for each one and which foods to avoid for each blood type. She will also go over why each blood type has to exercise differently to reduce that unwanted weight. Come listen in so you can be on your way to a healthier, happier YOU! 

12:30 - 2pm 

Luncheon Lecture 

(not included in pass $39) 

The Mark of the Millionaire

with Maria Shaw

In this class, one of two things will be revealed: If you will be a millionaire in your life time and/or if you don’t have the mark of the millionaire, what path should you take to be prosperous. (This class has limited seating. Everyone attending will receive a copy of their astrology chart for use in this class. Maria will need your birthday, time and city two weeks prior to this class to prepare your chart.) 

Get tickets here


ALL YOU CAN EAT Soup and Salad bar

Assorted speciality soups

Salad and grilled chicken and assorted toppings and dressings

Pasta salad

Breadsticks and cookies

Soda, tea or water

1:45pm Raffle and Mini Talk TBA

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Susan Gabriel

Life Changing Foods; The Holy Four

Nutritional Health Coach Susan Gabriel shares the Medical Medium’s holistic approach to health. She will talk about what foods to eat to specifically help ease health concerns. For example: if someone is struggling with cold sores, eating potatoes is said to be of benefit. Thyroid support may come from eating more cruciferous veggies. Susan will speak on achieving optimal health by eating Life Changing Foods including the Holy Four. Susan will give away one copy of the book Life Changing Foods during her class.

Disclaimer: This advice should not take the place of a medical professional. Consult a doctor before doing anything with your diet and eating patterns. No medical claims are made by Maria Shaw and Company.

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Ann Partynski

Let me Tap Your Brain! 

Brain health is a critical piece of your overall health. It underlies your ability to communicate, make decisions, problem-solve and live a productive and useful life. Because the brain controls so much of daily function, it is arguably the single most valuable organ in the human body. Let Nurse Ann tell you how to develop and maintain a healthy brain.

2:30 - 3:30

Tricia Brethauer

Heaven on Earth Thinking 

Tricia believes all diseases are 100% curable and shares how daily subconscious living can make all the difference in creating a healthy and happy life. She’ll share how to work from that all important subconscious level at different times of the day. With this technique, it’s possible to create more money, happiness, positive relationships and quite frankly, anything you desire. You can put her technique to work today!

5pm - 7pm

Dinner Lecture

($49 not included in pass) 

Maria’s Intimate

Crossing Over Gallery

A smaller group and more messages!

Get tickets here


All you can eat Pasta Bar 

Pasta with grilled chicken

Alfredo and marinara sauces

Salad with assorted toppings and dressings


Ghirardelli chocolate brownies

7pm - 7:30pm

Halloween Costume Parade! 

Wear your Best costume and join the parade led by Mr. Halloween, Joe Lawson for one of three top prizes.

Free Saturday Evening Event


Nurse Lynn Cook

The Afterlife

Many of you follow The Hospice Nurse Julie on social media. Well, we have our own version, Nurse Lynn of St Joseph, Michigan to introduce to you. This Halloween weekend, Lynn will share stories that touch the heart and answer questions about a Nurse’s experience with her patients as the enter the afterlife. You will come to understand a new perspective of a person’s transition from the earthly plane and real life stories that prove our deceased loved ones can still communicate with us…and that heaven really does exist.

Night Owl

Paid Evening Event 

(Not included in your convention pass)

9:00 pm - 10pm Friday night

Joe Lawson

Extreme Séance’

$25 Get tickets here

Sunday, October 29

9am to 9:45am

Joe’s Morning Meditation 

Stop Thinking the Worse

Paid event. (Not included in pass)

Click here for tickets

Michaela Garth

9:30am to 10:30am

Lady Goddess

Creating Magic!

This lovely teacher will share how you can create magic, inspiration and abundance in your life, using simple tools you probably have at home.

You will learn simple techniques you can put to use right away to shift energy, change your life’s direction, remove stagnant energies and block and move quickly to your rightful place of success!

If you feel challenged or at least a bit disturbed that you can’t share the real you with others in your close knit circle for fear of judgement, being ostracized or ridiculed, make sure to attend this class

11:30am to 12:30pm 

Kathy Tinglan

Not Everyone is a Medium.

To Share or Not Share

the Real You

Are you a closet astrology loving, psychic fair goer, crystal wearing, intuitive and spiritual type? But you know there are some people in your family, friend or work circles, you could never reveal your true self to?

(That’s one reason you love attending our conventions because you can be around like minded people).

Kathy’s class is designed with you in mind.

We never know where life will take us. Some people are open to living life from a spiritual perspective and some folks will completely deny that part of themselves.

The Psychic Stuff is not for everyone and Kathy herself, never dreamed twenty years ago, she would be the teacher and medium who would be giving readings, presentations and spiritual classes.

Just think if you really knew how to master this amazing part of you and channel these gifts to their maximum level, what couldn’t you achieve!

11:30am to 12:30pm

Tish Medearis

Practices to Master Your Intuitive Abilities from a Master Psychic. 

You’ll learn about what intuition is, where it comes from, how to follow it and more.

Tish will share some ancient techniques and practices to master your gifts.

We all are born with intuition but many people do not use much or realize its unlimited potential.

12:30pm - 2pm

Special Luncheon Lecture

(additional charge $49)

Maria Shaw

30 Year Roast and Talk

30 Years of Psychic Fairs 

Learn the secrets and stories behind the last three decades of Maria’s fairs. The humorous, crazy stories and the real business behind the business. This lecture is like a juicy novel with some Tell All parts! At the end of the lecture, there will be time if guests would like to share stories of the fairs or Maria’s work over the years.

Get tickets here


All you can eat 

BBQ ribs and fixings



Sweet potato fries


Soda, tea or water


Paid Event

(Not included in your pass)

3:30pm to 5pm 

Maria Shaw with Thomas John 

The Seatbelt Psychic, star of Lifetime’s TV Series

An Afternoon with Spirit

Messages from Heaven

Order tickets here

Additional Information and Ticket Info

Flying In?

Fly into MBS airport

11 miles from hotel.

There is a shuttle to the hotel

Sheraton Four Points is holding

Overnight sleeping rooms

under a special Maria Shaw convention rate Call 989-790-5050. Limited rooms for the special rate. Available now through

October 10, 2023

Book early!

Meal Program

All meals are on site at Pizzeria Uno.

No refunds on purchased tickets but they are transferable to a friend

Order individual tickets or the 

meal/lecture package and save $10

Friday Lunch $39

Friday Dinner $49

Saturday Lunch $39

Saturday Dinner $49

Sunday Afternoon Dinner $49

Order all 5 Meal package with 

speciality classes here


The Joe Pass

Joe Lawson events are not included in your free convention pass but are optional and can include any of the following. You can purchase individually or get a Joe Pass for it all and save $$$!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 

9am each day 

45 minute Morning Meditations

$18 each or all for $49

Friday - Go with the Flow

Saturday - Let Nature Heal You

The Healing Powers of Nature

Sunday - Stop Thinking The Worst

Guided class to retain the brain to stop accepting negative thoughts

9:15pm Friday night - Joe’s amazing 

Manifesting Magic Class $25 - 60 minutes

Saturday night - Extreme Séance $25

Maria and Thomas John

An Afternoon with Spirit

Sunday 3:30pm to 5pm

$59 per person.

Group of 10 tickets purchased at the same time save $10 each. Only $49 per person

Ask Maria


About Maria

Book a Reading

Online Store

A look at your top five money periods in the next 5 years and how the money could come, recorded and sent back to your email. Order here