Hello all!

The current health statistics within the US and across the world have become quite daunting.

*An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. (1)

*Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (51.5 million in 2019).(2)

*Over 70 million adults in U.S. are obese (35 million men and 35 million women). 99 million are overweight (45 million women and 54 million men).(3)

*More than half (51.8%) of adults had at least 1 of 10 selected diagnosed chronic conditions (arthritis, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, current asthma, diabetes, hepatitis, hypertension, stroke, and weak or failing kidneys), and 27.2% of US adults had multiple chronic conditions. (4)

Although doom and gloom has become common, life really doesn't have to be this way. Our bodies are rather resilient when provided optimal support.

Here are my 6 LIFE HACKS to sustaining vitality and independence:

  • Understand your body is composed of trillions of cells compressed together to create your 11 organ systems. Cells take in nutrients from the environment to convert into energy and carry out specialized functions. The six classes of nutrients required by the human body are protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water. Your macro nutrients should be comprised of micro nutrients required to sustain life. Quality nutrients from whole foods that rot within a couple weeks...will offer you the greatest return on investment. Without the proper fuel, one can not expect optimal function from their 11 organ systems. The body can not sustain homeostasis without the proper nourishment. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/micronutrients-have-major-impact-on-health

  • Just as a car needs a specific type of fuel and enough gallons of gas to help you drive further, the body is much the same. You must have enough quality calories to offer optimal energy. Get to know your basal metabolic rate and how many units of energy required to sustain optimal health. https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/health/bmr-calculator.php One may be consuming quality fuel, but a consistent caloric deficit may lead to undernourishment. Missing just one vital nutrient can lead to multiple symptoms.

  • How you think is just as important as how you eat, but one could argue...you can only think as well as you nourish yourself. Your thoughts can either weaken your immune system or strengthen it. Negative thoughts tend to increase tension, cortisol production and inflammatory proteins such as cytokines. Adequate caloric intake, with quality protein, carbs and fat, helps to sustain optimal nutrient levels required to prevent anxiety, depression, paranoia and confusion. Just a slight dip in sodium levels and/or hydration can lead to agitation, cramping and mania. LIFE HACK: Stay nourished physically with good food, and mentally/spiritually with thoughts of gratitude. Focus on what is right as you strive to fine tune areas of opportunity. You can attend my course online in reference to mental health and nutrition for additional solutions.

  • Protect your brain by reducing chronic fear and worry. Preserve your vitality. Turn off the news to reduce your exposure to negative stories. Whether the fear is warranted or just ones perception of reality, the cells...the body...experience the stress just the same. In this article you can learn a little more about Dr. Hans Selye's theory of stress. https://www.ajmc.com/view/the-effects-of-chronic-fear-on-a-persons-health You can also attend my professional course on line to learn how to improve metabolism and vitality through managing the top five stressors impacting the human body. Learn how to reduce stressors within your control to sustain homeostasis.

  • Keep an eye on your blood chemistry and learn what it means to you. Always ask for a copy of your blood work from your physician, or upon a visit to the hospital. If you do not have a regular doctor, visit sites such as directlabs.com to order a comprehensive wellness profile to monitor how your body is doing. Watch for signs of anemia with low hematocrit and low hemoglobin, keep an eye on your cholesterol to aim for healthy hdl levels and aim for a healthy, fasting blood glucose. Click here to attend my ZOOM class "Learning your blood chemistry" to understand how to advocate for your best health.

  • Protect your peace. It's ok to love people for who they are, but it's just as important to protect your space. If someone brings out the worst in you, it's critical to learn how to set healthy boundaries. A great counselor can help provide strategies for coping and creating space for those who tend to create chaos and stress. A counselor is also a great resource to reach out to if you tend to be your own worst enemy with negative self talk and frustration. Addressing tough situations can be done solo, but it's always easier to work with a specialist capable of offering tricks of the trade to help with acting efficiently and effectively. Your quality of life is PRIORITY!

How we treat our mind, body and spirit has a direct impact as to how we will look, feel and age. Feel free to reach out if you need additional support in sustaining optimal health! I am grateful to be part of your journey.

Kimberly Miller

1) https://www.thyroid.org/media-main/press-room/
2) https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness

GIME, LLC |352-585-3748