Are you doing these 9 things to ensure you get the BEST results when applying for a job?

Are you doing these 9 things to ensure the BEST results (being offered the job/contacted for an interview) when applying for jobs?

If you haven’t had results for some time OR if you want tips to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success, check out my 9 FREE tips below:

Tip #1:   Filling out the non-required fields in the job application (for example, taking the time to write a custom cover letter specific to that position if they have a section for you to attach one).

Tip #2:  Ensuring that the not required cover letter is addressed to the recruiter/hiring manager’s name (you have to do the research to find this & it may take more than just looking at the company’s website, but looking up the company on LinkedIn as one example).

Tip #3: Picking a date that you will follow up regarding the status of your application for this position (unless you hear back from someone from their company first) & stating that in your cover letter as well as how you will follow up with them (for example, sending an email to their jobs/HR email, to that person that the cover letter is addressed to, via a LinkedIn message to the person the cover letter is addressed to if you have no email address for the company, etc.) Pick a date at least a week from the date that you submit your application for the position to follow up (2 weeks minimum if you’re doing tip #4 on my list), put it on your calendar & do what you say you’re going to do.

Tip #4: Are you getting letters of recommendation submitted on your behalf that recommend you for the position by 3 different people that can vouch for your character, skills, & experience for the position you just applied for? These need to be submitted as soon as possible after you apply for the position. Again, you need to do the research on where to send them it may involve emailing/calling the company to get an appropriate email to send them to or simply sending through their “Contact” form on their website OR via snail mail if their website has nothing related to contacting for job questions, but they provide an address to write them for “other issues or requests.” It’s best to have the people who the letters of recommendation are from to be submitted from their email address (when applicable) with their contact information in the letter as well (but sometimes you may have to submit on behalf of them & then you definitely want to have their contact info. in the letter you submit after of course letting them know in advance).

Tip #5: If you have a business website or professional website, are you providing it in the non-required field in your application (if applicable?) This just provides additional information the hiring team can learn about you especially if it’s relevant to the position you’re applying.

Tip #6: Regardless if the LinkedIn website field is required in the job application, is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date & the best representation of you as a person (not just what you do?)

Tip #7: Are you ensuring in the required field of the job application where it asks: “What is your desired salary for this position?” To NOT respond with an actual number and instead with: “Given someone with my experience, education, & qualifications what salary range did you have in mind?” You want to have them provide you a range not lock yourself at a specific number.

Tip #8: Are you ensuring your cover letter is communicating why you’re the perfect candidate for the position and NOT re-stating your resume? Are you also sharing in that cover letter 2-3 recent accomplishments in your career (or life that you feel are would be appropriate) that occurred within the last 2 years?

Tip #9: Are you ensuring you’re applying for jobs that you could really see yourself doing and are qualified for? I know sometimes, a job may really interest you, but you have questions and may want to know for example, if a project position has how many hours per week? Does it have a set schedule, flexible, or somewhere in between? How long is the project anticipated to last? And other important questions that the job description didn’t cover AND you have no way (after doing your research) to reach out to the company to ask, then you have to make the judgement call – do you want this job bad enough to apply for it and then find out later? The goal is to make sure you’re putting your efforts (time and energy) toward applying for jobs that you’d really want and could see yourself doing, not just applying because it’s something you could do, you’re desperate, and/or just want to be done applying for jobs. Because if it’s not a good fit and you weren’t a little more selective, in a couple months you could be out there looking again and in the same boat.

2 featured services available for purchase thru Thurs. 1/11/24 BEFORE 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST):

Service #1: A LinkedIn profile review for my recommendations on how I'd improve your LinkedIn profile (regardless if you hired me to do) & an up to 30-minute phone consultation where I will discuss my findings (as I would've looked at your LinkedIn profile prior) as well as discuss the 4-question LinkedIn form I have you fill out PRIOR to the call and provide my recommended LinkedIn services & pricing (based on what you filled out in that form). We also have the ability to ask & answer questions. All for $95.66 through the purple "BUY NOW" button below so that I can net my $90 rate after my newsletter's debit/credit card processing fees.

**PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to visit the "BUY NOW" button again after already making a purchase(s) between now & 1/11/24 before 11:55 pm PST, it will tell you that you've already registered for my event, what that means is that you'll have to use a different email address to proceed. It's *not something I can fix/change. It's been like that for years & my newsletter company is aware of it. Thank you! 🙏**


Note: If you want to pay with U.S. cash or money order, the LinkedIn profile review & up to 30-min. LinkedIn consultation would be $90. The same terms & conditions would apply, EXCEPT the deadline to contact me for my snail mail address would be by 1 pm Pacific Standard Time on Mon. 1/8/24 via email: or phone: 360-981-7463 & leave a detailed voicemail about the # of LinkedIn profile reviews & consultations you want to purchase. I will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, you'd click on the purple "BUY NOW" button above & print out the terms & conditions (page before you would normally purchase) & handwriting with a pen that you understand, agree, & will follow the terms & conditions in this agreement and then print & sign your name and date as well. Once I've provided you my snail mail address, you'd include the printed off & signed agreement (terms & conditions) & your payment along with a note (i.e. I'm purchasing 2 LinkedIn profile reviews & consultations) or however many you are.

If somehow snail mail isn't going to work for you & you still want to pay without a debit/credit card in my newsletter, you'd still have to contact me *no later than 1 pm PST on Mon. 1/8/24* via email or phone (provided in above paragraph) I will get back to you as soon as possible & in the mean time you'd print out the terms & conditions (page before you would normally purchase) & handwrite with a pen that you understand, agree, & will follow the terms & conditions in this agreement and then print & sign your name and date as well. You'd scan these pages (the terms & conditions & your signature section) and email it to me (email provided in paragraph above) and in that email stating how many LinkedIn profile reviews & consultations you're purchasing besides that you've attached the terms & conditions signed by you in the same email. We would discuss the details of you making arrangements to deposit your payment (U.S. cash) with a teller at my financial institution during their regular business hours *no later than Thurs. 1/11/24 during my financial institution's operating hours.* (My financial institution is in other cities, so that you could go during their regular business hours to deposit into my account without having to travel to my city) if applicable. 🙂

Service #2: A mid-level cover letter (defined as a cover letter geared to mid-level clients, clients pursuing positions which require 3-14.5 years' of experience AND aren't entry-level, management, or higher-level management positions). This would be a brand-new cover letter written to this mid-level experience level & would be written to either ONE of the following: 1) A job description provided to me or 2) A general career field.

The cover letter should ideally be approximately 3 paragraphs long (about a regular Microsoft Word document) in length, but I will go no more than 2 pages for no additional charge.

You will also receive 2 sets of edits per the final cover letter included in the price, defined as you look at the first draft of your cover letter, if there are any edit(s) to make I make them as long as it's not developing a new cover letter. Then I provide you the revised draft (if applicable) and one last set of edits (as defined here) will take place. Then you'll have the final cover letter in Microsoft Word that you received via email to save, modify, and do as you please.

All for $274.84 through the purple "BUY NOW" button below so that I can net my $260 rate after my newsletter's debit/credit card processing fees.

**PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to visit the "BUY NOW" button again after already making a purchase(s) between now & 1/11/24 before 11:55 pm PST, it will tell you that you've already registered for my event, what that means is that you'll have to use a different email address to proceed. It's *not something I can fix/change. It's been like that for years & my newsletter company is aware of it. Thank you! 🙏**


Note: If you want to pay with U.S. cash or money order, the mid-level cover letter would be $260. The same terms & conditions would apply, EXCEPT the deadline to contact me for my snail mail address would be by 1 pm Pacific Standard Time on Mon. 1/8/24 via email: or phone: 360-981-7463 & leave a detailed voicemail about the # of mid-level cover letters you want to purchase. I will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, you'd click on the purple "BUY NOW" button above & print out the terms & conditions (page before you would normally purchase) & handwriting with a pen that you understand, agree, & will follow the terms & conditions in this agreement and then print & sign your name and date as well. Once I've provided you my snail mail address, you'd include the printed off & signed agreement (terms & conditions) & your payment along with a note (i.e. I'm purchasing 2 mid-level cover letters) or however many you are.

If somehow snail mail isn't going to work for you & you still want to pay without a debit/credit card in my newsletter, you'd still have to contact me *no later than 1 pm PST on Mon. 1/8/24* via email or phone (provided in above paragraph) I will get back to you as soon as possible & in the mean time you'd print out the terms & conditions (page before you would normally purchase) & handwrite with a pen that you understand, agree, & will follow the terms & conditions in this agreement and then print & sign your name and date as well. You'd scan these pages (the terms & conditions & your signature section) and email it to me (email provided in paragraph above) and in that email stating how many mid-level cover letters you're purchasing besides that you've attached the terms & conditions signed by you in the same email. We would discuss the details of you making arrangements to deposit your payment (U.S. cash) with a teller at my financial institution during their regular business hours *no later than Thurs. 1/11/24 during my financial institution's operating hours.* (My financial institution is in other cities, so that you could go during their regular business hours to deposit into my account without having to travel to my city) if applicable. 🙂

Want to setup a FREE, no obligation phone call with me to discuss your career goals, small business marketing needs, OR any writing, editing, OR LinkedIn project (in general which doesn't have to be just geared to career seekers or business owners)?

Then have you and/or your referral visit the link below to see what's involved & fill out the form at this link to set one up:

Thank you,

Carly Calabrese

I help unhappy/unchallenged professionals land their dream career (whether it's starting a business or otherwise)

Email me:

Work Solutions - "Providing career assistance/coaching/prep, business marketing, writing, editing, and LinkedIn services for individuals and freelance opportunities."

“Independence is happiness.”—Susan B. Anthony

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