Liebe TCGIS-Gemeinschaft,
“Zwischen den Jahren” (“between the years”) is a German phrase describing the days between Christmas and New Years, a time when most Germans don't work, but spend their days visiting with family and friends, relaxing, eating good food, and going for Spaziergänge (walks outside).
I hope that you are having a great time “zwischen den Jahren” and that your 2021 brings with it good health, joy, and peace. My own time “between the years” has been full of family, food, and time outside.
Today I am writing to you to say Vielen Dank for your unwavering support of TCGIS, especially during this incredibly challenging time for our school, our community, our nation, and our world. I am personally grateful for the families of TCGIS as you have come together for the children, for our staff, and for each other. Being part of this community is both fun and an honor.
In closing, if you are considering a contribution before the end of the tax year, please click here to support TCGIS.
Wir wünschen einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
(We wish you a good 'slide' into the new year!)
Ted Anderson