Hello spiritual friends!
If you are old enough, you might remember a common theme from back in the 70's, which was "going with the flow." Back then the message was don't make waves. Go with what other people are doing. When I looked up the meaning on Google, it also suggests we go with the flow on their opinions.
I'm not suggesting that. . . . However, I would like to invite you to think about creating an easy energy flow for yourself.
When we are "in the flow", we allow ourselves to move through both the joyful and challenging experiences with more ease and grace. Like a river or stream that flows over the bumps and rocks and meanders along in the quiet smooth places. The water reacts to the environment but doesn't try to change or control it. It just flows.
Human beings have a little more trouble with this one. Something happens that doesn't feel good and we struggle with it. While we do need to process our emotions so we can release them, struggling with challenging thoughts for a prolonged period of time actually makes it worse.
The more we wish it wasn't happening (or didn't happen or won't happen), the worse it feels. We don't want to accept the situation because on some unconscious level we feel like we can make it go away. But the resistance builds and we begin to react to that resistance energy-- along with the situation. Then it feels bigger and worse than it really is.
Like the time I broke a tooth on my bridge, right in the front. We were traveling over holidays and I couldn't get it fixed until I got home. Once I calmed down and started releasing the resistance, my doctor helped me find a temporary solution. And I got through it. The horror of "this can't be happening to me" was worse than the situation itself. Of course, there are many situations in my life where I fought resistance, and I still do. And surely for you as well.
But it is good to remember we have choices. The key to being in the energy flow is letting go of resistance. When we let go, we can accept what is happening and allow life to unfold as it will. We release the need to control. When we let go of resistance it is easier to focus on the best choices and actions to move forward.
Releasing resistance also restores our mental clarity and intuitive wisdom. The struggle with resistance creates stress, fear and tension. Stress is part of our sympathetic nervous system preparing us for fight or flight. Stress closes down the upper chakras (our intuitive and spiritual connection) and opens the lower chakras (our emotional and physical energy) in the body. With the sympathetic nervous system turned on, it is more difficult to connect with our heart and soul. And our empathic barometer or gut wisdom becomes very dull.
There are plenty of issues in our world today that can bring up resistance: the environment, politics, the economy, the Covid virus, widespread divisiveness, or compassionate concerns like homeless and joblessness. Situations come up regularly in our personal lives, like how that conversation went, choices a family member is making. . . These are all invitations to engage in the struggle of resistance.
Why not choose allowing? Allow those people and things we cannot change to simply exist as they are. Release the pointless struggle. Let go of the futile need to control what isn't ours to control.
When we accept other people and events just as they are, we also begin to accept ourselves on a deeper level. When we accept ourselves more fully, our self-confidence, creativity, clarity, intuition and ability to be in the present moment opens up. We live from the heart.
We can always make personal choices to think differently, act differently, leave a relationship, change directions, find forgiveness, donate or take action for a good cause and direct our energy towards what brings fulfillment and personal meaning.
Choose acceptance and find more inner peace.
Blessings to each of you on your journey,