Introducing the NFFV

Legislative Captain!

We are looking for

people interested in

being a NFFV

Legislative Captain!

Hello NFFV Family,

For the 2023 legislative session, NFFV has created a new way for citizens to participate by acting as a NFFV Legislative Captain.


What is a Legislative Captain:

A Legislative Captain will be a "point of contact” for NFFV, with whom we directly communicate information either supporting or opposing priority bills in their area of interest. Each Captain will then disperse the talking points to their five or more friends (sphere of influence) and encourage them to contact the State Senators. 

In short, we are creating an army of engaged Nebraska citizens to be involved in this legislative session. This will not take much or your time, but will have a huge impact. Watch a short video here.

If you want to learn more about being a Legislative Captain, click here for a short survey, and we will follow up with you.

Below are guidelines for a Legislative Captain, and a PDF version is available here.

NOTE: If you want to join our private Facebook Group, click here.

Thank you,

NFFV Leadership

NFFV Legislative Captain GUIDELINES

Objective of the Legislative Captain Program: To provide a substantial voice from “We the People” to our State Senators in support of “JUST” bills and opposing “UNJUST” bills.

The Role a Legislative Captain: The role of a Legislative Captain is to be a “NFFV point of contact” for information either supporting or opposing priority bills in your area of interest. Captains then disperse the talking points to your five or more friends (sphere of influence) and encourage them to contact the State Senators.

Duties of a Legislative Captain:

1) Choose one or more categories that represent your area(s) of interest. The categories are as follows:

  • Pro-Life / Anti-Abortion
  • Religious Liberty
  • Education & Children
  • Medical Freedom
  • Second Amendment
  • Taxes and Job Growth
  • Election Integrity

2) Receive information from NFFV during the legislative session on the talking points for priority bills in your area of interest.

3) Disperse the information you receive from NFFV to your friends/contacts and encourage them to reach out to State Senators. 

Time Commitment: The time commitment will occur during the legislative session, and will be dependent upon the number of proposed bills that are in your area(s) of interest. On the days in which your priority bills need addressed, the time commitment is the amount of time it takes you to reach out to your friends/contacts with the talking points and encourage them to contact the State Senators. For some this may be via email, for others it may be via text, and others may have a social media group of like-minded people.   

Board of Directors Team