Hello Stacey,

The team at ROISG hopes that you have been enjoying your summer and many of you have been able to soak in the warm weather and spend time with those you love.

We've been seeing a lot of our friends, colleagues, and family members squeezing in those last minute vacations before schools are back in session. While we have also been balancing work and fun, July is still a busy month for us here at ROISG and the opportunities are endless!

As we approach August we are looking forward to continuing to help our clients and to connecting with more top talent. ROISG is always here to help with any of your hiring, training, or outplacement, and consulting needs. We hope to hear from you soon. 

Best wishes, 

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to ROI Search Group!

In case you missed it, we highlighted some of our noteable achivements as we celebrated our 5 year anniversary on June 17th in the video linked below. 

Upcoming Speaking Engagements 

We hope to see you at these upcoming conferences.

Learn More

Join Stacey McCreery, Patti Medvescek, and Angela Walker, for their breakout session: 

Crucial Leadership: Managing Staff Burnout, Retention, and Recruitment

Learn More

Join Stacey McCreery for her session: 

Securing and Retaining the Best Talent: Creating a Strategy and Culture to Attract and Retain Staff

Congratulations to the ROISG Team! 

Our team has recently placed top candidates in many diverse roles.

Contact us today with your next opportunity. 

Explore some of our open recruitments:

All Open Recruitments

Next Level Training

You could be eligible for our grant funded training program. 

Find out more

Management Matters 

Stacey McCreery contributes to this NAHRI article by giving advice for managers to ensure that important processes that benefit their organization and their employees stay in place and efficient in a remote work environment.

Read More Here

Anna’s 18-Hole Challenge

We are thrilled to be a sponsor again this year for Anna's Celebration of Life Golf Event. Proceeds generated from this event will provide life-enhancing gifts to Indiana children with special needs.

We hope that you will consider participating! 

Learn More

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