
Picture Week is May 2-5th

Dear Fabulous FootNotes Families, 

Picture week is just around the corner! 

The dates for Picture Days are Monday, May 2nd thru Thursday, May 5th. A schedule of class picture times has been emailed, is posted and can be found below. You must come at your class's scheduled PHOTO time for the group picture. It is not necessarily the same time as your weekly class time. 

There will be NO CLASSES the week of pictures! 

  • Attendance is mandatory for all students as these are the class group pictures that go in the recital program as well as on the wall composite. Please inform us if you know you will not be able to attend for any reason. You are not required to purchase anything unless you would like to be posed for an individual during your class's time slot. You can make a deposit online, starting Friday, at (releveaway.com/fninfo) to have an individual photo taken of your dancer in costume!
  • Arrive on time. We've got a tight schedule to stick to and there are no make up picture times.
  • Students should arrive in FULL COSTUME. This means required tights and shoes and HAIRSTYLE. You received an email with a picture of each of your class's costumes and the listed REQUIRED tights and shoes, as well as hairstyle. The model's hairstyle that is in the picture of the costume is NOT the required hairstyle. Please refer to the list on that page for the requirements for that class that was emailed to you or you can find it at the front desk.
  • You can see some examples of our hairstyles HERE and HERE
  • Be sure all of your costume pieces are labeled. 
  • We carry all required shoes and tights except for hip hop class sneakers. If your child does not have the correct tights, we will give them a pair and bill your account. 
  • Acro students need footless, not transitional, tights.
  • Please make sure tights are new and shoes are free of scuffs. 
  • We suggest light makeup for pictures.
  • Remove all fingernail and toe polish.
  • All CLASSES must wear their hair as stated in the listed requirement that is on the costume page that was emailed or you can find it at the front desk. 


Recital Flowers and Trophies will be available for pre-order through The Vibe Performance Company during picture week. 

VISIT releveaway.com/fninfo for all RelevePHOTO info
