FunD Lunch
February 15, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
MHC Lunchroom
You are all invited to participate in the FunD Committee’s Indoor Picnic! On Wednesday, Feb. 15, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm the committee will have hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, along with all of your favorite cookout snacks available. Stop by the MHC lunchroom to grab a box lunch.
Do you work outside of MHC? Get together with your coworkers to place an order by emailing Gordon Peterman. Your order will be ready for pickup on the day of.
Thank you to our frozen food truck partners for helping collaborate on this FunD lunch!
There is no firm cost to participate in the lunch, but donations are certainly needed to support the FunD Committee. You can bring cash to the lunch or donate using one of our electronic payment platforms:
Venmo: Send a donation to @HealthWest
Cashapp: Send a donation to $HealthWest
PayPal: Send a donation to @HealthWest or (remember to send via "friends and family")
Cash or Check: Make out to HealthWest and bring to the picnic.