Hi ,

Whether it's walking to the park, a friend's house or preparing your children to walk to and from school, it's important to equip your children with everything they need to know to be safe pedestrians. Our brand new WalkAlone Program is perfect for preteens who would like to take that next step. It takes them through the whole process of getting ready to walk alone and makes sure they have thought through potential scenarios and are fully prepared.

Keep reading for more information on our WalkAlone Program and for information on our summer CycleSafe Workshops. And don't forget - our RoadSMARTS 4 Kids - Road Safety Resources Page has many free activities and DIY workshops available to help prepare kids of all ages for their trips back to school!

The Ottawa Safety Council

PS - Do you know someone who would benefit from our newsletter? If so, forward them this newsletter and encourage them to sign up by clicking here.
Our new WalkAlone program is designed to help parents and educators determine if a child is ready to start walking some places on their own and prepare them to do so safely by covering concepts such as readiness, judgement and decision making, road safety rules, people smarts, safe zones, emergency preparedness, and safe route planning.

WalkAlone covers essential confidence boosters like:
  • Road Safety Rules
  • Decision-making scenarios
  • Dealing with strangers and staying safe in public areas
  • Safe route planning
  • Dealing with emergencies

The package challenges kids to think about why they want to walk alone, how they are going to make it happen safely, and what they’ll do if anything does not go according to plan. It wraps up with a readiness checklist, ensuring that all their bases are covered. They’ll feel prepared – and you’ll feel much more confident about them heading out on their own.

It's not too late to sign up for an Ottawa Safety Council’s CycleSafe workshop! Our CycleSafe workshops focus on essential safety concepts that will increase children’s safety awareness, equipping them with the knowledge they will need to face the realities of sharing our roads while cycling. These modules are designed to compliment other cycling courses/camps your child(ren) may be a part of by really emphasizing road safety concepts that are critical for children to keep themselves safe while sharing our roads.

Module 1 – Getting Rollin’
Grade 1 / Ages 5–7

Module 2 – Predictable Pedaling
Grade 3-4, Ages 7-9

Module 3 Safely Navigating
Grade 5-6, Ages 10-14

Upcoming Workshop Dates and Locations:
August 10th - Colonnade BridgePort, Vacant Lot
August 16th - St. Patrick's High School

We are already busy planning for the 2022-2023 school year! We are seeking to bring in more community-minded, dedicated individuals to our Crossing Guard Team. 

If you're interested in learning how you can work in your community or for more information on this rewarding employment opportunity, visit: https://www.ottawasafetycouncil.ca/crossing-guard-program/  
or reach out to Stephanie, our Recruiter!