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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
Coronavirus Information and Resources
SEIA is closely monitoring the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), its impact on the American workforce and effects to the global supply chain. They have created a landing page on their website which will be kept up-to-date with information as they receive it, including news articles, anticipated supply chain impacts, SEIA event cancellations, and more. You can find it
and may wish to bookmark it for reference.
AriSEIA has put our networking events on hold for now, so we will keep you posted on when this changes.
Please continue to follow us on
for news and updates. We hope all of our members and their families stay safe throughout this pandemic. Here's a good
on coping with Coronavirus anxiety if you're feeling edgy.
ACC Renewable Energy Workshop Update
The REST Workshop was held at Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) March 10th and 11th with two full days of presentations and public comments. You can view the March 10th video
and March 11th
There was also
this coverage
by KJZZ.
We will keep you updated on the progress of these Standards.
AriSEIA Hires New Executive Director:
Our board is happy to announce we have hired a new executive director who will be starting within the next 2 weeks! Stay tuned to the next newsletter for our introduction.
SRP Board Elections:
SRP will hold Board Elections on April 7, 2020.
Click here
to fill out an electronic form to request a ballot.
Click here
for more SRP election information. To learn more about how to vote in the election, check out this
from AriSEIA member company, SunHarvest Solar.
TEP Interconnection Rules Violations:
Last month, we sent an email out to all AriSEIA members informing them about updates regarding TEP Interconnection Rules violations,
and how to add a complaint to
the docket in order to be sure that the ACC sees complaints from all individuals who wish to make them! If you did not receive this email,
click here
for information, and how to file a complaint.
APS General Rate Case:
AriSEIA is still looking for members to join our APS General Rate Case Steering Committee! If you're interested, please contact
Brandon Cheshire
with any questions.
- March 24th & 25th - ACC Open Meeting
- April 7th - SRP Board Elections. Click here to learn more.
- April 14 & 15 - ACC Open Meeting
Local and National Updates
Forward-thinking US states charge ahead on energy storage
In the US, energy storage has quickly become a featured issue among legislative and regulatory discussions across the country.
FERC takes steps to modernize PURPA, but will it do more harm than good?
In the wake of a rapidly evolving renewable energy industry, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is taking steps to modernize the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA).
Arizona renewable standards provided jobs, better environment, study says
Arizona's renewable energy standards have done a lot to bring solar power to the state, but a report released Tuesday has found the requirements have boosted job creation, clean air and water as well.
Other Things We're Reading
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday
- If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion.
- If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs: Robert Neifert and/or Court Rich
Become an AriSEIA Member or Renew Today!
Now is the perfect time to renew or become an AriSEIA member! AriSEIA membership comes with various benefits, including access to industry resources and events, visibility and promotion for your organization, opportunities to participate in innovative policy efforts, and so much more.
If you are already a member and want to renew,
click here
If you are not yet a member,
click here
to learn more about our membership levels and how you can join us in advancing solar and storage in sunny Arizona! To become a member, join online or
contact us
Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:
3111 N. Central Ave., Suite A-105
Phoenix, AZ 85012
or for your convenience:
AriSEIA's Referral Plan - you can save on your annual dues!
We are offering members a 10% discount for each company or organization you bring to AriSEIA. Here's how it works:
- Talk to your solar or related company, such as your suppliers, professional services, or associate industry companies, etc.
- Email President Brandon Cheshire.
- We will do the rest and send you your discounted invoice for the following year, along with our sincere thank you!
Bring in a new member and receive a 10% credit for each new member (up to 3) towards your annual AriSEIA Membership Dues! You can
while you help AriSEIA help you!
See what's happening on our social sites: