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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
May 21, 2020
Dear AriSEIA Members,

I want to share with you a quick elections update as it pertains to the Arizona Corporation Commission. 

Earlier this month, current Corporation Commissioner Boyd Dunn – R, appealed a Superior Court decision to toss more than 100 signatures deemed forged from his nominating petitions. On May 13, 2020, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s ruling disqualifying Commissioner Dunn from the ballot. The courts additionally removed political newcomer Nick Myers - R from the ballot. 

On May 14, 2020, another Republican candidate running for a commission seat was removed. Kim Owens candidacy survived an initial challenge to her nominating petitions by only eight signatures, however, the Arizona Supreme Court reversed the lower courts decision and disqualified her from the ballot. 

Currently, the Republicans hold a four to one majority on the Commission, with three of the seats up for election. With the court’s rulings last week, that leaves two Republican candidates remaining on the ballot and three Democratic candidates on the ballot. Only one individual running is an incumbent, Commissioner Lea Marquez Peterson – R, who was appointed by Governor Doug Ducey to the seat in 2019. 

The other candidates that remain on the ballot are Eric Sloan – R, Tolleson, Mayor Anna Tovar – D, former Corporation Commissioner Bill Mundell - D and Shea Stanfield – D, a former member of the Cave Creek Town Council. 

Though it is possible for the Republicans to run a write-in candidate, legally it cannot be Owens, Dunn or Myers. The candidate would need to receive the same number of votes as the minimum number of signatures required for the ballot, in this case 6,663 signatures. 

With only two Republican candidates remaining on the ballot, not including a write in candidate, this means that the political split will be at the very least three Republican/two Democratic members, with the potential for the commissions majority to flip to Democrat control. 

Please stay tuned for upcoming election information as developments occur. 

At your service, 
Nicole LaSlavic
AriSEIA Executive Director 
New Report from SEIA: COVID-19 Impacts on the U.S. Solar Industry

SEIA has released a report examining the impacts of coronavirus on the solar workforce. The analysis shows the solar industry has lost 65,000 workers as a direct result of COVID-19, down from original forecasts that projected the industry would add more than 50,000 jobs by June 2020. We encourage you to read the report , and urge our leaders to take policy action to #SaveSolarJobs. 
SEIA COVID-19 Impact Survey

Thank you to those who have responded to the COVID-19 impact survey. Please continue to fill it out if your situation has changed or you are just starting to feel the impacts of this crisis. Your responses help SEIA (and AriSEIA) advocate more effectively on behalf of our workers and businesses.
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AriSEIA Updates
AriSEIA Member Toolkit:
If you are an AriSEIA member and did not receive the Member Toolkit, please contact Stacey to request the link. The toolkit contains assets you can use to promote your involvement in the organization, share the work we're doing, invite others to join, and more. The toolkit also includes important links and information for members, like details on dues and our referral plan. Thanks for helping us advance solar + energy storage in sunny Arizona!

APS General Rate Case:
AriSEIA is still looking for members to join our APS General Rate Case Steering Committee! If you're interested, please contact Court Rich with any questions.

"Top Solar Contractors" 2020 Applications Open Now - Deadline is May 22 :
Attention AriSEIA members! Applications are open for the Solar Power World's Top Solar Contractors list for 2020. The application and instructions on how to apply can be found here .
Notable Dates:
  • TBD - AriSEIA Virtual Meeting Series

  • May - June - The Arizona Commerce Authority launched a small business boot camp collective and has a number of useful free webinars which you can find here.

  • June 10 & 11 - ACC Open Meeting

  • July 14 & 15 - ACC Open Meeting
Local and National Updates
COVID-19 Erases Five Years of Solar Job Growth
New analysis shows that the U.S. solar industry will employ 114,000 fewer workers by June 2020, compared to previous forecasts that projected the industry would employ 302,000 Americans over the same time period. With an expected workforce of 188,000 people, this job loss will take the industry back to 2014 levels as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
Direct cash payments for solar projects floated as a legislative solution
Some solar developers believe that a direct cash payments solution could keep solar projects on track and help developers monetize the ITC in the event that tax equity financing dries up. Because of Covid-19, banks have increased their credit loss reserves in preparation for hard times. Although prudent, bulking up loss reserves reduces banks’ profits.
Biggest Power Demand Plunge Since Great Depression Is Reshaping Markets
The global plunge in electricity demand will drag on long after nations lift stay-at-home orders, leading to the biggest annual drop since the Great Depression and fundamentally reshaping power markets.
Other Things We're Reading
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AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 
  • If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion.
  • If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs: Robert Neifert and/or Court Rich
Become an AriSEIA Member or Renew Today!
Now is the perfect time to renew or become an AriSEIA member! AriSEIA membership comes with various benefits, including access to industry resources and events, visibility and promotion for your organization, opportunities to participate in innovative policy efforts, and so much more.

If you are already a member and want to renew, click here . If you are not yet a member, click here to learn more about our membership levels and how you can join us in advancing solar and storage in sunny Arizona! To become a member, join online or contact us .

Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:

3111 N. Central Ave., Suite A-105
Phoenix, AZ 85012

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