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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
December 3, 2020
Dear Membership,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Jake Bastian and John Mitman to the AriSEIA Board of Directors.

Jake Bastian is the co-founder and President of Icon Power, a solar company specializing in lowering the electric bills of homeowners and businesses. After initially starting in Phoenix, Icon Power quickly expanded and now has sales and operations in Phoenix, Tucson, and Las Vegas. Icon Power was recently honored by Phoenix Business Journal ACE Awards as the 5th-fastest growing company in Arizona.

John Mitman is a long-time Arizona resident and participant in the energy industry, originally in the capacity of a mechanical engineer for a family business, and since 2010 as an employee of a growing commercial solar development firm specializing in the development of K-12 and commercial PV projects. He currently serves as Veregy’s Director of Distributed Generation responsible for strategic growth and development of the national business unit. 

“Both Jake and John's experience and knowledge of the solar energy industry brings great strength to the Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association and I am pleased to see them join the board and continue to drive the association forward,” stated Court Rich, AriSEIA Vice President. “They join the board at an exciting time, and we are confident they will provide valuable perspectives as AriSEIA continues to advocate on behalf of the solar industry.”

The two new members join existing board members Court Rich (Vice President), Sara Birmingham (Secretary), Luke Alm (Treasurer), Mark Holohan (Board Member), and Jessica Reinhardt (Board Member).

AriSEIA’s mission is to develop and support policies which create opportunities to advance Arizona’s economy through solar energy and storage. AriSEIA advocates for sustainable job creation in deployment of solar, storage and complementary technologies, and collaborates with all stakeholders to encourage utilization of Arizona’s greatest natural resource, the sun. 

At your service,
Nicole LaSlavic 
AriSEIA Executive Director
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Join the Team: Serve on the AriSEIA Board of Directors
Members, we need you!

With the new year quickly approaching, it is once again time to nominate individual members that would like to serve on the AriSEIA Board of Directors. If you are interested in crafting and supporting good public policies that allow the solar industry to flourish, now is the time.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, the process is simple. Please send our Executive Director, Nicole, an email at Nicole@ariseia.org declaring your interest, including a bio and statement as to why you wish to run for a Board position. The nomination period will close at Midnight on January 1, 2021. Once the nomination period has closed, the Elections Committee will announce the accepted nominations. Our membership will then vote at our annual membership meeting, the date of which is still to be determined. 

We look forward to your nomination submissions, and if there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 
Solar+Storage Industry Updates
SEIA: Meeting the Climate Moment With a 100-Day Agenda for Solar

Last week, SEIA shared a vision for the next decade calling for solar to represent 20% of all U.S. electricity generation by 2030 and outlining important agenda goals for the country. Learn more here.
Notable Dates:
  • December 3 - Webinar: How could a Biden administration affect U.S. Energy?

  • December 7 - SRP Agricultural Improvement and Power District Board Meeting. Agenda here.

  • December 8 & 9 - ACC Open Meeting. Agenda here.

  • December 11 - Arizona's Second Annual Transportation Electrification Forum. Register here. Agenda here.

  • December 14 - APS Rate Case Telephonic Public Comment. Docket here.
Local and National Updates
How to Take Advantage of the Solar Investment Tax Credit Before It’s Gone
American families, businesses, and communities are all going solar because it saves them money and adds predictability during these difficult times. In addition to generating local tax revenue, solar cuts electricity costs. This can help small businesses stay afloat and can help schools direct funds to teacher salaries and classroom upgrades.
Arizona makes history electing first two Latina statewide candidates
For the first time in Arizona's history, two Latina candidates have been elected to statewide office. In January, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) will seat Anna Tovar and incumbent Lea Marquez Peterson to the five-person board that regulates investor-owned utilities, railroads, pipelines, and securities in the state. Tovar, a Democrat, is finishing her term as the first female mayor of her hometown Tolleson. 
Sunrun study finds nearly 40% of homeowners more interested in backup power due to outages during COVID
Sunrun released a study that found COVID-19 has increased energy consumption for the majority of homeowners, causing unique challenges in the event of a power outage. The increased reliance on the home as a place to work and do schooling has led to a surge in power needs, with 62% of homeowners agreeing the coronavirus has increased demand for electricity.
Other Things We're Reading
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AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 

  • If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: media@ariseia.org.
  • If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs: Robert Neifert and/or Court Rich
Become an AriSEIA Member or Renew Today!
Now is the perfect time to renew or become an AriSEIA member! AriSEIA membership comes with various benefits, including access to industry resources and events, visibility and promotion for your organization, opportunities to participate in innovative policy efforts, and so much more.

If you are already a member and want to renew, click here. If you are not yet a member, click here to learn more about our membership levels and how you can join us in advancing solar and storage in sunny Arizona! To become a member, join online or contact us.

Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:

7144 E. Stetson Dr., Suite 300
Scottsdale, AZ 85251 

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