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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
July 29, 2020
Dear members, we need you!

As a leader in the solar industry and a member of AriSEIA, you are well aware of the importance of crafting and supporting good public policies that allow the solar industry to flourish. Now, more so than ever, it is important to step up to the plate and lend your talents, knowledge and leadership. 

AriSEIA is looking to fill two positions on our Board of Directors. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, the process is simple. Please send me an email at Nicole@ariseia.org  declaring your interest in the Board position by August 14, 2020 . Include a short bio and why you would like to serve on the Board. A Board position may potentially include a leadership role. If a leadership position is also of interest, please let me know that as well.

Lastly, the rest of the Board and I would like to thank both Brandon Cheshire and Jim Mapstead for their many years of dedication to the AriSEIA Board of Directors. Most recently, Brandon served as the association President, dedicating countless hours of service to the association and to the advancement of the solar industry. The work that both Jim and Brandon did for the industry is invaluable, and their presence on the Board will be missed. Collectively, we thank them both and wish them the best. 

Also, tomorrow is a BIG day for our industry, as the ACC will be voting on new proposed Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff (REST) rules. Here's a recent article with the rundown. It's why we're sending out this newsletter tonight and hope you will TAKE ACTION ! More info below.

Don’t forget to email me with your interest in serving on the Board. 

As always - at your service,
Nicole LaSlavic 
AriSEIA Executive Director
AriSEIA Updates
Take Action!!!
The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is considering one of the most forward-looking energy proposals in the country that would spur thousands of jobs and reduce utility rates by enabling homeowners across Arizona to install batteries along with rooftop solar systems. Tomorrow, July 30th, the Commission votes on rules that, if adopted, will make Arizona the national leader in the installation of home batteries and rooftop solar. This policy will create thousands of jobs, support clean energy investment, avoid the construction of millions of dollars of utility infrastructure saving Arizonans millions of dollars, and give Arizona homeowners the power to install the latest technologies to help back up their homes and store their own solar energy. They are voting on this proposal on Thursday, July 30th and need to hear from you !

The ACC’s proposal includes a requirement that 10% of a utility’s annual retail electric sales be derived from customer-owned or customer-leased renewable energy paired with battery storage. This will help more people gain access to solar and batteries and this is what the utilities are trying to stop. Please help urge the commission to adopt this proposal! Push the Commission to continue Arizona’s strong tradition of supporting homeowners who want to generate their own renewable energy. Tell the Commission you support distributed storage and solar that is owned and leased by homeowners!

We would love as many of you to call in for public comments as possible. Here is the agenda with call-in info for tomorrow (Thursday).

 Written public comments may be submitted by mailing a letter referencing Docket No. RU-00000A-18-0284 – to Arizona Corporation Commission, Consumer Services Section, 1200 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, or by submitting comments on the Commission's website ( www.azcc.gov ) using "Cases and Open Meetings" and "Make a Public Comment in a Docket." If you require assistance, you may contact the Consumer Services Section at 602-542-4251 or 1-800-222-7000.
Save Now with our AriSEIA Summer Membership Special!
Now more than ever, the solar+storage industry needs leaders like you to help renewable energy thrive in our sunny state. Sign up to become an AriSEIA member today through August 31 to receive 20% off membership ! Click here to learn more about our various membership levels, and email us at membership@ariseia.org with any questions. 
Election Reminder:
Many important seats will be determined in this year's primaries. To learn about each candidate, visit the Arizona Secretary of State website for information on  federal ,   state , and   legislative  candidates. 

Important Dates for Arizona Primary Election:

  • Last day to vote early in person: July 31, 2020
  • Election Day: August 4, 2020 (voters who do not mail back their ballot by the July 29, 2020 deadline have until 7:00 pm on Election Day to drop of their ballot at their Country Recorder’s Office or any ballot drop-box or voting location in the county)

APS General Rate Case:
AriSEIA is still looking for members to join our APS General Rate Case Steering Committee! If you're interested, please contact Court Rich with any questions.

AriSEIA Member Toolkit:
If you are an AriSEIA member and have not received the Member Toolkit, please contact Stacey to request the link. The toolkit contains assets you can use to promote your involvement in the organization, share the work we're doing, invite others to join, and more. The toolkit also includes important links and information for members, like details on dues and our referral plan. Thanks for helping us advance solar + energy storage in sunny Arizona!
Stay Connected With AriSEIA Online

Like us, follow us, and engage with us on  Facebook Twitter   and  LinkedIn ! We post daily articles of interest, so don't miss out.
Solar Industry Updates
Urge Congress to #RebuildBetter:
Congress is debating another relief package , and we need your help urging them to include smart renewable energy policies to help our nation #RebuildBetter. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to send a message to our nation’s leaders in support of policies that will help save jobs and support solar businesses. Click here for more ways to get involved.

SEIA Summer Webinar Series:
Join SEIA this Friday, July 31, for a discussion on the intersection of energy, justice, and policy. Click here to learn more.
Notable Dates:
  • August 4 - Arizona Primary Election Day

  • August 5 & 6 - ACC Open Meeting. Learn more here.

  • October 21 & 22 - North America Smart Energy Week. Learn more here.
Local and National Updates
Arizona regulatory staff proposes 100% clean energy standard by 2050
Arizona's renewable energy requirements were last set in 2006 at 15% by 2025, and since then utilities in the state have set goals that match, or in some cases exceed, staff's new proposed pace.In June, TEP proposed using solar, wind and energy storage systems to reach 70% renewables by 2035. APS plans to deliver 100% carbon-free energy by 2050, with a near-term target of 45% renewables by 2030.
Republicans Seek to Help Clean Energy in Next Virus Aid Package
Seven Senate Republicans are urging Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to add a host of clean energy incentives including wind, solar, and nuclear power to the next Covid-19 economic recovery bill. The renewable energy sector—struggling amid the pandemic—and its congressional allies say additional support could return hundreds of thousands of workers to clean energy projects. 
Companies urge renewables support in COVID-19 recovery package, but near-term effects in doubt
American corporations want the post-pandemic recovery to be a green recovery, according to a July 21 letter to Congress. Renewable energy could indeed play a role in the recovery from COVID-19, analysts say, but the details of the plan will determine its success.
Other Things We're Reading
See what's happening on our social sites:
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 

  • If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion.
  • If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs: Robert Neifert and/or Court Rich
Become an AriSEIA Member or Renew Today!
Now is the perfect time to renew or become an AriSEIA member! AriSEIA membership comes with various benefits, including access to industry resources and events, visibility and promotion for your organization, opportunities to participate in innovative policy efforts, and so much more.

If you are already a member and want to renew, click here . If you are not yet a member, click here to learn more about our membership levels and how you can join us in advancing solar and storage in sunny Arizona! To become a member, join online or contact us .

Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:

7144 E. Stetson Dr., Suite 300
Scottsdale, AZ 85251 

or for your convenience: