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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
- Tue. June 11th - Wed. June 12th - Arizona Corporation Commission Open Meeting Click here to learn more.
- Tue. June 18th - AriSEIA June networking event at O.H.S.O. Brewery. RSVP here.
- Oct. 8th - Oct. 10th - AriSEIA's 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference.
Not a Goodbye: A Note from Lucy Mason
It is with both sadness and excitement I share the news with you that I’m stepping away from my Executive Director position with AriSEIA. It has been such an honor leading the organization during such a critical time for the advancement of solar and renewable energy technologies in Arizona, and I couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve accomplished. I’m very excited about what lies ahead though, and will continue to consult with AriSEIA to keep this ball rolling forward in a meaningful way. I am ready for my next chapter, as well as working with many of you in the future, and look forward to seeing you soon!
2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference
Has Been Rescheduled
The 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference has been rescheduled for October 8-10, 2019. The conference programming will be held on Oct. 9 and Oct. 10 in the Arizona Ballroom in the Memorial Union at ASU in Tempe, AZ. Stay tuned for more details!
Interested in being a sponsor?
Click here
to learn more!
We are accepting submissions for speakers/presenters/panelists for the 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference!
AriSEIA Networking Events
Have you stopped by one of our monthly networking events yet?! Every third Tuesday of the month, AriSEIA members (and anyone else interested in advancing renewable energy in Arizona) are invited to join us for food, drinks, and great conversations. Our next networking event will be held on June 18, 2019. We look forward to seeing you there!
Tuesday, June 18 — 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
O.H.S.O. Brewery (4900 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85018)
Check out
our blog
for some of the latest Arizona energy news.
Senators launch bipartisan initiative on long term solutions to expiring energy tax credits
Tax credits have proven effective in jump-starting energy industries and driving adoption of new technology and infrastructure. However, as credits wind down, the renewable energy industry has been gripped by uncertainty in recent years, with federal legislators approving short-term extensions.
Renewable Energy Costs Take Another Tumble, Making Fossil Fuels Look More Expensive Than Ever
The cost of renewable energy has tumbled even further over the past year, to the point where almost every source of green energy can now compete on cost with oil, coal and gas-fired power plants, according to new data released today.
Want to know if California can make zero emissions by 2045? Here's what to watch
California plans to reach 60% renewables by 2030 and a zero emissions economy by 2045 as its investor-owned utilities (IOUs) face wildfires and bankruptcy, new and unproven electricity providers proliferate and customers demand a decentralized energy system. What could go wrong?
Latest Must Read News Articles
The future of solar energy has never been more at risk in Arizona than it is today. Help AriSEIA grow! Join AriSEIA today, and give the solar industry the power it needs to thrive in Arizona.
Are you interested in serving on the AriSEIA board, interning, or volunteering? Contact
b.cheshire@ariseia.org to get involved or learn more.
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday
If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to:
Stacey Champion
If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs:
Sara Birmingham
Court Rich
Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:
PO Box 6358
Glendale, AZ 85312
AriSEIA's Referral Plan - you can save on your annual dues!
We are offering members a 10% discount for each company or organization you bring to AriSEIA. Here's how it works:
- Talk to your solar or related company, such as your suppliers, professional services, or associate industry companies, etc.
- Email President Brandon Cheshire at: b.cheshire@ariseia.org.
- We will do the rest and send you your discounted invoice for the following year, along with our sincere thank you!
Bring in a new member and receive a 10% credit for each new member (up to 3) towards your annual AriSEIA Membership Dues!
You can
Save on your Dues while you
Help AriSEIA help you!
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