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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
Jan. 24, 2019
Notable Dates/Events:
  • Fri. Jan. 25th - Special open meeting at the Arizona Corporation Commission. Agenda can be found here.
  • Tue. Feb. 19th - AriSEIA Networking Event. Click here for more information.
  • Mon. Feb. 18th - Wed. Feb. 20th - Smart Energy Summit: Engaging the Consumer in Austin, Texas. Click here for more information.
  • Tue. Feb. 26th - Thu. Feb.- 28th - GreenBiz19. Click here for more information and registration.
  • Tue. Mar. 19th - Thu. Mar. 21st - Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit. Click here for more information and registration.
  • Wed. May 8th - Fri. May 10th - AriSEIA “2019 Arizona Energy Future” Conference.
AriSEIA Updates
Recycling Solar PV
We are excited to announce new association pricing for end-of-life solar panel recycling locally in Tucson, in partnership with Recycle PV Solar !

Recycle PV Solar is dedicated to keeping solar products out of landfills. The company repairs and reuses modules and puts them back into use elsewhere. They are currently accepting standard mono crystalline and poly crystalline panels for processing. Learn more about pricing here .

Learn more at www.recyclepvsolar.com . AriSEIA members are welcome to reach out to our contact, Jeff D. Brown, directly at jeff@recyclepvsolar.com .
Save the Date!
May 8-10
AriSEIA “2019 Arizona Energy Future” Conference
Stay tuned for more details.
Thanks to everyone who joined us at our January networking meeting!
Click here for details on our upcoming networking event on Tuesday, Feb. 19th.
Arizona Updates
  Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Updates  
This week, Commissioners preliminarily approved a set of rules that will set standards for interconnection of distributed generating systems. In other news, Tucson Electric Power’s energy efficiency plan is still waiting for a vote. Additionally, Commissioners Sandra Kennedy filed two requests for new dockets related to APS.

Salt River Project (SRP) Updates
SRP has begun their new public pricing process to consider a proposed overall average annual price decrease of 2.2%. Customers can submit comments questions and feedback about the proposed pricing changes. 

National Updates
Solar Frontier US Power Development Business Expands Via Acquisitions

Solar Frontier Americas, the US solar development business of Japanese energy major Showa Shell Sekiyu, expects to double its US-based portfolio to 2 gigawatts in the next couple of years.

New Jersey advances first community solar pilot to power 45K homes

The pilot will set aside 40% of the overall program's capacity to serve low- and moderate-income customers, to ensure wider access to solar power. 

Race is on by Michigan utilities to end coal use

Consumers' goal is for 43 percent renewable by 2040; DTE has 25 percent by 2030, but is expected to up that amount when it issues report to Michigan Public Service Commission in late March.

Latest Must Read News Articles
The future of solar energy has never been more at risk in Arizona than it is today. Help AriSEIA grow! Join AriSEIA today, and give the solar industry the power it needs to thrive in Arizona.
Are you interested in serving on the AriSEIA board, interning, or volunteering? Contact b.cheshire@ariseia.org to get involved or learn more.
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 
If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion .
If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs:
Sara Birmingham 

Court Rich
AriSEIA's Referral Plan - you can save on your annual dues!

We are offering members a 10% discount for each company or organization you bring to AriSEIA. Here's how it works:

  1. Talk to your solar or related company, such as your suppliers, professional services, or associate industry companies, etc.
  2. Email Executive Director Lucy Mason at: lucy@ariseia.org or call: 928.925.3671.
  3. We will do the rest and send you your discounted invoice for the following year, along with our sincere thank you!

Bring in a new member and receive a 10% credit for each new member (up to 3) towards your annual AriSEIA Membership Dues!

 You can Save on your Dues while you
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