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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
May 16, 2019
Notable Dates/Events:

  • Tue. May 21st - Wed. May 22nd - Arizona Corporation Commission Open Meeting Click here to learn more.
  • Tue. June 18th - AriSEIA June networking event. Stay tuned for more details!
  • Oct. 8th - Oct. 10th - AriSEIA's 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference.
AriSEIA Updates
2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference Has Been Rescheduled
The 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference has been rescheduled for October 8-10, 2019. The conference programming will be held on Oct. 9 and Oct. 10 in the Arizona Ballroom in the Memorial Union at ASU in Tempe, AZ. Stay tuned for more details!

Interested in being a sponsor? Click here to learn more!
We are accepting submissions for speakers/presenters/panelists for the 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation, Technology & Economic Opportunity Conference!
Welcome, Alpha Technologies Services!
AriSEIA Networking Events
Thanks to everyone who joined us at our May networking event earlier this week! Our June networking event will be held on June 18, 2019. Stay tuned for more details, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Arizona Updates
  Arizona Energy Updates  
From important updates to SRP rates and residential solar installer applications, to upcoming ACC decisions, read this blog for some of the latest Arizona energy news.

National Updates
SEIA: There are now more than 2 million solar installations in the country 

Affordable, reliable solar power is a real and growing part of our nation’s energy mix, a transformation that is bringing savings, creating jobs, reducing harmful pollution, and building a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

Solar groups call for more inclusive hiring methods to improve diversity

The solar industry needs to adopt more inclusive recruiting practices in order to improve the diversity of its largely white and male workforce, according to a report released Monday by two leading industry groups.

Senate Democrats push tax code overhaul to streamline clean energy incentives

Democrats in the U.S. Senate want to streamline portions of the tax code relevant to renewable energy, to "level the playing field," as one co-sponsor put it. But according to a non-profit libertarian think tank, the bill is biased against fossil fuels.

Latest Must Read News Articles
The future of solar energy has never been more at risk in Arizona than it is today. Help AriSEIA grow! Join AriSEIA today, and give the solar industry the power it needs to thrive in Arizona.
Are you interested in serving on the AriSEIA board, interning, or volunteering? Contact b.cheshire@ariseia.org to get involved or learn more.
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 
If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion .
If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs:
Sara Birmingham 

Court Rich
Membership Dues
Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:

PO Box 6358
Glendale, AZ 85312


AriSEIA's Referral Plan - you can save on your annual dues!

We are offering members a 10% discount for each company or organization you bring to AriSEIA. Here's how it works:

  1. Talk to your solar or related company, such as your suppliers, professional services, or associate industry companies, etc.
  2. Email Executive Director Lucy Mason at: lucy@ariseia.org or call: 928.925.3671.
  3. We will do the rest and send you your discounted invoice for the following year, along with our sincere thank you!

Bring in a new member and receive a 10% credit for each new member (up to 3) towards your annual AriSEIA Membership Dues!

 You can Save on your Dues while you
Help AriSEIA help you!
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