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AriSEIA's News You Can Use
Mar. 7, 2019
From the Desk of Executive Director Lucy Mason

AriSEIA hit the ground running in 2019! We have planned an aggressive schedule of meetings with State Legislators, Arizona Corporation Commissioners and staff, SRP, and regulated utilities to represent AriSEIA members on rate setting, interconnection rules, and other renewable energy legislative bills and actions. You will see legislative alerts to keep you informed and we invite you to attend and/or contribute to important meetings.

Legislative Alerts:
This year, we will be sending you legislative alerts and who to contact with your concerns. PLUS, in order to better serve you, our members, we are actively seeking your input on any repercussions you may be experiencing from last year’s ACA Tax Sunset bill. We are currently trying to chase down all the particulars.

Monthly Networking events:
Our next networking event is at Ocotillo in midtown Phoenix on Tuesday, March 19th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.  RSVP here . These networking events are proving to be a fun way to meet fellow members, bring new potential members, exchange contact information, discuss important issues, or just come and enjoy the hors d’oeuvres with solar friends.

AriSEIA Solar Legislative Day:
The AriSEIA Solar Legislative Day at the State Capitol is taking place on Tuesday, April 2nd from 11:00am to 2:00pm. We will be in the Rose Garden mingling and serving ice cream to the legislators. This is an important opportunity to be introduced to House Representatives and Senators from the floor and have an opportunity to speak one on one with our elected officials.

2019 Arizona Energy Future Conference: Innovation, Technology, and Economic Opportunity - May 8-10:
Save the date! The 2019 Arizona Energy Future Conference will be held May 8-10 at the ASU Student Pavilion in Tempe, AZ. We're currently creating an impressive list of speakers and panelists along with time for dynamic interactive discussions with energy industry experts, policy leaders, and attendees. Stay tuned for more details coming soon, as well as a call for presenters & panelists!

Your input is important to help us represent you and your business interests. Please contact me with any ideas or needs at:  lucy@ariseia.org . I look forward to seeing you soon! 

Click here to learn more!
Notable Dates/Events:

  • Thu. Mar. 14th - Fri. Mar. 15th - Electric Vehicles Stakeholder meeting at the Arizona Corporation Commission. Click here for agenda.
  • Tue. Mar. 19th - Thu. Mar. 21st - Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit. Click here for more information and registration.
  • Tue. Apr. 2nd - Legislative Solar Day at the Arizona Capitol.
  • Tue. Apr. 16th - Thu. Apr. 18th - ESA's Energy Storage Conference & Expo in Phoenix. Click here to register.
  • Wed. May 8th - Fri. May 10th - AriSEIA “2019 Arizona Energy Future” Conference.
  • Tue. May 14th - Wed. May 15th - 2019 Solar Summit in Scottsdale. Click here to register.
AriSEIA Updates
Legislative Solar Day at the AZ Legislature
AriSEIA is sponsoring a Legislative Solar Day at the Capitol! Join our Board and members to discuss the future of solar energy in our sunny state.
What: Legislative Solar Day
When: April 2nd, 11:00 am - 2:00pm
Where: Arizona State Capitol (Rose Garden)
AriSEIA Networking Event
Join us for our free networking event on Tuesday, March 19th. The networking event will begin at 5 p.m. Appetizers will be provided, and drinks can be purchased at the bar. This event is open to existing members, as well as anyone interested in renewable energy advancement in Arizona.
Cost:  Free
What:  AriSEIA Networking Event
When:  Tuesday, March 19th — 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Where:  Ocotillo Restaurant, 3243 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85012
Congrats to Sunny Energy!
Sunny Energy was named Q. PARTNER of the month!

Sunny Energy is a residential/commercial installer in Tempe, Arizona and a proud member of AriSEIA. They have been a Q. PARTNER since Sept. 5, 2018 and had the highest acquired Q. POINTs for February.
Save the Date!
May 8-10
AriSEIA “2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation and Technologies” Conference
Join AriSEIA for the 2019 Arizona Energy Future: Innovation and Technologies Conference May 8th-10th! We’re working to make Arizona a leader in solar energy technology and innovation, and we invite you to join the vanguard of the solar revolution. Follow the link below to learn more.
Membership Dues
2018 AriSEIA Membership Dues Are Due!
Please Pay Your Invoice Today!
Send your AriSEIA Membership check to:

PO Box 6358
Glendale, AZ 85312


Arizona Updates
  Arizona Energy Updates  
SRP rate setting hearings, Arizona Corporation commission updates, and more! Check out this week’s roundup of Arizona energy news.

National Updates
Hanwha Q CELLS completes 1.7-GW panel assembly facility in Georgia

The facility is the largest of its kind in the Western Hemisphere with an annual module production capacity of 1.7 GW. The first delivery of Q.PEAK DUO L-G5 modules was recently executed after the Georgia factory commenced production on Feb. 1.

NV Energy offers renewable energy rate for commercial customers

NV Energy filed additional information with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) about the Nevada GreenEnergy Rider (NGR 2.0) that makes available more than a million megawatt hours of renewable energy resources for large commercial customers such as casinos and government entities. This offering will reduce the cost most eligible commercial customers pay for electric service.

Community solar clears first hurdle in New MexicoSolar project, with more than a half-million panels, proposed for private and state lands near Columbia River

One of the Northwest’s most ambitious solar projects has been proposed for 1,700 acres of private and public land in Klickitat County near the Columbia River, where Bonneville Power Administration lines following the waterway could carry the electricity to Western Washington.

Latest Must Read News Articles
The future of solar energy has never been more at risk in Arizona than it is today. Help AriSEIA grow! Join AriSEIA today, and give the solar industry the power it needs to thrive in Arizona.
Are you interested in serving on the AriSEIA board, interning, or volunteering? Contact b.cheshire@ariseia.org to get involved or learn more.
AriSEIA's News You Can Use Published Every Other Thursday 
If you have news or announcements you think should be included in the newsletter (space permitting), please send by email to: Stacey Champion .
If you are interested in volunteering on the policy committee, please contact the co-chairs:
Sara Birmingham 

Court Rich
AriSEIA's Referral Plan - you can save on your annual dues!

We are offering members a 10% discount for each company or organization you bring to AriSEIA. Here's how it works:

  1. Talk to your solar or related company, such as your suppliers, professional services, or associate industry companies, etc.
  2. Email Executive Director Lucy Mason at: lucy@ariseia.org or call: 928.925.3671.
  3. We will do the rest and send you your discounted invoice for the following year, along with our sincere thank you!

Bring in a new member and receive a 10% credit for each new member (up to 3) towards your annual AriSEIA Membership Dues!

 You can Save on your Dues while you
Help AriSEIA help you!
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