Week of January 6, 2025

Grammar School News

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December 23 - January 6

Christmas Break

January 7

Educator Work Day/Student Holiday

January 8

Students Return from Break

January 10

PTO Spirit Stick Sale

January 11

Prospective Family Open Houses

January 15

Perfect Attendance

Casual Dress Day

January 16

No Dress Code Violations

Casual Dress Day

January 17

National Winnie the Pooh Day

(Hundred Acre Wood Dress Day)

January 20

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

NO School

January 27

Board Meeting

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

January 31

PTO Mother/Son Game Night

Kindergarten - 6th Grade

February 11

Heritage Festival

(Sign Up Below)


New information is highlighted in yellow.

Please note: The announcements are full of great information. The file is rather large and may be "clipped" by your email server. In your Inbox, look below this message for instructions detailing how to view the entire message.

Facility Updates

Please refer to the website for updates on facilities.

Facility Updates

Spring After School Activities Reminders

Just a friendly reminder that Spring Art is only for 1st and 2nd grade students, while there are still openings in Choir for 3rd and 4th grade students.

If you were part of the Chess program and want to keep playing, please email Mr. Hendrick. Those interested in continuing with robotics should reach out to Ms. Brockinton.

Also, remember that all spring payments are due by January 8th, with activities starting on January 13th.

Contact jorsini@aristoiclassical.org for more information.



Dec. 17 - 20

Just a friendly reminder that, since school started a week later than planned, we will NOT have early dismissal days from December 17th to the 20th.

Christmas Break

December 23rd - January 7th

Christmas break is from December 23rd to January 7th, with January 7th designated as an educator work day and a student holiday.

National Winnie the Pooh Day

January 17

Celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day on January 17 by dressing up as your favorite characters from the Hundred Acre Wood!

PTO Mother/Son Game Night

January 31, 2025

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Griffin Center

Join our PTO for a mother/son game night at the Griffin Center on January 31st!

Heritage Festival

February 11, 2025

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Griffin Center

Celebrating classical cultures!

We invite parents to participate by sharing more about your child's family background. Displays can range from simple poster boards to more elaborate presentations featuring toys, items, and games from your family's country of origin.

For more information contact: Mrs. Balestrini


Substitute Teachers Needed!

If you or someone you know is interested in making a positive impact in our classrooms apply today to be an Aristoi Classical Academy substitute teacher.


Parent ASCENDER Portal

Friendly reminder: If you are setting up your alerts in Parent Portal you must also set the notification type. If this is not set up, you will not receive your notifications.

Sign up to be a volunteer and contribute your time and skills in various areas across campus! You will be given the choice to sign up for multiple volunteer opportunities or you can choose to sign up for just one. Thank you for your time and helping the Aristoi Classical Academy Katy Grammar Campus!

  • Lunch Volunteer
  • Health Screenings
  • Copy Mom
  • Room Parent
  • Book Fair
Sign up to Volunteer!

Sign-Up Below to Join the PTO

Prospective Family Open Houses

January 11, 2025

It's that time of year when we warmly invite prospective families to come explore Aristoi and discover our unique culture, classical education, student life, and much more.

We encourage you to invite your friends, neighbors, and anyone curious about Aristoi and the benefits of classical education!

Here are the Open House schedules for each campus:

Katy Grammar Campus (K-4th)

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Katy Logic & Rhetoric Campus


11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Cypress Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric


9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Please note that these events start on time.

Please send the link and form below to anyone interested in Aristoi Classical Academy!

RSVP for Prospective Family Open House

Yearly Form Packets

The 2024-2025 Ascender Parent Packet Forms are Overdue!

If you have not done so already, please complete these required forms as soon as possible as the deadline has already passed. This is different than the handbook forms.

Click Here for the Yearly Form Packet

The 2025 - 2026 Academic Calendar has been approved by the School Board and is now available. Click the button below to view.

25-26 Academic Calendar

After School Care

The Y makes the most of a child’s after school time by offering active learning opportunities designed to engage and expand young minds. Housed in local schools, YMCA After School Care gives children the opportunity to participate in active play and collaborate on fun projects. However, YMCA After School programs are more than child care. They offer a path with a purpose. Students engage in a variety of structured activities that promote positive social interactions, indoor and outdoor play and reinforce academic learning concepts, as well as lessons in empathy, inclusion, and service learning.

Click here to sign up for the Y After school program at Aristio Classical Academy.

Aristoi Before School Care

Aristoi Before School Care is offered to grades K-12. This program is hosted by Aristoi Classical Academy. Days/Drop-Off Time: Monday-Friday, on or after 6:45 AM Parents are not allowed to drop their students off prior to 6:45 AM.

Drop Off: 5618 Eleventh Street, Katy, TX 77493 for grades K-4th at the Commons, drop off via back of School through black gate.

Registration Fee: $35 per child. Not required if you are enrolled in the After School Program with YMCA and have already paid a $35 registration fee. Proof of enrollment with the YMCA is required.

Please complete the following forms below if interested:

Registration Form

Before School Care Registration Fee

Before School Care Weekly Fee

Free and Reduced Lunch

Please read the Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application information by clicking the button below.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Be Featured: Share Your Photos!

We want to see your school spirit! Please share your school-related photos by emailing marketing@aristoiclassical.org with your scholar's name, grade, the event, and permission to post.

Katy Grammar Daily Absence Form

For every day your student is absent, please fill out the form below to notify our Attendance Clerk and your student's teachers of their absence.

Daily Absence Form

To provide your student with the best experience in art and music, every year Aristoi collects a small fee of $20 for each K - 4th grade student, and $50 for each 5th-12th student. This assists Aristoi in providing:

  • Consumable art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.)
  • Art tools (drawing boards, print-making materials, etc.)
  • Large instruments (typically not provided by students)
  • Consumable instrument supplies (reeds, oils, etc.)
  • Sheet music
  • Materials to construct costumes, sets, and props
  • Field trips (to offset cost)
  • Art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.) 
  • Art tools (printmaking supplies, paint brushes, etc.)
  • Live music and theatre guest performances 
  • Classroom instruments & supplies

If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Business Office.

Fine Arts Fees for K - 4th Grades
Aristoi Classical Academy | 281-391-5003
5610 Morton Road
Katy, TX 77493