Week of August 5, 2024

Logic & Rhetoric News

Athletic and theatre tryouts are here! Now through August 11th is a outstanding PE/Athletic Ordering special sponsored by Booster Club. Don't miss out on the savings! Check the website calendars for details. Logic & Rhetoric families are invited to ABC's Ice Cream Social next week. Please mark these items on your calendar and get ready for a Griffin Great year!

More dress code information is included below. And, don't forget to stock up on Spirit Wear items, too!

Please note that there is so much information included below, that your message may be "clipped" by your email server. If that is the case, please look for a message below the email that says, "Click here to view entire message".

New information is highlighted in yellow.

Visit our Website

First Day of School

August 12th

Are you ready for school?

School supply lists for grades 9-12 will be distributed when school starts.

Community Supply List (Grades 9-12)

August 6th

Parent Only Orientations

Griffin Center

6:00 PM - 7:15 PM - Grades 5 & 6

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Grades 7 - 12

You are invited to drop off your students' Community Supplies during these times as well.

Contact Mrs. Chase for details.

August 9th

Griffin Center

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

New Aristoi Students ONLY Grades 5 - 12

Welcome Griffins! Join in the fun and learn about Aristoi, the campus, dress code, and classical education!

Contact Mrs. Chase for details.

This annual event is sponsored by Aristoi's Booster Club!

The Summer Meals Program begins June 1st!

Click on the button below to read more about this no cost, healthy meal program administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Summer Meals Program

Please check out the website calendar for all Logic & Rhetoric athletic tryout information.

School Board Meeting, August 19th @ 5:30 PM, Aristoi Katy Logic & Rhetoric School, Room F1

Please contact Ms. Miller for details.

All Things Dress Code!

Following are dress code details to make shopping easier. Click on the images below to download the documents.

Please contact the Dean's Office if you have any dress code questions.

Logic Dress Code Details

Rhetoric Dress Code Details

This just in.....

Avoid shipping and taxes by purchasing your PE/Athletics uniform through the Aristoi Katy Booster Club! This ordering window closes August 11th, so place your order today!

Your student's PE/Athletics uniform is delivered to their PE/Athletics class.

Families may still purchase PE/Athletics uniforms through French Toast year-round which ships to your home.

Order PE/Athletic items now!

Aristoi's Preferred Dress Code Vendor

is French Toast

Aristoi families are still able to purchase dress code items at local retail stores, however, Aristoi is streamlining the online dress code vendor to French ToastThe decision to move forward with French Toast is to ensure affordability for all families. French Toast provides official Aristoi-embroidered items as well as non-embroidered options.

French Toast is also carrying our new, official Aristoi plaid, as well as the PE and Athletics dress code items year-round and will deliver them directly to your home.

New requirements have not been added to the 2024-2025 Aristoi Classical Academy dress code. Any items sold exclusively through our former vendor, Flynn O’Hara, such as the plaid skirt or tie for Rhetoric students, are grandfathered in for one year during this transition. Any items removed from the 2024-2025 Dress Code are also grandfathered for one school year. 

Shop at French Toast now!

2024-2025 School Start, Dismissal and Early Release Times

School Start Time

7:55 AM

Dismissal Time

3:20 PM

Early Release

12:20 PM

Stay up to date with Aristoi's Website Calendar!

Aristoi's website calendar has all of the latest and greatest Griffin events and details scheduled for the entire 2024-2025 Academic Year.

You may subscribe to Katy Logic & Rhetoric Events, Katy Grammar Event, or whatever calendar is useful to your family!

Subscribe to the website calendar and download it to your Google, Teams, or iCal app.

Please note: Events are updated as quickly as possible. However, in the event of emergencies, weather-related events, or athletic event changes, there may be delays in information posting to the calendars.

Subscribe to Aristoi's website calendar here!

Student parking spots are available for purchase by seniors! Spots are filled on a first come, first served basis. See the website for further details!

A Note from the Dean of Students

As preparation begins this summer for student attire, student supplies and student accessories, please note that analog watches are the recommended choice if your scholar would like to wear a timepiece accessory.

Click on the button below to read the entirety of Dean Thompson's letter.

Please contact the Dean of Student's Office to discuss the Smartwatch policy as well as Student Parking.

Smartwatch Letter

ABC Community Ice Cream Social, August 16th

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Griffin Cafeteria

Rhetoric School (9-12) School Theatre Auditions

August 21st - 22nd

3:45 PM - 5:30 PM

Contact Ms. Singer for details.

August 21st

Snack Sale

The first Snack Sale of the year is August 21st during all lunch periods.

Volunteer to help or donate items to Aristoi's Booster Club (ABC).

Fall Student Pictures, August 22nd

Mark your calendars for the first pictures of the year with Student Pictures! Information will be sent home with your Griffin.

Dress code attire is mandatory.

Please contact Mrs. Chase if you have questions.

Please click on the button below to learn when and how to access STAAR test results.

For questions, please contact Aristoi's District Testing Coordinator, Mrs. Tiffany Madison.

Access Texas Assessment information here

Please review school immunization requirements to ensure your child is properly immunized for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Note that required immunizations include the 7th grade immunization for Tdap and Meningococcal.

If immunizations are required for your student, you must turn in a copy of your student(s) shot record or a notarized Affidavit for Exemption of Immunizations to Student Care no later than August 12, 2024, the first day of school. Requests for an Exemption of Immunizations can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact your campus Student Care Coordinator, Ms. Sarver (Logic & Rhetoric).

Aristoi Spirit Wear (and other items) are here!

Don't forget to pick up some Aristoi Spirit items as you do your Back to School shopping!

The button below takes you to the Spirit Store!

Shop Aristoi Spirit Items!

Follow Aristoi Classical Academy on Social Media!

Facebook  Instagram  LinkedIn

To provide your student with the best experience in art and music, every year Aristoi collects a small fee of $20 for each K - 4th grade student, and $50 for each 5th-12th student. This assists Aristoi in providing:

  • Consumable art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.)
  • Art tools (drawing boards, print-making materials, etc.)
  • Large instruments (typically not provided by students)
  • Consumable instrument supplies (reeds, oils, etc.)
  • Sheet music
  • Materials to construct costumes, sets, and props
  • Field trips (to offset cost)
  • Art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.) 
  • Art tools (printmaking supplies, paint brushes, etc.)
  • Live music and theatre guest performances 
  • Classroom instruments & supplies

If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Business Office.

Fine Arts Fees for K - 4th Grades
Fine Arts Fees for 5th - 12th Grades

Aristoi Booster Club News

Follow Aristoi Katy Booster Club 

on Social Media!

Follow ABC on various platforms to stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and activities.

Follow ABC on Instagram
Follow ABC on Facebook

Would you like to join our team?

Please email information@aristoiboosterclub.org for details. Your continued support, generosity, and time are always sincerely appreciated!

“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.”

-Helen Dyer

For more information visit the Aristoi Booster Club website or email information@aristoiboosterclub.org.