January | 2025

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Monthly News & Updates from DFFM's Specialized Forestry Programs

Image: A seed ball (a mixture of native seed, clay, and soil) ready to use for restoration efforts.

Cheers to new beginnings!

New Year, New Newsletter Format!

If you've been reading with us for awhile, you may have noticed that our quarterly newsletters were getting a bit.. long. Arizona's Specialized Forestry team has a lot to share!

To avoid information overload, we're trying something new in 2025: a monthly newsletter with one program article per edition, instead of three.

You'll still get the same amount of content from each of our programs: Urban and Community Forestry, Forest Health, and Forest Legacy. However, the articles will be distributed one at a time (monthly), instead of all at once (quarterly). Other information in the newsletter, such as events and resources, will still cover ALL programs, general forestry, and tree-related information each month.

We hope you appreciate this new format. Please reach out with any feedback or suggestions, as we're always looking to improve the sharing of our program updates and information.

In alignment with our efforts to make our newsletter more concise and reader-friendly, this update comes in replacement of a program article this month. Read on for our current program happenings, opportunities for engagement, and more!

Happy New Year and cheers to a tree-riffic 2025!

-Arizona's Specialized Forestry Programs

Urban and Community Forestry, Forest Health, Forest Legacy, and Outreach Programs

Resources, Reads and Engagement

Celebrate Your Urban and Community Forestry Superstars!

Deadline: January 31, 2025

There are so many amazing volunteers, professionals, and partnerships that contributed to our urban and community forests in Arizona in 2024. Please take a moment to share their story and help recognize their work through our annual awards program!

Click here for our Urban and Community Forestry Awards Call

Free Bark Beetle Site Assessments - Happening Now!

Deadline: mid February, 2025

Right now bark beetles are dormant due to colder temperatures. If you think you may have bark beetle activity on your property, this is the ideal time to take action. Reach out to our team for a free site assessment and potential financial assistance.

Learn More and Sign Up

Enhancing Urban and Community Forestry Across the West

Publication and image from the Western Forestry Leadership Coalition

Ten impressive projects made possible by federal investments into Urban and Community Forestry are highlighted in this publication, including the Arizona Arboriculture Pre-Employment Program piloted in Yuma. Check it out!

Read More

Arizona Forestry Legacy Now Accepting Pre-Applications

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Image: The Lower San Pedro River is featured here, showcasing the success of the completed San Pedro River Ecosystem Project. This initiative protects 612 acres of riparian forest through the Arizona Forest Legacy Program. It preserves the river's dynamic natural flows, supports diverse ecosystems, and maintains the ecological balance vital for local wildlife and the surrounding communities.

Arizona’s Forest Legacy Program invites landowners to participate in conserving private forest lands. This initiative offers both conservation easements and direct land purchases to protect forests that provide clean water, wildlife habitat, and recreational spaces, as well as timber and other forest products.

Pre-Application Process: Interested parties should consult the Arizona Forest Legacy Pre-Application Form and resource packet, which provides guidance on the application and program objectives.

For more information, please contact Matthew Jewell, Forest Legacy Program Manager, at mjewell@dffm.az.gov.

About the Program

Arbor Day Foundation Programs: Thank you for your applications!

Thank you to the Tree City USA, Tree Campus and Tree Line participants for your 2024 applications! Next, the state will review applications before they are sent for national review.

If you missed the original deadline for any reason, please reach out. Timara Crichlow, one of our Urban Forestry Specialists, is here to help!

Image: Arizona Tree City USA statistics from 2023.


  • America Walks: Community Change Grant Funding opportunity to increase walkability and physical activity in communities through the support of parks, outdoor spaces, and more - deadline, January 17, 2025.


January Webinars and Classes

  • Self-paced Online: Fruit Tree Root Camp Learn fruit trees basics for the low-desert with this self-paced course from The Urban Farm.

  • January 8: Why Agroforestry in a Warming World Join Southwest Agroforestry Action Network (SWAAN) for a discussion of the role of agroforestry in building resilient agricultural landscapes in a changing climate.

Upcoming Conferences:

Community Events:

  • January 11 & 25: Remove invasive plants and more with Arizona Sustainability Alliance at their Adopt-A-Park Rio Salado events!

Next Up...

Next month, our Forest Health team will share information on the early emerging invasive plants we'll start to see around the state. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

The State of Arizona Urban and Community Forestry Program is made possible with assistance from the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this

institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)

Suggestions or comments? Contact Megan Lasley, Forestry Outreach Coordinator at mlasley@dffm.az.gov

John Richardson, Assistant State Forester - Forestry Programs


(602) 771-1420

Cori Dolan, Deputy Assistant State Forester


(520) 262-5519

LoriAnne Barnett Warren, Specialized Forestry Program Administrator


(602) 399-9447

Megan Lasley, Forestry Outreach Coordinator


(602) 206-9830 

Madeline Burton, Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager


(480) 769-4184

Alison Faller, Urban and Community Forestry Specialist


(602) 739-9763

Timara Crichlow, Urban and Community Forestry Specialist


(480) 978-6551

Aly McAlexander, Forest Health Program Manager


(602) 290-9644

Viri Quinonez, Forest Health Specialist


(480) 349-7585

Mike Juarez, Forest Health Technician



Willie Sommers, Invasive Plant Program Coordinator


(602) 319-6818

Jessi Szopinski, Invasive Plant Program Specialist 


(602) 291-4167

Matthew Jewell, Forest Legacy Program Manager


(520) 260-0476

Wolfgang Grunberg, GIS & Data Supervisor


(602) 399-1886

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